InTheWoods Journal

Palms are sweaty, arms are heavy, barely got the plants trimmed up already. :joy:

This week is hectic from work schedule and my father is getting married this friday. They’ve been together for 15 years now and finally are tying the knot.

Yesterday, I topped all plants in the veg tent. No pictures as they look naked. I wanted to flip on the tomorrow, but since I just topped and stressed them out. I’ll let the plants recover for a week. then flip on the 17th.



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Goood Morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

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Good morning :coffee:

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Mornin fella’s. :yum:


Good morning


Hope you guys had a great day @TopShelfTrees1 @blowdout2269 :sunglasses:

Time to relax and cool down from all that sun today. :sunglasses:

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Good Morning OG :coffee:
Another day in the sun :sunglasses:

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Tiramisu to go with my coffee :yum:

GCP Topped and another one with massive fan leafs.
All Odisha’s topped, Up pot soon.

Very interesting plant, Lateral branches instead of wanting to grow horizontally up towards the light.

Full tent topped, Looking naked.

The Purple Cake and one Lazy lightning are still finicky.
I hope to get them happy this week before flip.


Good morning my brotha, everything looks awesome

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That bud looks great! For real is it called tiramisu? That’s epic my wife loves that shit (Italian)

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That odisha could take over the entire tent.

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Haha yea. First time coming across it. Tastes like ICC/Runtz.
A very nice smoke to keep me going throughout work. :sunny: :sunglasses:

The real tiramisu is awesome, it’s always a great choice for dessert.

I have that same feeling. :grin: I need to get a light for the 5x5. Then I can move those lights I have back into the 3x3. Hopefully I’ll get one within a couple weeks.


Good Morning :sunglasses: :coffee:

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Mixing 1 gallons to feed is tedious. I definitely bite off more than I can chew with this veg tent. :joy:

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Good morning @InTheWoods , hmmm that sounds pretty interesting, very cool

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I find a ton of stuff that tastes the same and or very similar.
The invasion of runtz/ICC/Wedding cake is upon us haha.

Hows your week been brotha?

Not a great shot but does the trick.

Tahoe Animal


Finally, I’m out of trim jail :coffee: :sunglasses:

Full up on trim for the bubble hash run, it should make some wicked blend. 7 different plant trim.

I dont have a scale to get the weights yet. I’d say hit my target of 1 and half oz per plant except Gelazzi.

The Gelazzi smell is really strong of Gelato. I was going to wash the whole plant as i didn’t like the way it looked in late flower.

One of two wild bunnies that I see around the yard. Surprised the hawks haven’t got them yet.

The view from the wedding venue. The weather held off and was a great day.
On those little islands were a bunch of fishermen. You can see their boats at the midpoint the shore in the bottom left between the pines. Wild rip tides out there, crazy ass fisherman haha.


Looks gorgeous! And no doubt those fisherman are nuts, most are lol! Looks like a great harvest! I’m not looking forward to trimming but definitely to having more/fresh bud. And good morning brotha

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