InTheWoods Journal

Well enough I guess. I am dealing with thyroid problems and bone spurs in my neck.


Ouch! Hope all gets better soon, not too familiar with thyroid stuff but I know it’s quite common in todays society. Feel better bro


It is nothing that drugs can not cure. :crazy_face:


Fingers crossed they can figure something out to help your thyroid issues.
Bone spurs in your neck, damn that sounds terrible. Does it already effect your range of motion?


Good, glad to hear that at least :facepunch:t2:


Hurts like hell…and it runs in the family.

Yes it does, funny to see a chef running around a kitchen with his right arm tucked in like a chicken wing.


Damn sorry to hear that brotha.

Hate to laugh but that’s funny. You work as a chef in a kitchen?

I’m pretty beat up from my younger years. From Quadding, dirt biking, playing football and baseball, Bmx a couple years. Getting hit by a car lol. (thats a funny story) Skateboarding for over 15 years now which is wild for me to type out.

I messed up my neck years ago skateboarding trying to avoid my friend’s dog when it jumped up on the mini ramp in his back yard. I bailed to my ass on to the transition but when I landed that sent a shooting pain thru my neck. Took weeks for it to go away. Sucks how the small things really get you messed up.

Fast forward couple months, rushing one afternoon I was trying to dry off quick after a shower and put too much pressure on my head and tweaked it again. Since then, I knew I did something too it. I haven’t got it check out, I’m stubborn.

Every now and then it will creep up and I’ll be pencil necked for a day or two.

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Yes I do, I work in Orlando, Florida and I work for a “Mouse”.


Very cool, I have some experience in kitchens. I enjoy cooking at home.

Last winter, I was working at a local Bagelry that would make them from scratch every morning in the basement bakery.

When I joined the team, It was my first time running the grill. Right off the bat it was chaos. Trail by fire really haha. Breakfast and lunch sandwiches galore.
Started smashing the daily order numbers, day in and day out. It’s very fun to move short order volume.

We hit 780 walk in completed in one 8 hr shift. Not counting the Uber eats/Postmates/Toast tickets as they didn’t tally together. Averaging 2 tickets per min. I don’t think they will break that record anytime soon. The team on the line at the time was a well-oiled machine.

They did a feature I forgot about. Check it out if interested.
Restaurant Road Trip | The Bagelry at Olmo - New Haven, CT | Season 2 | Episode 4 | PBS


Always nice to talk with people in the cooking world. Sad to say the only TV fame I have had so far is helping with “The Chew” at EPCOT a few years back a few months before Mario got into his legal troubles.


I was ducking those camera’s that whole shift haha.

That had to be a fun experience.
How is working there?
I can only imagine the many massive kitchens pumping out literal tons of food.


It had its moments…still better than the time I told Pink to go fornicate with herself.

Been with the company for 11 years now. Good health benefits, pension, 401K, $25/hour pay…I can not complain.

It is worse in the magic kingdom, I refuse to work anything in that area of the WDW property.
We call the magic kingdom the tragic kingdom
The Contemporary I call Suicide point


Thyroid issues are no big deal as I have been on medication for a very long time that controls it, but got to take that medication alone with nothing else for it to work right . Make sure you asked the doctor about that one as I had to get schooled about what I could and couldn’t take with it to be effective. Hope this helps you. Once the medication starts to work you will notice an improvement. Best of luck with the bone spurs my sister has that problem on her heals.

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Still waiting on that part to start. Still in the “Let’s take blood samples to see how it is doing over time.”


haha I bet that felt good. It sounds like a good gig to me but like every job it has its pros n cons.

:joy: dantes inferno but with more levels.

Dante aint got $hi% on the mouse…we have a 1/2 basketball court in the Everest ride at the animal kingdom park. :smiling_imp:

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Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:
Timming begins.

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Morning! :coffee:

Not the timming this early :joy:

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I havent even finished my first cup haha. I have one plant almost done, 4 to go. :sunglasses: :coffee:

I’ve got 2 granddaughters that are 7 and 5 years old that they can’t wait for there dad to take them to hang out with the mouse .
They’ve even asked me if I’d take them to Disney land cause there dad hasn’t yet. Lol