InTheWoods Journal

As of this morning.

A. Possible female.
B. Male - Selected to pollenate the Odisha’s. All branches stored. Culled
C. Male Culled/stored cuts.
D. Female.

A. Female.
B. Possible Female.
C. Male Culled/Stored cuts. Very stout stinky male.
D. Male Culled

Lazy Lightning
A. Female. A beautiful plant, Perfect for the BOG BK Pollen.
B. Unknown ugly duckling.
C. Potential Female. If this plant turns out to be female. I will cull B no matter what.

Royal Procession.
Nothing shown up yet.

Nothing shown up yet.


Good morning!

I just heard about this method and I think it’s such an awesome option for preserving genetics while exploring new strains. What do you think your hold time / success rate would be?

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Good morning :coffee:

My hold time will vary. The Affie male B will stay in the fridge until end of August and is the only stored cuts I will need to succeed when revival comes around so he can pollenate the Odisha’s.
I took the whole plant so 9-10 branches. With it only being a little over a month of storage for them I hope to get over 50% success rate.

All other cuts will stay in storage until end of November. With 3 month + storage it’s more of an experiment. There is a thread about long term storage techniques that is a little more involved. From what has been tested already, You want the branches with the thicker stems for the 3+ month storing.

Here is the thread that gave me the courage to give it a try.


@Budderton affie males are the plants I used as testers when I put that guide together. They worked very well and stored better than other varieties I’ve tried. Best of luck to you with it.


Awesome, I’m glad to hear the affie males are great revivers. As it’s the one that’s really important to this run. The female affies are a bonus.

In the other varieties you’ve have tried, what was the common factor in the unsuccessful or low success rate in storing?
Plant maturity, Thickness of stem, Plants genes, Storing conditions, etc.?

Also wanted to know if the freezer is a viable method with a certain procedure for it to work?

If you have already covered this in your thread, Just let me know and I can go back and read it.

You have great info in your experiments and opened my eyes when I first read it.

In the future, I will try the sterilize/vessel approach. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Good morning brotha man! Looking stellar for sure

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Good morning brotha,

Its feels good when the plan is slowly coming together. Culling those males felt great haha.
I’m slowing adding space back in the tent for the ladies to flourish.
Two weeks out from dusting the Lazy lightning.

The chickens loved the “all you can eat” male salad. :rofl:


Haha I just heard chickens are the best bug killer around! You ever have issues just let ‘em loose in the tent lol

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Oh yea, They’d eat em all and your lower leaves. haha.
They do ruin gardens if you don’t keep them out. Usually only after the season I let them roam in there. It’s a worm gold mine for them.

That would be a funny sight. Have a roost up in the corner of a big 10x10 and the lady patrols up n down the aisle of plants.

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Who needs IPM just throw a chicken or two and a roost. , plus they lollipop for you too, just to their height, perfect! Hey @InTheWoods can I borrow a chicken or two :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Of course you can have a rooster lol

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Bahahaha oh thanks ! Idk about the 5am wake up call

Haha nothing wrong with 5am. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

This morning around 5:30am, I went down to the coop and hear in the distance a rooster cockadodo’ing probably half mile down the road from me. Our rooster must of heard him too and immediately started answering back lol.


Nah, there really isn’t . I used to always be up that early, last year or so not so much, more like 7:30-8:30

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Royal Procession @darkillusion
A is a Male

B is a female

C still unknown.

Lazy Lightning

B is a Male - culled.
C is a female.
Glad to get a second female to pollenate.

Ones that are still remaining to find out are Affie A, Gorilla Cookie Punch B, Royal Procession C, Tomorrow will be the end of the first week of flowering. Hopeful by Friday I will have all the female/males sorted.

The Odishas have yet to show anything yet. They might take longer to show sex.
Sooner or later I will have to up pot them before making them mad. I was trying to hold off on until they shown but playing with fire at the moment.


It’s just my observation but slow growers don’t store well. Star Pupil for example was a very slow grower and did not store well at all. Roughly 20% success when I’m usually averaging about 50% at two months. And for a number of reasons I don’t see freezing them working. It would pull all the moisture out. But if it does work definitely post it on the thread.

Interesting as Affie seemed slow compared to others in the tent this round. Thanks!

Ok thanks for the heads up.
it’s definitely an experiment, I wonder if there is a sweet spot or a method that could provide an avenue of successful storage using the freezer.

I think I called it on Royal procession A and B last week.

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Yea you got a good eye or intuition. :vulcan_salute:

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I imagine that he just has the experience! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: