InTheWoods Journal

Good Morning @blowdout2269 and OGs! :coffee: :sunglasses:
Haha he might have a couple rodeos under his belt.

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Odisha C is female and A looks like a female as well. After work today Ill up pot both C and A to 1 gallon. I’ll take some photos after work of them.
I will keep D and B going until I know for sure I have 2 females.
I may keep a third female if D turns out to be a female.


Morning bud.
Back to the salt mine, lol.

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Two more days and its friday. Woo Hoo :sunglasses:

Hopefully the temps aren’t an inferno where you’re at.

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Yeah, that’s the spirit! Lol
Still breaking 100. :grimacing:

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Damn any reprieve in sight from those triple digits?
After this week it goes from the 90s under 80 as a high which is unseasonably mild, but ill take it after these past couple weeks.

Good morning my brotha! Ya I would uppot those odisha soon as possible, don’t wanna get landrace sativas fired up from my very limited experience, they get real mean real quick

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44 going on 45 days in these cups :joy:

Of course, I get home after lights out in the tent. Up pot tomorrow and hopefully will get the final verdict on the remaining plants.


Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

Affie A and GCP B are both females
Royal Procession C has yet to show.
Up potted Odisha A in a one gallon pot.

Its nice to see the tent floor again :joy:


Busy morning already eh? :coffee:


Yea I’m running around like a chicken with its head cut off before I have to go work at 9.
In a couple days It should go on cruise control.
How’s your morning going?

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My coffee tasted too good, so I knew something was up lmao. Plucked a few seedlings that fell over and dropped some replacements into some water. Here’s hoping they do better. :crossed_fingers:

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Good morning fam

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@HomegrownVABudz Oh man not the youngsters lol, What are you replacing them with or the same?

@TopShelfTrees1 Good evening brotha, That sun wasn’t playing around today. A couple more days of the heat and then we get a nice break for a week.


I dropped two more greezy, cuz all four died and two more purple fritter, cuz all four of those died too. I got two fem fatal beans from the twenty20 rep last weekend, I dropped those in some water also.

The supply shop posted on IG that someone dropped off some clones, I’m hoping they still have some when I go by there tomorrow.


Good Morning :coffee: :sunglasses:

I saw on GCP A that a couple balls were forming on a couple branches yesterday before lights out.
It’s the first real hermie for me. Balls n Pistils. I chopped this morning and heading out to feed it to the chickens after I post.

I’m down to one GCP Female. I’ll keep an eye on it and hope this remaining one doesn’t exhibit the same hermie traits. I wonder if that’s a reason why I couldn’t find anyone that grew this sunken treasure freebies out.

Royal Procession C is most likely a male. At the end of the day today I should have a better idea and cull it.

The three Odisha’s that have yet to show will get up potted into 1 gallons today. I think by sunday I should have the tent fully culled of males and on cruise control. Until end of mid to end September.


GCP A. balls on the lower node, Pistils w/balls on the node above.

This guy is getting huge off all the clover in our yard


Good morning! Damn that is a healthy boy huh? Groundhogs are pretty cool, they can wreak havoc but they are cool little critters


Loved that movie!


the hawks gave up on the chickens since getting 3 roosters. Now it’s like a sanctuary for all the woodland creatures. I see wild bunnies and ground hogs etc. Funny how they pick up on the difference in predator pressures.

Yea we try to keep him from burrowing near the house. For the most part he lives under the shed far from the house.