InTheWoods Journal

Looking for information on this pack. If you’re familiar with Bloom seed company.

Most likely was a freebie in an order since it’s listed not on seedfinder. Looked it up under as A3 or Delta3 but no luck.

I was included when I bought my Lazy Lightning from someone liquidating their collection.


I got a primitive Tupac forever deck (wanted the biggie one but they didn’t have my size) some Indy trucks, and some bones wheels and of course reds bearings ! Thing is sexy af, I gotta get some scratches on there though it’s weird still looking fresh af, when I was younger that thing would be scraped off already, and my wheels already 1/8th of an inch smaller lol. Was funny cuz I hadn’t been on a deck in 2-3 years. But after we set it up I rode it a little in Zumiez and landed a kickflip first try, then I landed a huge pop shove it, and outside (full disclosure second try) landed a sweet 360 heel flip. Now if I could just land that impossible ONCE! :weary:


This one right here


You’re set, nothing like a fresh setup. The deck graphic is sick too. I haven’t tried primitive out yet but might in the future. What size deck do you skate? I ride 8.63 and 8.75’s.

Haha yea razor tail after two weeks back then now that I’m older I’ve had the board probably 5 months now and board still fresh lol.

The feelings from the huge pop shove it front foot catch or a nice backfoot catch kickflip. Such a great feeling haha.
Damn, you got 360 heels, and impossibles Sheeesh. Those are so solid tricks brotha!
I still struggle with tres lol Every now and then i’ll get a good one but have to relearn them every time.

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I like as big as I can get, I’ve got a size 13-14 ft depending on shoe. 8.75 for sure, I go as big as I can find usually but they get tough to find at times, I also like a wider wheelbase and a decent concave which is also becoming more rare. Nah I’m not landing impossibles, that damn trick has always eluded me. I landed a mctwist on pipe and still never landed a damn impossible. The pop shove it is still my favourite trick, it just looks badass, same with a kick/heel flip. We have a couple epic parks out here but used to have Sud Skates owned by my good friend and at one point business partner. That shop was legendary, had a big ass indoor park, huge half pipe (world class) and Joe Sud my brother and owner rep for etnies etc. took me all over skating, finding kids that were Killin it and signing them, but hockey took presidency for years, after the skate scene out here started dying we started what was known as Scrape By The Lake (I was co owner of Trilateral Ent. A production business that put on hip hop shows all over Ontario but mostly St.Catharine’s, Niagara Falls, Hamilton and Toronto. ) we started this huge car show/hip hop acts, low rider bounce off and rollers only a local low rider club. But after a few years they revoked our permits at the park so it’s been converted to the downtown classic (St,Catharines) Joe still runs it, and rollerz only, I am completely uninvolved any longer but GOD were those ever some amazing years along with hanging with celebrities and stuff , just an unreal chapter in my life I’ll never forget as long as I live.

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Oh damn I read that wrong haha. You should give Krooked, Anti hero, or Real decks a try in the future. They have the larger board sizes, good concave too.

:exploding_head: Thats epic! I skate transition but never threw down like that. Fs slashes,smiths, and my favorite bs lipslides.

Thats awesome, I remember when Etnies and DVS were battling it out for Marketshare. I was fortunate to have something similar happen here. My first job was at this massive indoor skatepark that was built near me. Working the shop and slinging hotdogs/slices of pizza to skaters.
Such great memories. It was called Academy Skatepark here in CT. Unfortunately closed down after a couple years but many great memories and lifelong friends made there. Barry the owner and his parents were awesome. Unfortunately, I haven’t heard from him in years, but hear he’s doing well.

Sounds like great memories! Awesome to hear it’s still going on in some form today.

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I’ve ridden Real b4, Plan B was my go to for over a decade, Had Santa Cruz, almost, Powell peralta and those crazy ever slick decks too, oh and maple. I’ve never after my first gifted deck rode anything but bones reds bearings, and I had venture feather lights, Krux etc. but almost exclusively rode Indy’s . I was also part of the tiny wheel crew for 7-8 years, until I understood the need for more wheel afterwards and that’s when I considerably stepped up my game. Those tiny wheels held me back big time. Speed, hang ups, turning etc. and landing tricks got way easier plus I could flip my deck 1-2 more times on a kickflip etc. too bad we are so far apart, I’d throw on some wreckable shoes and we could hit the park with some fatties! :facepunch:t2:

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Big pants, small wheels. That was the gear back then. I’m trying to remember the wheel ad, It was a cereal box with the tiny wheels and the skater on the box. I want to say Henry sanchez.

I tried a bunch of companies and found any company under the deluxe distributor to be an easy purchase as you know what you’re getting as far as decks go.

Man I forgot krux, I used to ride Ventures then eventually switched over to ride wider Indys on some 58mm 99a spitfires. Back then I was that kid with bigger board and wheels inside the deck since my trucks werent big enough haha. Still worked though haha.

The bigger wheels with some good bearings make all the difference in the world.

I haven’t been up to Canada yet but on my list to visit. It would be sick to skate some Canadian parks and share a some joints. I snowboard as well also an option if I ever make it up there brotha! Probably great big mountains to ride. :vulcan_salute:

Oh there’s mountains galore, good skating, snowboarding , fishing and weed. The quadfecta :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: but yes, if you ever head out this way please do hit me up. Always something we can get up to whatever season :facepunch:t2:

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Haha sums it up simply and perfect :ok_hand:t3:

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Sounds like the ultimate spot minus the grizzlies :joy:

Thanks, hopefully one day I can get up there. :sunglasses:

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Found some limited information on the pack in question.
It’s called Time warp A 3. Limited knowledge out there on them but Lighter hybrid smoker. Told its possibly part of an older run from Bloom seed co.

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[quote=“InTheWoods, post:19, topic:111901, full:true”]
Small update.

Took a couple leaves off the plants to get better air flow and direct light on bud sites.

The stench from these ladies is very pungent. Hard to describe it.

Quick shots before lights out.

I will need to raise the light more as the Tahoe and Banana Fruit cake continues to stretch.
Very little room left to raise.

I stopped by my local event and here is what I picked up.

Larry OG

Have a great rest of the week! :sunglasses:
Do you like a bit of flower with your trichomes? :rofl: looks great man​:v:


Thanks for stopping by :vulcan_salute:
Unfortunately, this wasn’t the tastiest Larry Og I’ve had. Lacked in the taste department big time. Visually stunning buds though. All in all, it got the job done. :sunglasses:

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Day 47
Sundae Batter


Banana Fruit Cake

Sugar Mints

Tahoe Animal

:vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Good Morning OG :coffee:

I’m pretty shocked how these are turning out considering they are only under 200w. Can only imagine what the 400w version would have them looking like at this point.

Have a great day everyone! :vulcan_salute: :sunglasses:


Definitely looking great ! And yes with more wattage I’m sure you’d have even more impressive ladies! Very nice and a good morning to you as well @InTheWoods

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@TopShelfTrees1 Thanks brotha! Looking forward to it on my next run. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Week 7 is in the books.

Pictures pending. :camera_flash:

After talking to a couple people I started to feed every watering instead of every other watering.
I will continue into the 10th week. Then go straight water the final week up to chop. :axe:
Looking for 35% amber trichs. Couch surfing smoke.
Plants I will probably go 11 + weeks.


Was at Home Depot earlier, saw these and figured I’d get them for trimming.
Any feedback on these would be appreciated.
Seems like a solid choice… for carpel tunnel. :joy: