InTheWoods Journal

@InTheWoods I have a vial of seeds that were collected from tribes in southern Africa. A contact’s roommate went to visit family in tribal areas and collected some seeds. Only problem is he mixed them all in the same container, so it’s southern Africa tribal blend. If you’d like to sprout some, I’ll send you 10. I prefer that you sprout whatever you take of these, not just add them to the collection. They are one of the weird things in my collection.

From my convo with contact…

“His mother is Botswana he said he collected the as he visited Malawi capepoint and a lot of other places he is older and hard to understand were you from I’ll just send you some they came in a bottle labeled dagga”


I’d love the opportunity. I would have to wait due to a couple planned runs.
When the tent opens up, I will reach out to see if the opportunity is still open. I wouldn’t want those sitting idle in my collection.


I hear that for sure. Too many beans, too little time. I bet that’s a common problem around here.


I’ve always wanted to be on perpetual schedule. I was thinking of a way to plant every two weeks.
I’d need three more tents plus all the bells and whistles. One for drying and two for Mid to Late stage flowering. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I’d run threw a good chunk of my collection if that was an option.

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No question….

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Especially if u wanna run lsndraces etc. you need a light dep greenhouse. Trust me


I was seriously contemplating getting a commercial license just so I could run through all the beans I have. It was only 2500usd/yr, but they put a moratorium on new licenses before i jumped on it. Poopoo!


That would be a great way to run threw them.
Lame of them to put the moratorium on it. Maybe in a different county they allow it?

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It seems like it can be manageable with landraces to a point. Contort them in all different shapes haha.
Having a light dep. greenhouse would be a dream.

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Oh man! I wish that was a thing here, it’s like 60000$ ffs


My buddy built a dope one out of windows, doors etc. he grabbed FREE, it’s like 10 x 14-16ft , tops open by pulleys, surrounded by these crazy vines on all sides on trellises so it’s absolutely camo’d out on his property in a back corner with full sunlight, so killer! If I didn’t move I’d be collecting shit already 100% . I’m actually contemplating hitting up a buddy close by with a couple acres and no neighbors for miles. See if I pay him, he’ll let me build one there, and possibly expand if all goes well down the road. He’s got a bunch of stuff I made, he made and some @jaws stuff just Killin it out there heading for the home stretch right now actually.


Statewide moratorium

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Fook that’s unfortunate.

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Thats would be sweet, I bet he wouldnt mind leasing the land to you.

Good morning OG :coffee: :sunglasses:

Direct planted the following last night:

2x Super Silver Haze Fem @Guitarzan
2x Island Sweet Skunk Fem @BigMike55
2x Coral Kush Fem @Andrane
2x Dream6 Fem @Tracker

I’m going to let @Budderton LA x Affie #9 s1 x Afghan HP male make some magic with one of each. Cuts will be taken from those going to get flowered out later on.


@InTheWoods @TopShelfTrees1 this the one y’all talking about? It sounds dope as hell :sunglasses:


Oh yea brotha. Not a great pic to show you the goods but worth it.

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How bad were the fees? More than the seeds themselves?

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Yezzir @HomegrownVABudz

Well to get one pack off seedbay for 35 euros. plus the additional 120$ for wire transfer fee.
I could have got the whole list from JP for the price I paid for one pack. :joy: