InTheWoods Journal

Those odishas are so interesting looking. I’m very excited for this grow. If it works out to be something special then I will do this. It looks like you can layer the grows ATM because the Odisha is so thin and when it fills out, the others will already be done.

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Thanks brotha, I’m curious how and what you start them in?

I typically germ in paper towel then transfer to soil.
Pre dampen the soil (most important) then I take a pencil to press a tiny hole about 1/2 inch deep for the tails to get a nice base.

I’m starting to like the direct planting method just for simplicity. For that I only make a 1/4inch deep hole for the seed.

Same process here I’ll soak in a h20 water bath 24/30 hrs then into damp paper towels till tails and plant .

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Low humidity and cold location i sprout in probably doesn’t help matters . Winter is always a crap shoot for me .

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Oh yea, Contort those ladies haha. I hope to get this male rooted to make seeds with the Odishas but if not, this grow would prove that you could layer in some sativas around the corners of the tent or walls.

With them it seems we could harvest hybrids/indicas twice before the first set of sativas finish or be half way thru second crop as they finish. All Depending on Sativa choice.

Thanks for sticking around, Hows your Beldias doing?

They got hit hard by thrips and since it is my first outdoor grow… i didnt really notice that quickly. I was able to spray neem oil once at end of veg but i dont want to spray anything on the buds now. I’ve been blasting them with this powerful mist from my garden hose to slow them down but most of the leaves are dead on one and another is resisting slightly better. The seeds seem to be forming still though and i hope it makes it another 2-3 weeks so I can get all the seeds. They were very well adapted to climate here, just not pests. They also got hit by spider mites but I was able to get rid of those.

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Its rather a cold environment when I germ and sprout. Typically, 60ish and 50% Rh because I’m trying to keep the flower tent as cold as possible. Unless we get a wild heat wave then its much higher on both numbers.

I did let the Odins dry back too much twice because of the temps/rh being low but they did manage to survive.

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Beautiful garden!

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Dang sorry to hear that. I hope you can make it too the finish line I heard you could try shop vacuuming Thrips off as potential management late into flower. I read it somewhere on here the other day as a tip.

Take the vac to the stems of the plant and go all around. Not 100% on this but makes sense.

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Thanks brotha,
Hope you’re having a great week! :sunglasses:

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Next time I will be more prepared. I thought that doing it all natural with no IPM would be ok. I’d just select for the plants that made it but i only did 5 and that kind of selecting needs 20+.

One of the females and one of the males were resinous in a sloppy way so I hope in the next generation to get some interesting stuff.

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Live and learn for sure. I have little to no selecting experience, but I’d imagine it would take a bunch to get a proper look and get those gems.

Oh buddy, Looking forward to seeing them.

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Everything looks B-E-A-utiful! Awesome job @InTheWoods!

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You are such a trooper for taking on the OV @InTheWoods !! Even if you don’t get to making seed, it’ll still be a good experience and add to your frame of reference to what cannabis can be.


Looking good brother! Top left seems to only have the one “mutant” leaf. They grow up so fast. Positive vibes…



Thanks for the kind words brotha! :sunglasses:

Appreciate the opportunity brotha, Seeds or no seeds I learned a bunch from growing them so far and gained the confidence to run them along with the others.

Fortunately, I still have plenty of more seeds to try again in the future and I would stagger the Affie’s by a month.

I have a Plan B if the males don’t root. OV x Chocolate diesel sounds interesting.

I blink and they’re already working on their 3rd leaf sets. Thanks again brotha! :vulcan_salute:


Oh yeah! That actually sounds better then x Afghan! Either way, it’ll be awesome!


I’m positive cold helps my seedlings. Been using the same method for 20 years. No heat mat and no h2o2 just tap dechlorinated. EVERYTIME I introduce a heat mat or on a receiver etc. I lose some, add h2o2 lose some, go back to cold ass water then cold paper towels in a Rubbermaid/Tupperware with the lid slightly askew 100% CONSTANTLY, Hell I just popped 12 year old beans and got 100% that way


My thoughts on it would be it mimics the cold spring morning/nights in the beginning of spring although all regions don’t get cold but 60 seems about right.
Similar to storing seeds in the freezer for a couple months to be ready to mimic winter.

Hell yea :metal:
Goes back to that saying “don’t fix something that ain’t broke.”

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Exactly, and exactly how Mike put it 20 years ago when he showed me with those Thai gems! I can still picture it I was like a kid getting to go train with the NHL! STOOOKED! Still together 20 years later

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