InTheWoods Journal

Oh you just wait! Those are a few of the gems I plan to repro! I’ve obtained a bunch of crazy stuff specifically for those reasons. I have very few left to obtain from my list and once I get them I’m done, like done searching, trading, bartering. Spending hours and hours each week scouring forums and sites talking with people who may know where to point me etc. I’ve met some Amazing people this way but it gets old QUICK, trust me :wink:


Stoked to see what you have up your sleeve. Out of likes :green_heart:

All the effort will be rewarded in time brotha. Sooner or later you’ll knock on the right door and it will be extremely satisfying. :vulcan_salute:

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Oh my, That should be some fantastic smoke. Heard of Silver pearl but havent smoked any as it was before my time.

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Well we’ll change that for you brother. Promise :wink: Just wait until you see the beans you’ll be getting. I already have some stuff for you that reminds me . But everything I make, have my homies have first dibs on obviously and will automatically receive. That’s a promise and that surely includes you :facepunch:t2:

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Dang I wasnt expecting anything brotha. Appreciate it but I’m already overrun by seeds.
I’m only through 1/8th of my current seed collection, not including the couple more pending arrivals. :joy:

Thanks brotha! I hope my projects are successful and able to return the insane generosity. :vulcan_salute:

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Haha you just wait…… unless I ask you are obligated to run nothing. You are a good friend. (My good friends have bags in my fridge no joke) I fill em as I find stuff , make stuff or seek stuff I know they want, like. Trust me. Jaws, Poodle, Mith , my brother Lester and Schwaggy P are a few that have had them for years and have reaped the rewards many times already . :wink:


Sucks to out of likes still. :green_heart:
I’ll donate the cash for a roll of US stamps for your generosity. Pm me and Ill get it squared away.

If they enter into the woods, They will be grown. :sunglasses: :metal:


No need brother. But if you insist just wait until I’m done the BOO project or almost done and then I’ll gladly take you up on that offer . I will 100% need help then. Tbh your friendship is reward enough! And about the likes I totally get it! If I wasn’t out all morning I’d be out too 100% . You are awesome, thank you :pray:t3:


I got you covered with a roll or two, Just reach out! :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

I tend to be trigger happy with my likes. :joy:

I appreciate you brotha! Hope you’re having a relaxing weekend!

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Hey bud. I got your package fixed up. I’ll get it in the mail Monday or Tuesday.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Oh man! I’m the worst for that ! Definitely makes two of us. Yes, thank you I’m having a great weekend, the last few days i finally started TRULY feeling like myself again mentally and physically, been a long haul but Thank God things are looking up on EVERY front and it could not have come at a better time. Went for brunch with my dad and wife this morning, then to my second home (the hydro store) for some coco and some 3/4 gallon pots (they owed me 50, I bought 100 like 3 months back but they only had half, took them 3 months to resupply :man_facepalming:t2: buuuut, he gave me two pouches of nematodes and my fourth bag of coco free so it definitely worked out, in fact after calculating it all I paid 5-10$ for 100 3/4 gallon nursery pots! And yet another reason I’ve been going there 21 years! Bought my first 1000w lights, tables, nutes and everything there! Then the original owner (rip) gave me my first cuts 5-6 years later (white widow and Casey Jones (hence my absolute love for Casey) I hope you are as well and getting some time to relax.


Hey brotha, I’m stoked!

I will get your out on Monday. Ill pm you the tracking #. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

Thanks again!

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And thank you :pray:t3: I really appreciate it , will need those for sure for that run.

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That is very good news, Glad to hear it! :sunglasses: :metal:

Nothing like a nice brunch with the fam. Hope you gorged like I would haha.
French toast, scrambled eggs, very crispy homefries, bacon n slightly burnt toast. Now thats what I’m talking about haha, I’m probably the skinniest fatass you’ll ever meet. Family always thought I had a hollow leg :joy:

Very cool,but also sorry to hear about his passing. I understand why you were very keen on finding Casey Jones again.

Thanks brotha, very blessed to have a pretty good immune system. Already over the hill with whatever that was. Nice and rainy here today, perfect for relaxing.

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@Ottafish Hey brotha, I knew going into those seeds about the trait and thought I could pull a rabbit out of my hat but the herm trait just keeps kicking me in the craw. :grin:

What do you think about them?
Pluck and wait another week or cull B and D as its already rearing its head.
E - Up potted her into a 3 gallon, Keeping a keen on her.

B - The way one branch has a ball but other branch has flowers.

D - Looks like a ball but when you see the other branch its kinda weird flowers.

Ball with pistils?

All 4 Sugar belts x (PR x BV) are females and have been up potted into 3 gallon fabric pots.


Good Morning OG :coffee:

This morning I noticed the last Odisha threw more balls everywhere. I really didn’t want to chop but decided to play it safe and chop as I dont the pollen to touch the others in the flower tent.
Added it to the bubble hash material. Moving forward I will have to be more vigilant when growing landraces. I learned a bunch with them but still have even more to learn.


Good morning my brotha and the rest of the OGniverse


Ya they can definitely be a pain in the ass. I feel you, probably for the best


Morning fellas :coffee:

Lotta OG love in here :heart_eyes:

Bummer about the herm, but aye hash material :laughing::laughing:


Good morning @TopShelfTrees1 and @HomegrownVABudz. :coffee:

Swung by the Post Office, @Movement13, @VAkish, @AzSeaindooin420 and @JohnnyPotseed packages are in the mail. Tracking #'s inbound via PM. :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute: