Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

Welcome to OG @Hempyfan and @Sincitytoker , @parttime glad you could to join us…


Welcome @Sincitytoker & @parttime ! Glad to see ya around! @parttime that Tiger King sounds wild! One love~djsf


Thank you
@BERZERK @G-paS @alwaysnoob @DJSF
For the welcome very excited to be apart of this forum.


Thanks for the welcome @BERZERK @G-paS @DougDawson @alwaysnoob and @DJSF

and @DJSF It’s pretty slick looking and it has a cool high!


That’s a beautiful looking plant.


Hi! I’m Wizzlez, I’m a European user, and I was redirected here by a friend on another forum.

I’ve been smoking weed for most of my life, having started at 13yrs old. I have a variety of ailments, varying in degree, but for the worst of it (malignant refractory restless body syndrome) I receive 15mg methadone a day. Needless to say, weed continues to help me in many ways both as medicine and as a recreational drug.

I’ve been growing for a combined 10 years or so, both indoors and out as well as some attempts at guerrilla farming, some more successful than others.

I had been reading about growing cannabis for a few years before I started to actually grow, as I was still living with my parents at that time, and they didn’t fancy me filling the house with fragrant greenery; my first attempts were thus guerrilla attempts that started in my bedroom, then made their way into pots behind my parents’ back garden shrubbery and then into the field of the farmer who found them before they had a chance to properly flower. But as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained!

I then resorted to sharing the garden of a friend whose father didn’t mind, followed by some half-assed attempts at indoor growing with a giant CFL when I moved out of my parent’s house at 18. That didn’t work very well. Fast forward to about 3 years later and I’ve got a young son and have recently gotten separated from his mother, as, from the moment of giving birth, she suddenly did not condone cannabis use anymore, and the more she tried to force me to conform, the more I recoiled and revolted, eventually ending the relationship due to the strain of it all. We each went our way in friendship, and in a country and world where growing cannabis was still a very much taboo topic, I accepted a job as a sort of prevention counselor at a school where mostly troubled children were schooled into specific jobs, allowing them to omit a few days of school for practical schooling in companies, while at the same time starting to grow mushrooms and cannabis from an apartment I shared with a couple consisting out of a student psychology and her boyfriend, an intern teacher at schools, who also enjoyed most to work in schools with a lot of children with a rough background, and who also enjoyed some weed and shrooms at times. They were both very square looking people to the outside world, but just as much as their close circle of bohemianesque friends, they highly enjoyed having a roommate with a range of mind altering substances at their disposal at any given time. So, there, I could grow some pot from the comfort of my balcony, and some mushrooms on top of my bedroom closet, re-igniting a passion I longed for, and starting another that would vastly improve my understandings of soil and biochemical processes, mycology!

It is there that I met my current wife. Fast forward to some 6-7 years later, and we now have 2 children in total. Since meeting my wife, I’ve slowly and steadily increased my growing efforts to be able to support my own use, which is relatively high as I don’t smoke tobacco and use cannabis throughout the day to medicate the variety of ailments that plague my body. I’m mostly at self-supporting now, but only when I have good runs of high yielders. I’m a sucker for juicy flavors though, and as I’ve amassed quite a vast repertoire of strains smoked by now, I’ve started to ponder on what’s next in line.

And so, I’m currently undertaking some efforts towards creating my own genetic lines, mostly aimed towards creating flavorful vigorous plants that have depression-curbing properties as well as soothing physical qualities. So basically, bright and flavorful hybrids, or that’s the goal at least. We’ll see where the journey leads!




Welcome to OG @Wizzlez :slightly_smiling_face:

Great introduction :clap: :grinning:


Welcome to OG @Wizzlez


Welcome @Wizzlez , @Sincitytoker & @parttime !
Parttime (what a stunning plant parttime)


Welcome to OG @parttime and @Wizzlez :+1:


Welcome aboard @Wizzlez !


Welcome aboard @Wizzlez , glad you made it! Love & light~djsf


Whats going on. I’ve been growing in the New England for a few years now. Seed collector.


Hello OGs! I am a beginner grower trying my first indoor grow in a 2x2 tent and here to learn from you all from Canada! I have always wanted to grow but hadn’t considered til this past summer and I already failed my outdoor attempt without using the forum! I am hoping with more research here my first indoor will go a little better!!


Hi @Cocobubble, @Wizzlez, @parttime, @Dubbud and @Sincitytoker!! You will all love it here!! Guaranteed!! Awesome people to meet, learn from and share learning with, a ton of info!! Besides other great things!!! Have fun! :hugs:


Welcome to OG @Wizzlez @Cocobubble


Welcome to the forum. There is a wealth of knowledge here for the sharing. Enjoy!
:pray: :v: :cowboy_hat_face:


Welcome to OG, don’t be shy to ask questions or for help, we all want everyone’s grows to be successful.


Welcome to OG @Cocobubble


Hello there everybody!
I have been lurking here for a bit, but I think it’s time to introduce myself before I appear to be a weirdo (haha).
I am an opengrow refugee so to say and hope to find here a community as nice as it once was.
It is fair to call me a nerdy beanhorder. At the moment I am growing on one square meter, yet on two levels each 0,5 under 150W each.
In my horded beans you find mainly sativas, but there are also pleanty of hybrids and a few indicas.
My current favorite smokes are Killer A5 Haze (ACE), Sister Nice (Dynasty) and Zuiker Slap (cross by fellow grower Sunnyvale).
I currently don’t have a cam, but pics will follow soon.
Have a nice day