Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 1)

Is this a introduction or trade offer?


That does count!! Hi @Dannytonzawillpay! Welcome to OG! You’ll love it here!! Have fun!!


Welcome to OG @Dannytonzawillpay , don’t let it get you down, there are just certain ways things are done on this site. If you give it a chance you will find that OG is the best place around or at least I feel that way. As you know there is a trade thread which you posted in. I responded to you but you did not reply? If you need any guidance on navigating the site feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to answer your questions. :v:


Hello @Dannytonzawillpay , welcome to OG brother…
You’ll have a wonderful time here, guaranteed…


Welcome @Dannytonzawillpay, @highminwin and everyone else I missed.:+1:t2: Like Doug said, This is the last cannabis website you’ll ever need. The love, kindness and generosity is unmatched.


Lol, that’s not how it went for me, I’ve already been written off after asking to trade, lmfao

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Welcome to the forum @Dannytonzawillpay ! It seems you have stumbled into the only real pet peeve that a lot of people have around here (myself included). I see the misunderstanding though. Please don’t judge our response too harshly. Anytime there is something like this site there will be folks that take advantage of others good will. It happens too often that the first few posts of some that join up reads “I need free seeds”. Again, I saw the misunderstanding.
How about we give you a shot and you give us a shot?
Tag me into your journal, should you decide to post one.
I will make it a point to follow along.


I think that was explained very clearly.


Yo OG! I was here back at the turn of the century. Excited to see OG is back online. I’ve been lurking for a couple months and decided to hop back in. While some of these new genetics blow me away, I’m nostalgic for the flavors from the late 80s and early 90s. The smell of a dead skunk, or my mom’s Catholic church. Or the weed we used to score on Grateful Dead lot. Mainly here to read about the search for yesterday and to learn about tomorrow’s hottest trends, lol. Happy to be back.


Giving up already Danny?

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Hi @boogn1sh!! Welcome to OG! You’ll love it here!! Enjoy!


i like how you put that, the search for yesterday. i know i’ve been smoking for a long time, but certainly not like some of the og’s that hang round here. hell, until a few years ago, i couldn’t even tell you what strain i was even smoking or what the effects were. but i’m looking forward to learning.

it feels like i’ve found a group of people who like weed more than i do, which is unusual for me. because in my group of friends, plenty of them like to partake, but none of them are interested in strains or effects or differences or growing or anything. just give them some weed and hope it makes them high and happy.


Welcome to OG 2.0 @boogn1sh


Hi there,
Long time grower and lurker of the dwindling forums. I’ve set about to make seeds out of my favorite accumulated seed stash and cuts. Either by hybridization or by selfing.
I’d like to leave my kid a legacy of genetics I enjoyed.
That is if they get the gardening bug!
So I made the membership here at OG to connect with world wide individuals into trading genetics.
Hope to meet up with many of you in the forums,


Welcome to OG @Neversleeps , glad you decided to stop lurking. You have come to the right place bud, it’s full of great and knowledgeable people. Well, I am here too. Have a good time.


Hi @Neversleeps!! Welcome to OG! You’ll love it here!! Guaranteed!! Have fun!


Welcome @Neversleeps and @boogn1sh , I’ll see you on the boards!


Welcome to OG @Neversleeps :raising_hand_woman: :wave:

:green_heart: :seedling:


Welcome to OG @boogn1sh , @Neversleeps
You’ll love it here…


Good morning and welcome @boogn1sh and @Neversleeps
as @DougDawson puts it, this is the last cannabis website you’ll ever need. Friendly, helpful and certainly the most generous.