Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

Welcome @coolasafan77 and @seeds2weeds, nice to have you aboard.:peace_symbol:


Welcome all that are new to the community. You 🫵 are now part of The Greatest Show On Earth :earth_africa:! So now strap in :seat: for the show :circus_tent: and hold on for the ride :roller_coaster:! :partying_face::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Please keep your hands and feet inside the ride at all times. Thank you :blush:


Hello Growers, have been on IC for a while, and have been checking out this place, appreciate the less commercial and more sharing feel to Overgrow. Especially excited to see the Co-Op seed production, I’m looking forward to getting involved, as seed making is my passion.

I’m an outdoor grower only at a cool temperate 53 deg N. The outdoor season ends at the end of Oct.

My favourite type of high is energising & focusing sativa/NLD, with minimal comedown/sleepyness/hangover - (hard to find this at 53N)
I find less and less time for very strong, psychedelic, stoney, mostly indica, but some sativa can be like this too.

On the search so far, UEL and Mextiza have been my go too strains and fit the high criteria somewhat. I’m currently on the second generation of septoria resistancy selection for UEL, also selecting for high type, as there are a lot of sedate UEL plants, even though they’re quite narrow leaved. These are in the hundreds in terms of selection numbers.

I’m checking out a few Mountain Gold, Mextiza S1, Verde Limon, and UELxOHz this year, I’m hopeful there’ll be a plant or two in there that meet the high type requirements come Oct.
They’ll be getting a UEL dusting too.

To give you’s an example of how far North I am; Purple satellite finishes here Mid Oct - a month later than the catalogue states. PS is still a bit too stoney for me.

Jalisco looks interesting, but TLT’s prices and ethics put me off, was delighted to see the Co-op seed run for this.

I’m welcoming any strain suggestions on this search,

I’m in this for the good of the plant, people and the community, and am very grateful to those who sorted me out with their selection work.

To Abundant Grows!



@bonghopper, welcome to OG. You’ll love it here. Happy growing.

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Welcome to the fray @bonghopper!
We look forward to your participation and shared knowledge. :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Welcome to OG, @bonghopper! I predict you are going to love it here!

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Hello i’m cumulos i might have skipped this step of introducing myself. canada boy new to the growing game smoked for the last 50 plus years. finally retired and got my prescription waiting for my federal gov. license to arrive ACMPR. setting up room gathering knowledge picking up info so i’m ready to go when it arrives. hope to become a regular. still learning how to navigate this site. sorry if i don’t follow rules to a T. thanks see you down the road. cumulos


Welcome to OG anyone I have missed. :sunglasses: :metal: :peace_symbol:

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Welcome to OG @bonghopper

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Welcome to OG cumulos, did you drift in on the wind or a cloud of ganja smoke :thinking:

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Shadey cumulos is a cloud of ganja smoke. thanks


Welcome to OG, @cumulos!

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Hi there @cumulos, welcome to the party!(officially) :crazy_face:


welcome to OG @bonghopper and @cumulos !!!

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Welcome to OG @bonghopper and @cumulos :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:

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Welcome to OG @bonghopper and @cumulos, enjoy :peace_symbol:

Hello all! I’m Hashpants.Im an outdoor grower from the eastern US.Ours is a long season from April to November. I have been reading quite a bit here and I signed up when I saw members get credit for reading up and participating.Cheers!


Welcome to OG, @Hashpants! What you read is correct, active participation is really a key here! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! :smiley:


Welcome to OG @Hashpants, same season here with the exception of November, that all depends on the season. October for sure.:peace_symbol: