Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

Welcome to OG @YOLO.T.


Thanks guys you’re welcome is making OG be a friendly community :slight_smile: (for my lingo, I really appreciate to hear that, since I’m french at the base :p)
Edit: and I am being welcomed by great members as it seem, I just saw your profiles and you are active :stuck_out_tongue:


Welcome to OG, @YOLO.T! Couch jumpers

That, my friend, is an excellent way to start your journey here! And, of course, if that bat is too big, I’m sure many would be happy to “help” you finish! pass ROFLMAO

You’re going to love it here!


Welcome to OG @YOLO.T :v:


Nice to meet you @YOLO.T , welcome to OG.:peace_symbol:


Welcome @Pharaoh989

Glad you finally made it

Looking forward to some great grows with you

This is a very cool place to be and people.are genuinely here to help and trade and even swap ideas for the better.
So far i am in love with the OG’S i have met on here

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Welcome to the greatest show on earth! :crazy_face:


Welcome to all the newbs… come on in, the water is…
Freaking Deep… lol


Welcome @ OG @YOLO.T and @Olmacca !!! You found the best site on the net! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


Not only were you lucky enough to find the site, you also found the greatest members on the net.


Hey just refound Overgrow, I’ve been on state imposed vacation for the past 15 years and got my freedom almost a month ago. Was telling my nephew how great overgrow was before it was shut down and he says I’m looking at the site now lol. I was blown away and SO excited. Gotta get used to this new tech. The first iPhone had not been out a year when I fell so all of this new tech is gonna take a while to get used too. I was not to great with it when I went down. I can’t wait to start making new friends. I’m from Virginia and it’s legal here to grow up to 4 plants. Never thought I’d see the day for that (In Virginia anyway) So Hello everyone, I’m sure all my extra free time will end up being spent here :slight_smile: :grinning:


Wow, welcome to you, take a seat and enjoy OG2.0 ^^


@Musselman, welcome to OG. Congrats on graduating from college (that’s what we say when we get out of jail).
Welcome :blush:

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Welcome to OG @YOLO.T and @Musselman :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Welcome to OG @Musselman. Time for a new chapter in your life, best of luck. :v:


Hey all :cowboy_hat_face:
Been lurking around OG for a while now, seeing the sights, trying to absorb as much OG culture and grower’s personalities as i do growing knowledge and ratios and schedules and recommendations etc…

About me:
I’m from upstate NY, been a high frequency/low quantity consumer since the late 90s. My weed based super power has always been my ability to keep a low tolerance through disciplined conservation. I could easily stretch an eighth for 2 months (or more!) This was a necessity- sporadic to no access to weed out of college, no friends really, and no heads in my work circles kept me scrimping for more than 20 years.

Growing experience:
Started growing indoors a few years ago, and my perspective on plants, time, weed, and life in general has changed forever. Increasingly successful harvests (7 plants so far) have brought me a joy, a sense of accomplishment and weed security i’ve never known before. Im happy to stay small scale (an oz still can last me a year easy) as long as i can keep a variety, and get to where the quality is consistent and flavor delicious. So far ive done soil only, hand watered, fabric pots in tiny boxes. But I’m moving into some micro octopots this next run (currently following diaries from a few octonauts on OG)

Weed preference: indica, body relaxing stuff. Im all about 1:1 strains now when i can get em, as straight THC can spin me out if too high %.

I also tend to ramble on, so… thats me pretty much. Glad to be here, maybe i’ll start my first diary finally :sweat_smile:


Welcome to OG @Musselman & @Not-Notjosh! Can’t wait to see what you got growing on! :fire::star_struck::beers::+1:


Welcome to all those that are new to OG!! :grinning:

You’ve come to the right place, not only for MJ related topics, but many fun and friendly interactions. Enjoy the site and making new friends!


Welcome to OG @Not-Notjosh :v:


Welcome to OG @Not-Notjosh.