Introduce Yourself @OG (Part 2)

Great introduction bud. I like rambling, lol.
Welcome to our humble abode! :wink::+1:


Welcome @Musselman and @Not-Notjosh , and all the other recent new members, great to have you join the party!


Welcome to OG, @Musselman and @Not-Notjosh! Pot leaf hopper Can’t wait to see what’s growing in both your neck of the weeds!

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What up! Just (re)joined the site. Have been out of the loop for years due to chasing a dream in the profession i work in but thanks to laws getting more relaxed have been researching whats been going on while i was busy. I was on the old OG forum as well in the early 2000s when i lived out in Humboldt. Was really into genetics back in the day and wish i still had the strain i had worked with and got pretty stabilized. Can’t wait to see what y’all have been up to!


Welcome home @Whatnow :green_heart:


Welcome back @Whatnow!


Welcome to OG @Not-Notjosh and @Musselman, grow em big. Overgrow the world.:peace_symbol:


Welcome back to OG @Whatnow.


Heyhey, everyone!

Been here and on most of the other major forums down through the years, never making an account or posting, just soaking in as much knowledge from the wells of experience y’all have.
After a few very stupid attempts at growing in my late teens and early twenties, I always kept an interest, but never could get something running. Now that my partner and I are stable, with our own place and everything, there was nothing stopping us on building up a garden and growing our own. Happened to be in a newly legal state, at that.
We started growing last year around September, and have been smoking the pretty-damn successful 15 ounces we yielded from it.
On our second run now, and trying to learn as much as we can to apply to this and every grow after- We’re in it for the long haul, and don’t see an end in sight. Hahaha

Mostly, I’m finally posting to say thanks to everyone who has made a huge difference in how we think of and go about growing with all the information y’all have concentrated over the years, especially for folks like me who aren’t as social. You impacted us in a great way.
Looking forward to all the runs and posts to come.

Thanks again and stay up,



Welcome to OG @Not-Notjosh , @Whatnow and @Coffin_Dodger :sunglasses: :vulcan_salute:


Welcome to OG @Coffin_Dodger. You are in the best place on the net right now. We will pull up a chair to see how your run does.
Welcome !!


Welcome to all new members i missed! You found a good place with nice people! :wink:


Was contemplating last night if i would mention it because of how certain larger companies I’d still like to work for still view things but figure I’ll share a lil more with y’all about the profession I’ve been working in. For around the last 12+ years I’ve been a pro wrestler and also working other behind the scenes jobs in pro wrestling. I couldn’t risk getting in any kind of trouble if I want to work for the WWE so growing was out of the question.

Here is a clip of the end of my favorite match to date where me and Matt Riddle surprised everyone and first formed a tag team. He’s one of my best friends so was special for us. Some context for the vid: I had come out a cut a promo saying sorry to the fans that came out to see me but i didn’t know where in the world my tag partner was. At that time Matt was working all over the globe every weekend and the night before he had been wrestling in England. (We were in NYC). The other team came out and challenged me so had fought a 2 on 1 for about 8 mins before the video starts. Not to long after this Matt got signed by WWE and is pretty much the “stoner” figure on the roster. They made him 420 inspried merch ect.


Welcome to OG, @Not-Notjosh, @Whatnow and @Coffin_Dodger! There’s a place on the couch for you all right here! Couch jumpers I can’t wait to see what you’ve brought to the party!!


Welcome to OG @Whatnow & @Coffin_Dodger


Welcome one and all to the greatest show in earth


Welcome to OG @Whatnow and @Coffin_Dodger !! You’re both are going to love it here! enjoy!


Nice to meet you @Coffin_Dodger, welcome to OG. enjoy :peace_symbol:

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Hello folks, some may know me and some may not. I used to be a Moderator on the Old CW and I’m a current moderator on ICmag. I have about 46 years growing experience. So I may fit in here with the old growers.
Currently I’m Kashmir Azad x Triangle Kush (from Goat & Monkey) and UK cheese (From Carty)


Welcome to Overgrow dude!