Introduce yourself @OG Vol. 1

Oh . I also have memory issues, comes with being OG myself😀


when you open the chat box there is a row of subdued icons the arrow pointing up will allow you to upload a pic file from your computer or other file for that matter. In the old days I was told that when you first see the pistils kinda golden up you have about 3 weeks to harvest, but this seems less true today with so many hybrids…


Ok, here we go, These are 3 of my Ladies
I forget the strand, I do have the label in the ground next to them , I will have to look .lol


See the middle girl is packed in there .

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Here’s my FIRE OG

She’s the little girl on the end.
I’m learning that when u buy the already growing babies , make sure you know when they are suppose to harvest and ya won’t be so surprised at how little they start to bud and how fast :+1:


Fellow rambler here, it’s all good man. This place is unlike any other forum I’ve ever been on. Lot of us on here are in that “cannabis saved my life” boat so we get it, oh do we get it.

And you know what? It means a lot of us are pretty damn passionate about paying it back to the plant by paying it forward to the world By helping the plant spread, by Overgrowing the world.

So yeah, that inconsistent over priced meds problem that’s been weighing you down? Oh don’t you worry brother, cuz around here we get that shit solved for good! :wink:


@KRAZILIONESS. Welcome to OG!! In my opinion the best site on the web!! Your plants are huge! Spend some time looking around and reading. I am sure some of the outdoor guys can help with some of your questions. Again, welcome to the community!


Welcome to the Best site on the inter web. WOW!!! You’ve obviously been following your handbook, great looking plants lioness. Now for the most crucial part, let’s make them months of tender care bear many fruits for your labor of love. I watch the pistils before trichs. As the plant shifts to finish the inner buds will start swelling and hairs start curling and usually change color. The buds structure should start absorbing th hairs and get dense. As your growing outdoors you are at the mercy of daylight, once it gets down near 12/12 they start floweringstart your count, most hybrids will go 50-70 days in flower. Sometimes hard to do in northern climates.your plants seem on track for an late October harvest. FOG maybe end of November. Beware, one hard frost can ruin the batch .

I used to run Fire OG commercial , it Should go around 70 days indoors from first show of hairs (pistils). Start looking for trichs around 60. You may have a fast pheno, no worries, that can act as your learning plant as others ripen.

PS: you will also be learning a new term around that time, it’s called “Trim Hell”,it’s great to grow huge multi topped bushes, but when it’s time to break them down and apply a cure rather than just drying them out the trim work can take days. I suggest thinning the bottom third of the bush a little now. This will also help direct more energy to your top Kolas. And let them get more airflow. You don’t lose much as those buds are usually thin and whispy.

Here’s a single topped Triple Durban just chopped. Notice bud to leaf ratio.

I’m sure some of our expert outdoor growers can help with more specifics for your climate.

Jump in and enjoy, you will get no disparaging remarks around here, only help and encouragement from a bunch of amazing people. Our goal is perpetuating the cultivation of out favorite plant. No trolls, no Debbie downers, no chest thumping around here, just a ever growning group that bases its model on sharing and helping…world would be a much better place if others did the same…:metal::sunglasses:


@KRAZILIONESS @ChemicalDependant @dizzyrizzle welcome everyone glad to have you guys here hope to see you on :smiley:


Hi @KRAZILIONESS, welcome to Over Grow!!

Explore and check out the forum there’s lots of great projects on the go and pleanty of experts to answer questions. :call_me_hand: :sunglasses:
I see you have been making great use of your mother’s day gift! Your lad picked wisely. Once you settle down and are feeling comfortable, think about posting your grow log here. You will get all manner of great advice etc.



Plants look real good, @KRAZILIONESS. What exactly do you need help with? It looks like your doing fine haha. You should start a grow log here, I’m pretty sure there’s an outdoor section on this site.


Hey, Thanks a bunch for the invite .
Right, these girls shot up like no bodies Buiss…
with “ WORM TEA”
That stuff is liquid GOLD!!!
I will Definitely be seeking all I can to bring these girls to their Best .
Thanks again


Thanks for the Welcome :+1:
I was Leary iof putting anything up on internet, although I have big Dog here, we just never know the people could be watching to steal your girls,
bad thoughts for sure.
They really are bigger than the house, LOL
I will certainly think on getting my grow log on a post, sharing is caring, :100::heart:


My plant ocd is going nuts right now. I wanna zap through and start cutting her hair. Lol… looking great tho!

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@KRAZILIONESS your plants look very nice :smiley:

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Right on, Thanks for ALL that,
I really Love these Girls, they are the Most Beautiful plants I have yet grown…
I definitely see from the little girl already, ( yes she is my little teacher) How “ Trim hell” LOL Will be be evident in days ahead.

Thank you for all of the guidance with what to look for, I will get the thinning going and I will keep r was ding and seeking all the advice I can.

You mentioned crying instead of drying them out, how do you cure ?
Those buds ratio you have there are Primo
VERY NICE thank you for your Share,
Goid to know there’s Good info and Awesone People here to help.
Thanks again to You @Instg8ter :100::pray::heart:


I don’t see well enough anymore, need to get some kind of device to see the Trichones
Here’s are a couple pics I took today , also says when these start turning brown , I didn’t write the dates I TGE begin of her budding , maybe u can see something from the pics?


Her leaves are starting to really curl in


Hey all. I’m a novice grower in Michigan USA. I started to get more serious about it while helping my dad obtain RSO for his fight with stage 4 stomach cancer. His prognosis said 4 months. He lived 26 months with 24 of those spent fishing, traveling, chasing women my age and being a super grandpa to my son.

When he passed it changed our lives a great deal. No debt and some freedom that we are not used to. I decided to get involved with making feco/rso for people who cannot afford the dispo prices and don’t have months to do it themselves.

My first few attempts have ended in crying over bud rot more than anything. This summer I tried organic living soil and things are going very well. My fingers are crossed that I have enough airflow and defoliation to cross the finish line in our wonderful wet Great Lakes fall season.

I’m going to have a lot of processing questions and maybe my wife will prove to be an asset for the group as she’s a chemical engineer at a rather well known food company. I look forward to learning all I can.image


Howdy neighbor, and welcome to OVERGROW! Make yourself at home, you are in the right spot unless you are a strainaholic and then you have met your doom lol. I look forward to seeing the progress on those beautiful plants.

That sounds great, the more info the better - have her check out this thread: