Is $1k too much for seeds…?

The self worth in this post made me smile, you keep rocking on DirtySock, I hope you find that perfect male for much less!!


If I could get the strain back, the Feds got from me, in 1997, I would 1000%, without hesitation, give $1000, for seeds. The strain I had, each plant was like a clone, of the next one. I never saw any variation, in the almost 7 years I grew it. And it was all I grew. It was the only weed I cared about, and honestly, if I could get the exact same strain back, my seed buying days, would be over.
Not saying Ive seen better weed than anyone else, but I have seen a lot of good weed, since I started smoking, in 1967, and Im in a state, that is notorious, for weed. One, that is still pretty unfriendly too.
The strain I had was?
Haze x NL5 xx Nevils Hashplant x Skunk#1.
I mean. 4 of possibly the most well known, and sought after genetics, there are, and probably the building blocks of 85%-90% of all the weed there is today.

It was the best stuff, I had seen, since the early 70s. And no doubt, the most potent stuff, and easy to grow indoors stuff, Ive still ever seen, to this day.
My buddy got the seeds from another person. My buddy was an Eagle Scout Master, and went to a convention, in Louisville, in 1991, and he got to talking to another ESM, who was a lot younger, about weed, and he told my buddy, he had a few killer seeds he would give him. He got 2 strains, 15 seeds each, and he gave me one. The other he had was also killer, but not as potent, as what he gave me.
Im still up in the air about what was used for the M/F, for this cross. I know, often times, people list the Female, on the Left, and Male, on the right.
One thing is for sure, the Inside Flowering time on this stuff, was dead ripe, by 49 days, and even at 30 days, was better than anything anyone else had. 30 days, it tasted like the finest hash.
I lost older customers over it. It had both a stupefying high, but also made many people feel like they were going to crawl out of their skin, and had them up looking out the windows every 5 minutes, because they just knew, the cops were out there.
And, when you smoked it, it was a foregone conclusion, you were going to cough your brains out. It was also, unsafe to try and drive, and smoke it. If you took a hit, it was very liable, to make you lose your vision, for several seconds, topped off, with coughing your fucking brains out.
It was considerably more potent, than the Black Afghani Hash, we got from Ollie North, via the Bluegrass Airport, in Lexington. Our whole area, was flooded with the Hash they brought in. It had one Gold Stamp on one side that said Kabul Afghanistan, and the other side was stamped, Support the Freedom Fighters. Sandinistas, who were fighting in Central America, and North was running drugs from both Afghanistan, and Columbia/Coke, to support them… We were also flooded with Coke. Ether based. Though, by that time, I had long quit chemicals, and alcohol, and only weed. I stopped all the other stuff, in 76 after an OD on injecting-IV, 95 Units-1:1000 Epinephrine, like dumbass.
The seeds also had good germ rates, so if all the things being equal, I would give $2000 for the seeds. And would be as happy as kid on Christmas, that wanted an original 59 Les Paul Standard, and got it!!!
I was also getting $4800 an lb, $400oz, all day long, and couldnt grow enough of it.
One guys old girlfriend, is still mad at me, from 1996. She swears I put PCP in it. It made her sick, and throwing up,/dry heaves, for 5 hours. She laid in front of the toilet, 5 hours. 1x 1 gram joint, between 8 people.
Another funny thing, though, not surprising.

Inside, like I said, it was done, in 49 days. Actually 6-7 weeks.
Outside? It wasnt done, until the First Week, of November.
It was also Narrow Leaf, Sativa stems, very few leaves to trim, and super sticky, and was challenging, to roll a joint. The scissor hash, was incredible. Best I ever had. The weed itself, was better than about ANY hash Ive ever smoked. Except the stuff that came from this.
Buds tasted like the finest hash, that ever came out of Nepal. It was Honeysuckle Floral, with extreme cat-piss, and Hash. It reeked of floral catpiss, and you could smell it 100 feet away. It was the type of stuff, that would penetrate a concrete block building. we had in in a really nice home, with a concrete basement, 100 feet from the street, and you could still smell it, out in the street. We kept burnt garlic, and onions going, to kill the smell upstairs, and if someone came to the door. We would get a frying pan with oil, put some garlic, and onions in it, partially burn them, and walk around the house, with the smoking cast iron skillet. And then keep them going, on low heat.
But yep, Id give $1000, with no hesitation.
This stuff was the closest Ive see to Santa Marta Sinsemilla, I saw, in 1972.
Back then, I could get killer Oaxacan, for $20 an ounce. $40 a quarter Lb. $140 an lb. If you buy 5, $100 an lb.
In 72, this stuff was going for $70, an ounce. Not one seed, and was Electric Green, with red, and yellow highlights. It tasted, like floral hash.


Can I ask what the 1K would be buying?


Doesn’t matter what it is, seeds or whatever else. If a dream of ones passion can be purchased for $1000, in this economy that’s a pretty solid deal.

$1000 for seeds is too expensive. If it fulfills some mental aspect of a dream, they’re more than just seeds at that point. This is my perspective. Many blessings and much love


I’d consider it for a clone but not for seeds.

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Nope. Even if I could afford to spend and potentially lose $1k on the seeds I wouldn’t buy them on principle because the seller is just a money grabbing mf, and I don’t like greedy money grabbing fuckers.


No matter what strain or how good they are that is way to much to spend on a few seeds.
I have this great farmland in Florida you can buy for the low low price of $1,000.000. Just let me know……


The BEST seeds ive ever had in my life bar none have all been 100% FREE!

In my experience, most free things end up having more value then any amount of money!


Why do that when their is bodhi to hunt through


Subzero with the truth


I propose a theoretical, for $1K you get to develop your personal “golden” seed pack, what would everybody’s perfect seed pack look like?

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No , a clone would be worth that if extremely rare and you could make your money back in 1 round of cuts , or keep it exclusive and offer flower at a high rate and quickly get your $1,000 back.

A seed pack you might not find pheno your looking for , they might not even germ , to many chances of not getting your $ worth.


I’ll remember that when I start getting into purchases and auctions heavier

[quote=“CocoaCoir, post:9, topic:162027, full:true”]
It is possible to pay for a $8,888 pack of seeds and get all bad plants.[/quote]

Have you or known anyone to grow out any of the GGG stuff? $9k is mind bending for seeds. I know thugpug used to test for them and he was a good way to get some crosses, but $9k is a down payment on a house :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


In the European cut market cuts go exclusively for 300-500 so pretty easy to make your money back.

Original Alien Technology is the only beans i would consider going that crazy over. Considering most of the fields in that area was destroyed, i guess I’ll never have to worry about it.

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Been smoking cannabis for about 55 years now.
I prefer to look forward, to cannabis creations, over the desire to keep pining for yesteryear’s products.
Looking back over your shoulder for decades for this or that , is fine for you, but no thanks, for me.


That’s a reasonable price for a proved worked seed line considering everyone else is charging 100-300 for pollen chucks
Where do we draw the line between paying someone for actual work or just for the brand ?

To me it’s no different than the t shirt game, Gucci or Nike it’s just a t shirt, but if someone do the work and invent a t shirt with let’s say bulletproof enhancement while retaining avg shirt weight etc
Should we pay him the same because it’s just a t shirt ?

So… don’t be so easy to dismiss, it looks like years of working lines nowadays is rare as gold
I’ll pay 1k easy for a pack of 10 fems of proven elite clone seed line.

I’ve paid 250 for TK S1… And if I don’t hit anything ? I rather pay 750 more and be done with it, wtf is money for ? Why do I go to work to earn it ? To solve problems like this :laughing:

In my country people sell clones for 50-100 usd, but you might aswell buy hemp clones for cheap as the clones you get from them are just seeds they popped, no selection, no heritage, just random packs they buy, select the prettiest and off they go
No taste, no high, no thank you
I had a chance to smoke the supposedly 500-1000 usd clones in USA, what a joke haha, people grow Instagram weed just for looks today


Back about ten years ago before their prices were so exorbitant, I remember their reputation on the forums wasn’t so stellar. A lot of herms and a lot of disappointment with occasional person screaming they had a keeper. I remember a lot of drama surrounding them but don’t recall the details as I didn’t give a shit. I’m sure you can find more information on the older forums.

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Maybe I’m different than most other growers but it’s way more interesting and satisfying to run new strains every season. My tolerance builds up by smoking the same stuff for more than a couple weeks so I need fresh herb in rotation. Personally anything over $100 for seeds is just not worth it…my money goes to bills food and life not cannabis clones or exotic hype strains. The idea of spending $1k is laughable and kind of reminds me of this triploid nonsense