Is $1k too much for seeds…?

What if you spent 1k on a pack only to get disappointment? I wouldn’t drop 1k on seeds but i’d consider 1k on a clone. You could easily make your back selling some flower/some cuts.The newer overly hyped strains are nothing more than flashy mids. I’m in the us and can get legit cuts for $35/$55 from a grower that would cost a couple hundred if i were to order it.


To be fair ace,bodhi and csi packs can be had for less then $100🙂


is it too much for a pair of sneakers?
is it too much for a watch?
a bottle of wine?

Nothing is too expensive as long as there are fools prepared to pay for it…
and the world never seems short of fools, so…


SOL sweet tooth

LOL! Way too much. Sounds like a big case of buyers remorse to me.

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Sounds like some pollen chucked f2 seeds from a junky/woman beater.

I dunno man, the going rate around here
Is 20 bucks a bj

So yeah, give me the seeds and 60 bjs
And ya got a deal


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If something special comes out of a breeding project, chances are you’ll get your hands on those genetics within a year or two for a reasonable price.

In that respect, cannabis breeders are a lot like flower breeders, like day lilies. When a new, special day lily comes out, it can go for $500 or more for a clone. Then each year it’s cheaper, until it’s the same price as everything else.

The Blasted Genetics breeder is a good example. He buys expensive seeds from Seed Junky, Gage Green, RAW and other breeders, finds keepers and crosses them to produce some very powerful weed. His offerings go for about $100/pack, but you can often get them for less.


That’s why I was emphasizing proved worked line, in that kind of seed line you won’t get disappointed, that’s the whole concept of putting the work to reach a guaranteed product at the end, it’s like that in any industry and in almost every product you buy or consume today.

You can reach almost clone like seeds, it’s possible and was done not so long ago, before legalization brought up much hype and cash for everyone involved

No elite clone will go for 35/55 usd, not even 500 or 1k, that’s ridiculous
Those 35/55 clones are keepers at best, something someone found in some packs made from the original if any
The 500 ones is where the clones are pretty but smoke meh

I struggle to find a worthy clone around my country that’s why I’m buying so much seeds, Ive put an offer of 50K up for grabs for that elite special some some, no one is even giving me samples, no one is trying to reach something special, just pictures and sell quick so the customer won’t ask for a refund until he gets home haha

You can get very identical plants from seeds. I have two raspberry coughs from seeds that are very similar plants i’m mothering. I’m not buying clones unless i’m confident they’re legit! I know a commercial grower that spends a premium on clones that are legit/tested. He makes hundreds of clones and sell them that much.


I know that the premise was 1K for a pack, but I’d say with1K could build your own seed bank and have all you’d ever need. I could probably eliminate everything in my bank down to what I paid 1K for and have all I’d need forever.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying…
It’s not a game of chances if the work has been done to stabilize the seed line and of course if you started from a true elite trait clone
But let’s say you do have that clone, all is left is working through generations filtering the bad and keeping the good, it takes time…
Time = Money

The rest is what the market is today, every seed is a gamble no matter what clone it came from because rarely people put the work necessary to achieve that clone status in seed form.

My buddy and I were contemplating this issue, doing F1, S1 or try to reach true breeding qualities within a reasonable time frame
Also the problem of how to reach the market with your proven batch, I mean… a TK is a TK no ? To the people buying seeds which option you think they will buy, a 1K pack of TK F6 from a not so known breeder or a 200$ TK S1 from a name brand ?


this ^^ :slight_smile:

thank you for the tip on Blasted Genetics, md.
( i was not aware of them yet *woohoo * :sunglasses: )


personally i wouldnt spend $1000 on 1 pack of seeds ,ive found what i like in luckydogs strains ,good old chemdog crosses for way way less but thats just my personal preference


If someone offered me Original Skunk seeds i mayyy consider it.

Exactly, for 1k in seeds you could be set, especially if you’re breeding!

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“The first rule of fight club, we do not talk about fight club.” :laughing:

On a serious note. I’d never pay that money for seeds. That’s just insane. Even if I was in a position to buy beans at that price I wouldn’t. Nothing IMO would be worth that mainly because I like to run through variety and don’t really like hanging onto things for more than a few runs.

Also since 90% of “breeders” Nowadays don’t even show their work. Most Overgrow breeders document their work better than the guys selling their $150+ packs with stock photos.


O snap I got high and forgot about that, my bad.
I must be punished…



If the seeds are exclusive and desirable, someone could make a ton of cash off seeds that cost $1000.

Just look at the recent work Todd at Authentic Genetics has done with his Original Haze and Northern Lights acquisitions. He sends out emails thanking his x amount of customers, seeds are $50 a pack let’s say. The math checks out. If the seeds cost $1000 that’s a great investment.

Realistically, those seeds cost much more than $1000. That’s some realistic context.

What if some 1969 Original Haze seeds that Sam sold Nevil came up for sale, they’d fetch much more than a grand.

Seeds with beneficial traits not found in modern cannabis would also easily be worth more than $1000 depending on application. Even traits for fiber ty

It’s all relative.

But then they’re just seeds and should be shared so shouldn’t be worth that much. But if I had a billion dollars what’s $1000. It’s all relative.

If it’s good and you want it and can afford it, enjoy it and share it and make it abundant and available for those who can’t afford it. It’s about how to create abundance. That’s a legacy. That’s what dreams are made of. Many blessings and much love


For 1k imagine all the seeds you could get rather than dropping it on possible bunk seeds at that point. I’d risk dropping that and possibly more on a clone.