Is it done yet? Actually, yes it is!

Posted a trich pic to FB of a Stunna Punch girl that is ready for harvest. It then occurred to me that the pic showed few amber trichomes, but looked done to us.

Have used the general presentation of the plant in addition to trich head color to determine ready or not for a while now. But having read some recent research, listened to Dr Alison Justice and a few others, we dramatically changed our criteria. Its about getting trichs before the contents degrade, which we have all known.

But some specific signs have emerged through the reading and listening that we didn’t use before, but have been for a few months now. We harvested a Permanent Chimera at 8 weeks on the dot, because the trich condition and the overall plant state told us to. We harvested the rest by trich color, at 9 weeks 2 days. The 8 week flower had more complex taste and smell, and was a little more potent.

Feel free to share the image, don’t care about credit, only care about folks getting the best out of their girls. Hope this helps folks to happier harvests!


Are you saying to look for these signs labeled in the picture?

We have started to. Also trichome texture, which we lack the equipment to really see well as we would like. Once they get wrinkly, they are going downhill.


Thanks for confirming early vs. late harvests. I usually harvest when it’s full cloudy and with at least one amber in view at any given time.


I can’t help but feel like @JoeCrowe would have something to say about this. :wink:


Here’s a link to the study. Basically when your trichomes start to look like they are oozing goo, there are definitely end-stage. Read that study, it’ll change your life.


2 more weeks.


That study is awesome! One of the ones that changed how we check for ripeness. Couple videos from Dr Justice too.


Of course lol

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Yeah I’ve definitely seen a few plants that will degrade the heads and decapitate them long before any of the heads turn amber. The NL2 x Purple Unicorn from Bodhi would do that a lot.


I agree, the 20 percent amber is so 90s.
Many times I to have yet to see amber
And decapitated heads everywhere.

I grow strains several times and I know
When it’s good TO me, that’s all that matters.
The old saying about most of the hairs red
Is actually a good window in my experience.



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I have a sativa leaning pheno of Jungle Boys’ Purple Sunset that just really doesn’t turn amber. Revegged her once, and on the little buds left behind, like half of the trichs were still clear. After like 7 or 8 runs, got her dialed as 9 weeks on the nose, regardless of trich color.


Always and forever! :joy::sweat_smile:


Total recall.


Thanks for this post.
Do you have any links for these? I’m looking for some new, good info on this.
I’ll read that study link too @JoeCrowe. Thank you.

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Am out at breakfast, will rummage about and find, was very interesting. She seems super solid.

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Here wo go, I liked this one:

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