Is it ok to make BOG seeds

Amen for that

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Looking at what you said, i can understand your inner conflict cuzā€¦thatā€™s because youā€™re a man of honor (hard to find nowadays!) BUTā€¦to do crosses of any strain, currently on the market or past, is no big deal. To grow, trade or gift these to friends is no big deal. If, and thatā€™s a big part of it, I gather, but if BOGā€™s son were even to do something similar, it would be slightly different, Iā€™m sure. The big part is to NOT sell themā€¦ then it crosses the line, in my mind. Irrelevant to whether or not any more come out. Youā€™re doing this to preserve and share, not profit fromā€¦


I bet you a cut sour bubbles up next @Syn

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Sour bubble next drop?

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The trick is use the code for 25% then pay cash another 10% packs shipped are like 67 a pop

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He also said breeding crosses and that there were no conditions on his beans once sold as long as not sold as BOG seeds. BOG didnt only address f2s for giveaways. We can discuss whether the modifer of a giveway applies to the breeding crosses or just the f2s, grammar is fun, but since he isnt planning on selling as BOG seeds and there are no other conditions to the seeds, @DougDawson should be good.


So I guess my question to you @corgitron is what do you think should happen to the multiple BOG preservation runs going on right now? Should everyone just shut them down and wait to see what happens?

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Im not freaking out about it man. Humans are gonna do what humans do. If it were me. Id do 50/50 Bog/ og fundraiser

I get it bud, not calling you out, just looking for your opinion is all.

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Its wierd murky water friend. If you want i can try to reach out to james beanz to ask Jr or Flying Nun to come in and help ease everything.

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That would be great of we could hear from the man himself. I feel pretty confident after finding Srā€™s stance on this that Sour Bubble F2ā€™s are cool. The cross wont be a BOG release either but I would love to hear Jrā€™s opinion on this.


I saw something about his son I believe on seeds here now and saw some scammers and it was about a seed drop some reason they seemed connected. Iā€™d be wearing of any new drops but I believe thereā€™s nothing wrong at all. Iā€™ll look to see if I can find the link again.

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Heā€™s probably laughing so hard at everyone right now getting so anxious.
His stance on all of this is clear from his interview on potcast:


I really dont think it is.

For doug to ask himself the question. Confirms it is.

Because he didnt have the info he has now. Being ignorant of an issue doesnt mean it is objectively murky. Bad logic. Does not confirm that at all.

The man himself (BOG) said he doesnt have a problem with it. If you want to respect the man, respect his wishes. Not murky. Not knowing his wishes so you ask the question doesnt mean it is murky once you got all the info. Like saying whether earth is flat or not is murky because you didnt have all the info.

You wanna ignore BOGs intentions for his seeds, you do you. Thats all there is to say. Have a nice day man.


I agree with this and have found the manā€™s quote which makes me happy. I would still like to know Jrā€™s position on this.


I think its interesting to know too, and more than worth knowing, but not controlling on this issue.

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Ok you found the answer, from the man himself in that quote. His son does have rights, of a sort. But even HE is trying to profit from someone elseā€™s work. Even if it is his popā€¦
sorry if this sounds ā€˜callousā€™ but if you think about itā€¦ the son isnā€™t the one that put in all that work. I can appreciate him wanting to have an income, but there it is.

As many here know, any seeds from strains I have spent my time to make and breed, I always say this, grow em, clone em, trade em, gift em, just donā€™t sell them please.


But what about flying nun? To me what she says goes. Probably before JR.