Is it ok to make BOG seeds

I think we can all agree Doug isn’t out to do something unethical, but I’d say there’s a fairly significant difference between being cool with people F2ing your work (particularly to preserve it) or using your seedlines to create new seedlines by crossing them to something else, versus people using your seedlines to recreate a strain you or your successors are actively selling and putting it out into the world using the F1 name you used.


We just playing hypothetical devils advocate here now? Any real issues with reproing BOG seeds are far beyond what @DougDawson is doing.


Damn he said that two days before he died?


December of 2019.

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I see no ethical dilemma.

Do it :+1:

Just don’t start a company called BOG2.0


Really thinks about it. Do it you guys are all right. Im wrong. I was playing devils advocate since i stepped in someone has to go against the grain.
hehhehe yall just opened up a 5x5 for 6 months!!!


SO @DougDawson …are them seeds ready yet? NO!? What the heck are you doing on here cuz? lol Get to work!! :rofl: :crazy_face: :grinning: :+1:

JK cuz you know that though lol I’m just wanting to see the show progress and maybe get a few beans out of it!


What? @corgitron ? I was out n missed it, lol whatever it was? It was in answer to me I see that much lol

Mouth was running about already getting my sour strawberry cut

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lol got it cuz


Jest driving home brother, it’s a 4 hr drive from the lake. Sis sit through the BOG podcast which was really cool…guess we motor forward, both runs are on.




I stand by my prior comment. Give it out to people as (Mom) x (Dad) and there’s no problem at all. If it’s given it out as Sour Strawberry I see it as a problem regardless of BOG’s statement, because what we’re talking about isn’t BOG’s Sour Strawberry. It’s a recreation of Sour Strawberry using the same parental lines. There’s nothing wrong with doing the cross, just don’t call the F1 that’s created Sour Strawberry (even if it’s being given away).

Sour Strawberry F2s are obviously a-ok.


Glad you decided to make em!


PS: And obviously anyone holding BOG seeds should be F2ing them or otherwise not risk letting them go to waste. I was hoping to do something else next year but maybe something BOG should be a priority.

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Been on it friend! @yardgrazer


Do whatever you want with your stuff. You paid for it.

IDK when this whole “permission/ethics” thing started…it’s just seeds.


Hey OG’ERS :wave:

I too am starting a BOG seed run for Preservation purposes… I too had the same moral dilemma that @DougDawson had asked about in this thread…

The reality is ( for me at least ) that I’d like to preserve BOGs Genetics as they are, not to profit from, but to ensure BOGs work doesn’t disappear into time. I have such mad respect for BOG and his family and I’d like to experience his Genetics myself the way it was Intended from BOG himself.

Ps. The Cannabis collector’s cards are just a way to make things more fun & promote trading of BOGs genetics between members, friends ect. Also not for profit, I’ve paid for this myself out of pocket and gifted to @DougDawson to go along side of the seeds his gives away for free.

I’m making these cards with the thinking that BOG and his work deserve more then my hand written scribble on some paper to label his creations in mine or anyone’s collections, thus making cards more as a token of appreciation or a way to commemerate his work respectfully.

I couldn’t have said it better :clap: :relieved: :ok_hand:


I think its totally fine to make your own seeds as long as it’s for your personal use and for friends and as long as you don’t market it as BOG seeds…


Excatlty :+1: