Is there anybody out there, FL?

Anybody know a good delivery service in Orlando?

Sending this hail Mary to the ogverse

I’ll be in Ocala by tomorrow night, so I guess I should ask about services there too…

Any help is appreciated, hit the dms :pray::pray::pray:


I was in the Tampa area and it requires a medical card. Maybe an OGer in the area could hook up you up. Good luck.

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Any experience w

None sorry.

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Sorry to say not a lot of OG members are in the Central Florida area. If I had some to spare I would help you out though.


Well worst case Ontario, yesterday me mailed Wednesday me some love, but Monday and Tuesday me aren’t too happy about it, lol


@Heliosphear got any leads?

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You gotta have a card to get anything in Florida. If your coming through Jax, i got ya on some sour bubble


I am just waiting for the elections next year. Relational is on the ballot.



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It’s a good step forward. But f@#* trulieve and desantis. Why can’t we just have home grow?


The main sticking point has always been taxation. If the state can make a buck on it they will. But if it does pass, no one will bother home growers.


Let’s hope so. Be awesome if home grow was on it. I wouldn’t have to move very far.

I just feel home grow in FL would not affect the state at all. With as much tourism FL gets, they would have no issue dealing with the few handfuls that would choose to home grow

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One step at a time. Lets get relational passed, then we can work on growing it.


No state will pass up a free source of tax revenue.

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I’ve had a medMJ card for 5 years $75 a year, scripts are for 7 months and cost $170. The Bud is very expensive but the vapes and oils are almost always cheaper. I’ve got zero homegrown and haven’t smoked since end of August, the Full Spectrum Oil from Exspencery is great for sleeping and they have 3 blends of RSO, Sativa, Hybred and Indica.

The chances that legal for everybody flower is remote at best as the cost of a grow license is stacked and cost $1.3 million just to get started. The people at the top in Florida are against Recreational cannabis because they make millions arresting and or fining people for holding, growing, smoking and selling Cannabis. FLA makes more money on keeping people imprisoned than they could ever make Taxing Cannabis.


Would it help my marriage? :crazy_face::face_with_peeking_eye:


Sorry typing correctly is a pain when your on pain killers.

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Aww man now I feel bad. :disappointed:
But on the bright side, you’re on pain killers!

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