Is there anyone that can help with CBD tincture for anxiety?

I make a 1:1 THCA:CBDA tincture. I call it my “rescue medication”. It has stopped panic attacks in their tracks. The THCA is not activated, so it’s perfect for going out in crowds (one of my major triggers).


I have some new input after I’ve last posted. As far as anxiety is concerned it can still be more variable than expected. For example my personal anxiety is relieved by cbn. Cbd doesn’t touch it at all. Cbc helps. A lot honestly. For nerve pain it’s a mix of cbc and cbg. Cbc as it does what cbd does but better. If thc is desired, then cbc will also be better as the analgesic effect thc provides will not be toned down by cbd knocking it out of the receptors involved in general pain relief. The same pain ibuprofen can help, but without the worries of liver/kidney failure. I can’t remember which one specifically, but honestly would it matter regardless of either one? It’s organ failure.

Also just to prefix an argument before it happens think about ibuprofen for chronic pain. If you have to treat pain with ibuprofen how many times before you have to deal with the pain naturally and be knocked out from pain? I’m not being a troll. I do need to know as when I ask people they all have no scale to work with for comparison. That’s not right. While pain is relative there should still be a baseline we can all agree is at least 1-5 before a doctor actually had to pay attention to symptoms. In general I’ve found 6 is the starting number for chronic pain under a fair level of control.

Rant aside short notes version: cbg for nerve/back pain, cbc for general inflammation and anything cbd related(cbd isn’t general body pain unless ibuprofen helps and that means inflammation pain still sorry), cbn for antipsychotic, thc for general body pain(analgesic), and I need more access to isolates to understand their effects when no other cannabinoid is involved. CBL interests me. For anyone with what they’d describe as bone pain I won’t argue with them. I’d ask questions for context to understand and talk about it on an even level without talking down to one another.

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