Is this a mag deficiency?

Before you start correcting for deficiencies, get your pH where it needs to be as other posters have stated. For soil 6.5 - 6.8. In a pinch you can use lemon juice and baking soda to adjust. I have used both successfully. Getting your pH corrected will address some of the issues you are experiencing now. Good luck.


Excellent advice ^^^^^^^^^^ :metal:

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My water ph going in is at 6.5 but the runoff is coming out at 5.85. Do I need to keep this up until runoff ph is 6+ or do I need to add in water at a higher ph?

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You can certainly keep flushing until your runoff shows a higher pH. The FFOF is pH adjusted to 6.3-6.8, did you add anything else to your soil to change the overall pH? You could continue to flush until you raise the pH.

Here is a good chart showing pH levels for soil and nutrient uptake.


The only thing I added last week was Tiger Bloom. Nothing else but water. I will raise the ph higher and flush. Thanks for your help brochacho.

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If you are going in at a pH of 6.5, you are in the sweet spot. Just flush a bit more.


Yeah I will probably over compensate and end up over 7 ph lol. I will just keep flushing at 6.5. I think the problem was I wasn’t checking the ph when I first started up until a couple of weeks ago and I had read somewhere that 5.85 was ok so I really didn’t think much about it until I saw the leaves turning brown.


I agree with the others
Soil sweet spot is around 6.5
In my experience I have had the same issue with the brown spots on the leaves and was corrected with calmag.
Looks like your well taken care of here,these guys and gals have you pointed in the right direction.
Happy growing.


This is getting worseđŸ˜«
Should I flush until I get 6.5 ph? Water going in at 6.5 and coming out 5.7. I water everyday sometimes every other day.

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Flushing with calmag? Tiger bloom? My advice is to cut out all bottles. Water to runoff once. Observe. You seem pretty far along in the process and I think it’s easier to mess something up with bottles than to fix it. Water. Great job so far. Focus on flowers finishing over leaf issues. Happy harvest!! Peace


I flushed with straight water ph’d at 6.5 and the runoff was still coming back at 5.8 so I gave it some weak nutes and called it a wrap. I’m just gonna let it do its thing. I think because I wasn’t checking my ph in the beginning it screwed me up in the end. I won’t make that mistake again. I’m also currently growing a Jack Herer auto and have been checking the ph of my water going in and out so hopefully things go better.

Here is the Jack Herer at day 26

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pH problems are so underrated and the root cause of so many issues IMHO.

Once you get behind the ball with a def where the root cause is pH I have found it hard to “correct” ie getting the plant to 100% once it’s started blooming.

Keep ph ing that water. Heck if the runoff pH is still too low, don’t be afraid to use 7ph water in to help get the runoff above 6.


When I’m in pH trouble I run a few gallons of tap water through the soil. I know my tapwater is 7.0 which gives me a good baseline. Then I water with light nutes and call it a day.

This doesn’t happen very often.

Doesn’t look like mag. Adjusting your pH high is good advice.


Yeah it’s an auto and I think I have maybe 3 weeks left. I don’t think I will be able to fix it this time around but I am definitely going to keep ph-ing my water going in, hopefully this helps.


I thought about flushing with tap water but won’t the chloramine hurt the plant? I’ve been using distilled water.

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I use straight tap water all the time. Never a chloramine issue. Check your tap pH and go from there.


Distilled water is weak and has no minerals on it, what’s your EC? Do you check it when runoff? Plant could be hungry, would be interesting to know how many ppm goes in and out 


I just realized this the other day. So not only did I have low ph’d water I also didn’t have any minerals. I don’t have an EC meter, I’m gonna try to get one soon.

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Day 39 of Jack Herer

It’s happening again on my Jack Herer.
But this time it’s on the bottom fan leaves only
so far.

Fox Farm Ocean Forest soil.
Ph 6.5
Weak Fox farms trio nutes used at week 3 once a week.
Cal mag started at week 3 once a week.

Could this be because I was using Distilled water from the beginning and it had no calcium or magnesium those first 3 weeks?

Thanks for all the help in advance.


Nice Jack Herer bro :metal: :metal: :metal:

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