Is this a mag deficiency?

Thanks! it smells like super sweet grapefruit. It makes my mouth water lol


I finally got an EC Meter and my ppm is at 1071 on my pineapple express so Iā€™m guessing it was the low ph screwing up my plant or do you think 1071 ppm is too low?

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On the contrary, if you have flushed with RO water it looks high for me, specially being a sativa dominant hybrid. Whatā€™s clear now is that the plant has enough food available, so if it cannot process it and apparently has deficiencies that mean pH is out of range.These are my references:


How old is that soil? It lasts for 30 days, I donā€™t know if it could be depleted now and you will need to add some nutes. I see it also has a lot of Nitrogen which is not convenient now entering in advanced flower stage. Add some CalMag and check runoff pH. I hate organics because you have no control about the nutes youā€™re giving, I am sure an organic expert grower can give you better advice, Iā€™ve got the feeling of being chasing shadows ā€¦ :sweat:

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I definitely think itā€™s the low ph, I was never really able to bring it up. I feel like Iā€™m so close to the finish line that I may just water with straight tap water until I finish. Thanks for all the help and the reference chart this really helps.

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Deffo too hot Iā€™d thinkā€¦ Iā€™m having same issuesā€¦ soil keeps getting too hotā€¦ either from not enough uptake or ph issueā€¦ or overwateringā€¦ the list goes onā€¦ but looks like similar shit that I have going onā€¦ thatā€™s why a flush makes em look better for a day or soā€¦ but for some reason looks bad againā€¦ leaning toward ph too lowā€¦ or too many/big swings in phā€¦ and nute build up


Westcoast cry guy lmao!! :rofl: :joy: :laughing:

Not sure why that dude even opens his mouth on hereā€¦ but that was funny shit!! Shouldnā€™t he be like a millionaire by now with his plethora of impeccable bullshit knowledge? :rofl:

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Yeah Iā€™m thinking itā€™s both the ph and nute burn. The tips started turning yellow and brown after I started nutrients. Next time Iā€™m just gonna focus on the ph. Now my Jack Herer is starting to show the same symptoms but the ph is not as lowšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø

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If ph is all good then Iā€™d think itā€™s just too hot of soil / nutes stillā€¦ something is causing it to stop uptake it seemsā€¦

Also if using distilledā€¦ doesnā€™t that have zero calmag like ro water? Youā€™ll need extra calmag because your water is completely strippedā€¦ does it have reverse osmosis water directions as well on the back?

I stopped with the distilled for that reason, no calmag. Now Iā€™m using straight tap with ph down as my tap comes out the faucet at 7.5-8 ph. Iā€™m gonna focus on the ph for now and forget all the nutes except for the big bloom.


Watch for the tap to rise more or things like thatā€¦ try to ph your tapā€¦ and wait 1 hour and check againā€¦ see if it changes on you ā€¦ may be alot of buffer fighting going on ā€¦ also. . Are you allowing this tap water to sit out for 24 hours to allow the chlorine to evaporate?


I bought an expensive 90 dollar ph meter from hannaā€¦ total piece of shit from day 1ā€¦ ruined like 5 attempts at growingā€¦ I didnā€™t understand how or why this could happen with a new productā€¦ possibly check your new pens against another to be sure

Did you calibrate it? They need to be calibrated almost every month.

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Oh yeahā€¦ all the time manā€¦ just was a bad 1ā€¦ it happensā€¦ I went on to get a bluelab combo plusā€¦ they were on sale on Amazon for 200 I figured thatā€™s about 100 off normalā€¦ so I jumpedā€¦ I like bluelab alot better for sureā€¦ hanna just was Cheap quality in comparison

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Calibratedā€¦ cleanedā€¦ stored in their storage solutionā€¦ whole 9 yardsā€¦ Iā€™m a fan of reading the directions and doing it correctly lol

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Bluelabs sure are the best. Got the guardian and also their ph controller. That was a great investment!

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For sure!! That guardian is good too I knowā€¦ 1 step above the combo plusā€¦ yours does constant readingā€¦ mine is a spot check readingā€¦ buuuuuutā€¦ I can check soil ph with it lol

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If Iā€™d have known if have went with aroya solus teros 12 for the moneyā€¦ after allā€¦ our meters have like a 1 to 3 year warranteeā€¦ the teros lasts like 10 years lolā€¦ and gives a way better insight of whatā€™s up in the pot alwaysā€¦ but it wonā€™t help you mix nutes thoughā€¦ the downside of the teros 12ā€¦

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I donā€™t wait at all, I just go from the tap to a bucket where I ph and then water my plants. But I never thought about waiting an hour to ph again, I will try that next time.

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Oh bro yeah you gotta let that chlorine evaporateā€¦ try putting it in 5 gallon bucketsā€¦ and let em sit for a day.

At least 24 hoursā€¦ then do your thing broā€¦ let me know if that was it manā€¦ chlorine in excess will fuck your plants up gromigo

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