Is this a mag deficiency?

Ya I only take out 50-60 grams at a time put it in a slider zip lock quart size easier minimal clumping

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So I’m wondering if Fox Farms is organic soil? I’ve heard that it is and I’ve heard that it isn’t. If it is that would be great because I already have some ocean forest. I was thinking about just using ocean forest mixed with perlite and only big bloom throughout the entire next grow. My last grow looked good up until I started using FF Big Bloom and Tiger Bloom, everything went down hill after that.

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I use the shit out of big bloom 2 gallons so far this outdoor. Big bloom was originally fox farms nute. The others followed. I use Grow, big bloom, tiger bloom and 5 of their bushdoctor supplements I use all these together if you need any help bro

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What G&B soil would be good to start with? Blue Ribbon or just the regular potting mix?

Thanks man. I will definitely hit you up on the next grow. About to pop some caribbean crashers from Nugs Life in the next couple of weeks. I have the FF trio and bushdoctor on hand but still debating if I want to use them.

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this is what I fed them 3 weeks bloom (coco/peat/perlite 1/3 of each)
Tiger Bloom 3/4 teas per gallon
Big Bloom 1TBS per gallon
Mega Crops Sweet Candy 0-27-27 .75 gram per gallon
1/2 TBS per 2 gallon Foxfarm Grow
1/2 TBS per 2 gallon Alaskan Fish Fert
1/4 teas per gallon Bushdoctor Kelp Me Kelp You
1/2 teas per gallon Bushdoctor Microbe
3/4 teas per gallon Bushdoctor Cal Mag
This mornings 3.25 gallon nute feed included 1/2 TBS per gallon of Bushdoctor Sledgehammer
Peace :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal:

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Thank you!

Do you have to use pH up after mixing? My pH was dropping a lot when I used full strength FF trio mix.

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strange whats your water well or city all foxfarm nutes are PH’d at 6.5 never ph anything. my tap is ph’d at 7
I got something for you to look at sec

the only nutes of theirs I use full strength are their big bloom and microbe and kelp me kelp you I micro dose the grow but add alaskan fish fert match 1/2 and half I also micro tiger bloom and add a PK booster sweet candy micro both
sledgehammer is awesome for flush

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City water. It comes out the tap at 7.5-8

Every time I add all 3 nutes as per the Fox Farm directions at half strength, it lowers my pH to 5.5-6 then I’m just chasing the Ph.

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that’s odd should be right at 6.5

I would stop worrying about the ph of the nutes and add some dolomite lime and see what happnens micro dosing the above

Ive never ph’d Ever I’m afraid of buying a pen and obsessing and losing sleep lol

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I’m gonna watch them right now! I may just give the bottled nutes another try. Thanks bro!

Yeah I was losing sleep for a minute there until I figured it out lol.

Gonna look into that dolomite lime forsure.

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let me know if you got any questions The only nutes in his video I full dose are the big bloom and microbe and kelp me kelp you the rest I micro every time Peace
If your soil already has some buffer like dolomite adjust according :slight_smile:

I didn’t even know FF had a microbe I’m gonna get that forsure! Sic man! thanks again. :v:

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I use it every time 1/2 teas per gallon and 1/4 teas of the kelp me kelp you

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FF liquid nutes arent organic.

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Grow is organic, big bloom is organic, Tiger bloom is synthetic, kelp me kelp you is organic and so is their microbe read bottles brother that doesn’t mean they don’t have salt content

I use both synthetic and organic peace

edit sorry reading that sounded snobby not even close to the impression I want to leave. Peace