ISO that ever so elusive MAC1

How did you obtain your cuts?

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This… same question and how should I go about getting a cut? Dunno if I DESERVE a cut but I would like one anyway :joy::rofl: Stay safe &grow hard :fist:t6:


I’d love to join that waiting list for the MAC n Ghost! Even if it’s over a year long I’ll gladly do what it takes hehe.


I received mine after my state got it’s medical once I had a card I was no longer shy with locals and have since picked up a nice handful of things and have access to a shit ton of other stuff if I’m ever interested but most of the elite stuff isn’t my taste

I did take in the seed junky kushmints recently as well for a friend I may run it once but not my cup of tea

There is a long list I don’t want to put myself in a timeframe lock but I would say probably in the 2-3 month range a couple people are still waiting from summer time that’s part of the reason I rooted so many hopefully if I have 6 mother’s I can send everyone who wants one 3 or 4 cuts

I’ve also kicked around the idea of selfing the ghost like a ghost 2 but its really just all about time and space at this point and coordinating everything I’m growing in 3 places at the moment and I smoke a lot so shit gets forgotten about sometimes lol

Hopefully by the time there rooted up I’m back in the private lounge I’m much more comfortable talking about this in there


As long as it doesn’t freeze in the mail I’ll take it when ever :grin:. Then I’ll do my part to spread it to as many people as I can in my area. MAC was the first gram of legal stuff I bought from a store, just last week. On the aroma, I found it wonderfully citrus up front with a distinct trix cereal on the back end.does that sound about right :grin:


I get more musky fruit but it could definitely be an environment difference I definitely didn’t have it dialed in

Yeah I’m gonna try to get this knocked out ASAP because I don’t know if I will be keeping it for long it wasn’t really my thing other than the amazing bag appeal

Now that you mention it I bet trix cereal is real close to what I experienced cause trix is kind of musty fake fruit smelling


Yea, definitely looked and tasted awesome, not the most potent stuff I have right now in my stash. I got it because my friend recommended as his favorite strain. He gets it from his medical dispensary all the time, helps he has a veterans discount.
A grower that has been supplying me has some killer mendos breath.

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Sounds tasty.
And sounds like quite the undertaking if shes a slow vegger. @TheShowMeHomie I can imagine the time and resources that type of project could take. It’s a very generous gesture and Im sure the community appreciates it :sunglasses:


See I find it very potent just boring it gives me behind the eyes high it also has that slight burn on the nostrils on exhale like spicy hash has all around I liked everything about it expect veg speed and it’s high is boring but bag appeal alone will always make it sell


I’ve smoke slurricane, that was good stuff. Either way, I’ll try to keep and an eye out for your updates, and please keep me mind hehe. Especially that ghost, but I’d like to try and grow out at least a batch for my buddy, and spread the cut as much as I can on my end.

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Hyped elites are almost always disappointing.

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Have any of you pressed Mac1 ? if so what kind of rosin return are you seeing from it ?

150 aint cheap for a clone

Better look super fresh for that money


Yeah I miss the private lounge, you knew the people there weren’t trolls or douche knots. I’ve been making sure to come in every day for like ever now and haven’t gotten back up there lol
Hell if we trying to get the elites to everyone that can root em I’m down to help. I’ve got space for 6 mom’s of good size. I keep my moms in mini dwc so I have to keep the light low and nutes weak or the growth in nuts with most everything, unless you forget your own ass from working 8 days a week and let the res go dry like a dumb ass lol


Well you are actually the first person to get them sent to you anyway lol a couple are headed there now

I also cupped up 4 more yesterday so there coming folks

You better keep this bag appeal mofo for a while trip :v:


I’ll keep it for a while for sure, had my last moms 2 years before I flowered them out because I was tired of them. My recent debacle was from working night and day shift and not making sure my wife knew to check them


Regular p/towel, ziplock bag, wrapped in crumbled newspaper, LARGE Bubble Wrap Bottom/Sides/Top, those babies survives for 3 -5 days!!! Stay safe/be well.


I bought them off someone. Cant recall who or where. I think i paid about 200. They were sealed and had the cann verify QR code on the pack.

Sounds like an A+ financial decision on your end!


I kinda lied. I had ppl willing to pay $1000. I ended up taking 500 and I get access to all cuts. Win win

Another good one was buying Seedjunky weddingn cake f4 for $150 from seedbank and selling for $600