ISO that ever so elusive MAC1

Has the mac1 made its way out of hiding yet , I’ve been looking all over and am only finding expensive cuts from scammy looking people, anybody know a legit source I can purchase from. I know it’s supposed to be a free cut and not sold but nobody seems to have it around me.

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I’m waiting for mine, my first package was stolen :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:. If you don’t get one by the time I start growing mine out, I’ll send you one.

Dam that’s horrible luck , wonder if they even know what they got smh.

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Hmm I had a guy wanting to trade me a sealed pac of mac1 seeds I think I passed got something else he was hoping it like it was some kind of miracle alien cookies he probably still has a pack he was looking for Newberry f2 he got it cone to think of it he still owes me a trade keeos saying almost almost but nothing is sent only the first trade was good he hooked me up but now he forgot about me and keeps saying almost

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