It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

Funny story…that guy, can be led to water, but cannot be enticed to drink. :flushed:

I even tried being UBER nice. shakes head :pensive:


Yes,I Need to keep It small because It Is a 2x2 tent and I have 3 pots,One airpot 12 liters with an auto and 2x 2 gal fabric with One auto and my First photo


I have run only Autos in 3 gal fabrics,this this One 3 gal auto,One 2gal auto and a photo in a starter seedling pot

1 Like

:heart: :heart: :heart:


I had 2 but,I empty One today because the soil stayed moist too much,I overwatered my Argelato auto and She had a root sistem smaller than a penny,so I cut her,removed the second 12 liter pots and went for 2 X2 GAL fabric along the bigger One.Yes I followed your thread @Pigeonman and tried the airpots friend.I love Your work and @KanehB too,Sorry ti have bothered here.
Much love :heart:


It is okay my friend, no bother at all! :wink:

I’m learning new stuff too! :grin:


The only doubt Is for the photoperiodic plant flip time and transplant Friends.Thank you in Advance both @KanehB , @Pigeonman and @Oldtimerunderground
Feel free to answer whenever you have time*


I did an experiment where I up-potted every 2 weeks from seed until flower.

Clone rooted in jiffy pellet then planted into → 1cup → 750ml yogurt container → 1 Gallon → 3 gallon for flower. This was a seed run and each up pot was tiered and ended up looking like a step pyramid by the end. I’d water around the edge of the “floor” tier and the “pyramid” allowed for air access by roots. This was all before I got hard into air-pots.

It worked really well but the plants were small but had decent size flower.

in summary: the larger the pot the more time it takes the plant to fill in the space with roots BUT the wider and larger the “canopy” it can support. So if you go from a really small container to a really larger one without enough veg time the plant will grow but not be what it could be.

If your “seedling cup” is 16oz then going a few weeks with a veg period before you flip won’t hurt. Basically the way I go about it is

  1. up-potting to the next pot size (eg: 8" veg, put in 10" for flower).
  2. flip lights 12/12
  3. first 7 days = transition week were roots do their thing and plant goes "oh! looks like it’s time to start flowering. :thinking: " so I keep feeding vegative growth nutes.
  4. day 8 after 12/12 = Week 1 flower start.

That being said you can also flip from seed in a solo-cup as long as you’re attentive. :smiley:

There are SO MANY WAYS TO DO ALL OF THIS personal experimentation in conjunction with research (like what you are doing) is what I found key to success.

I have a plant that’ll end up vegging out for 2-3 MONTHS before I flip. And then all shit’s gonna go cray-cray as I’m sure it’s gonna double in side and I’ll have daily training to address :smiley:

(*:canada: 'sorry for the “rabling on”)


I can’t wait, and can only hope and keep looking after my babies till they get to this stage. :pray:t2::v:t2::partying_face:

Thanks for that. :arrow_up:

As always your time is appreciated. :blush:


Quick update:

10 days into their flip-itty-doo-dah and this is what they look like…


NL & PU Ladies:

Thanks for checking in, have a blessed day! :pray:t2:


:rofl: :heart:

Plants lookin’ happy & well loved! Great work @KanehB :hugs:


Nice and green, and ya gots flowers in there too! Looking good @KanehB

Ya don’t need hope :wink: Just keep doing what yer doing girl, and that day will be here soon enough :slight_smile:

Dude, you taught Bubbles how to roll your joints for you? AND you puff with Mike Tyson? AWESOME!!!


Very gratifying to get such encouraging and positive feedback from the both of you @Nagel420 & @Pigeonman. :slightly_smiling_face:

I appreciate it very much. :+1:t2:


You’re doing wonderful @KanehB :hugs:

Nothing better than some good homegrown medicine :grin: the more you grow, the more you know, the more smoke you can blow :triumph::crazy_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you! :slightly_smiling_face:

I feel like a kid just waiting at the candy counter! :candy::lollipop:

Have a wonderful TGIF. :wink:


Hey…quick question for anyone willing to answer. :slightly_smiling_face:

Silica…should it be added to soil to help with water retention?
If so what kind of Silica should be used or can we just use any old kind. For example the Silica that comes out of the packets we find in boxes of shoes etc? Or only the food safe ones, is there a difference?

I have a large coffee can full of “Silica” that was going to be used in “stay cool” Fabric Neck Ties, my partners mother was going to make and never did. :confused:

I would rather use it than discard it if I can.

This is what it looks like:


Ain’t it effing FANTASTIC when your ladies and/or gents are practically begging to see you…their Mother Nature:pray:t2: with their leafs up? :leaves:

:dizzy: I think it’s awe-inspiring and AWEsome! :sparkles:

I look forward to it every morning! :heart:


What a BEAUTIFUL LADY :heart::heart_eyes:


Ooo! Looks really nice! You should be getting the good smells about now!
You’re hitting this out of the park! Keep up the great work!,:green_heart::v:


Thank you so much Bobbi! :hugs:

When I open the tent I get whomped with the smell, it’s great! :smiley:

I’m not doing much except making sure they get watered and fed everyday. :+1:t2:

I talk to them a bit too. :wink: I also talk to the water though, I heard somewhere it has memory. :woman_shrugging:t3: Dunno…just something I do. :rofl: