It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

Moccasins are part of the MOC uniform, so your were pretty close!


My little assistant has known I’ve been “off”, just not myself; and has reacted as familiars do…by Velcroing themselves to you! :heart_eyes_cat:

I’ve gotten tons of cuddles and requests for treats, well the treat thing is normal :joy_cat:…she’s been a great girl and I don’t know what I’d do in this house without her. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I’m glad you appreciate my Moccasin’s. :blush: Also my crop mgmt….I’m such a dweeb!


Update time…The “Moc’s” are off!

I have delayed the posting of this UPDATE because:
1.I’ve been having some significant medical issues related to my Pancreas, I’ve been in a lot of pain as a result; however; it is being :male_detective:t3:‍♀ by the so called “Practicioners”. I have also had a multitude of other miniature shit to micro-manage alongside this issue, things have been overwhelming.
2.Then there is the “burple”, guess what though…it’s an effect being made by a Mars Hydro (Circa 2017), that:
• Still works
• My wonderful son got me for my Birthday that year! 🫶🏻

Get ready for the burple people!

The Garden: In this tent you’ll see, Lavender, Rosemary, Dill , Chives, San Marzano Tomato’s, Catnip my ONE lone sunflower, Basil…

:star_struck: Also :star_struck:
My 3 lovely Fog Dog femme fatales

My 3 Arachnid Pie Femme Fatales
*A silent shout out to my mom and her energy, her first year death date passed on April 29th. She totally believed in Good Grandmother Spider :spider_web::spider: and her wisdom.🥹I miss her! *

My Goomah’s….we shall see. 2 outta 3.

In this next Tent is my Green bush beans, Big Beef Tomato’s and the Castor Plants (Ornamental)

What is siz, such strange looking succulent plants! 🪴

HARVESTED and hanging to dry!

Will post additional, wonderful, delicious pics when they’re fully trimmed and in Jars! :sunglasses::heart:

Then there is the Piper who could forget her?

I caught her “chillin” in the bathtub!I have been :nerd_face: thinking about booking her for a shave at the groomers so she’s a bit cooler over the summer.

The deck…This is where she’ll spend most of her spring/summer days, laid out on a mat or curled up in a lawn chair. It’s great that there is no street access too! :smiley_cat: Piper, is a safe kitty. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

And that’s all I have for you for now folks!

I wish everyone a fantastic weekend, an especially wonderful :bouquet: Sunday to us ALL!!!

We mother plants and grow life through agriculture!! :seedling:🪴


Zomgs Congrats!!!!!! :hugs:

Gentle hugs about your pancreas :pleading_face:

1 Like

Thanks so much. :blush:

Planter boxes I ordered are in, I can p/u on Monday! :dancer:t3::man_dancing:t3:

First Yard sale happened on the block this weekend too, :+1:t2: so that season has also officially started. Yay!

The trees have little buds on them too, which excites me…spring, autumn and winter fave seasons, hands down.

I hope you have as wonderful a weekend as mine is turning out to be. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

PS: I appreciate the gentle hugs. 🥹


I really hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for sharing your gardens with us all!
Piper is so beautiful and majestic. :heart_eyes_cat: :smiley:
Good to hear Piper is an indoor :smiley_cat:
Mine are as well. :+1:


Oh yes, she wouldn’t know how or what to do “on the streets”, so to speak. :sweat_smile: Even though she thinks she does.

I think she’s in the process of making friends with a local Robin, (Redbreast, not Christopher) who is the same one :face_with_monocle::joy: we saved from certain death last year! :woman_shrugging:t3:
I almost got a pic of the two of them staring at each other from their safe perches the other day, too funny and cute and wonderful all rolled up into one bowl of delicious!!!
I’m going to keep trying for a pic!

I’m taking care of myself as best I can and have more tests scheduled, fun!
I’ll try my best to keep everyone updated. :pray:t2:


Mother’s Day has been pretty :love_you_gesture:t2:awesome!

I was able to visit with my daughter and her boyfriend as they came for brunch.
Rasin Bread French Toast with ALL the fixings!!! :yum: Made to order by my partner.

My son sent a very much needed gift. I won’t have to “Dust” it! Which is also a special request…nothing I have to dust!

My daughter was more appealing to my feminine “eat chocolate & pamper yourself” vibe which I’m all for as well. :+1:t2:

Also de-stressing too…bahahahahahaha :joy:

Most importantly Emery, my daughter, helped me place some of my mothers hair into a keepsake necklace. I’ve been waiting to do this for over a year and it feels good that now I’ll have her physically with me, always. 🥹

I hope everyone else is having as great a day as I am. :pray:t2: Many blessings!!!


I guess I’m making up for disappearing for a bit…in sorta small doses! :syringe:

Closer, closeups:

Goomah’s x 2 ~ Pre watering!

:spider: Arachnid Pie :spider_web: x 3

Fog Dog x 3

Also, because they’re tiny but, I think going to be mighty, once I can get them outside… here’s my Rosemary and Lavender plants. :blush:

Last but not least tonight is my Basil, I totally forgot to even get them into any of the shots :face_with_monocle:, I think…in any case:

I’m going to post what Piper did with ONE leaf of fresh Catnip this morning…it was a massacre! :astonished:

Have a goodnight all. So sayeth she…and me, but she’s purty. :relieved:


This is such a wonderful and lovely share for Mother’s day! Missus and I are very happy you all had such a great day and that charm with your Mum’s hair is most definitely strong magik! :heart:


I truly believe that too! :smile:
Now to find a longer sturdier chain, leave it on my Altar for the moon cycle…put it on and never take it off unless bathing! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you to you and the Missus very much, that means a lot coming from you both! :heart:


As promised….Piper looking not so ladylike as she KILLS, 1 singular leaf of Catnip!

:smirk_cat: :scream_cat:

This was All she leftover! :joy:

This morning she was waiting outside the g-room for me to come out with a treat!?!?!?
She left….the S-t-e-m! :sunglasses:

Good thing I’m growing them specifically for her! :grin:


Good morning @KanehB ! Looks like you had an amazing Mother’s Day! Starting off with an amazing breakfast is the way to go! Your garden is looking great~ I finally purchased most of the veggies for my garden! I put most of them in water to soak… especially with the moon phase being perfect. Speaking of… your locket is absolutely beautiful!! :pray: Piper on the prowl in the catnip. lol. Love the pictures!

Hope you are feeling better and have a wonderful week! Wishing you and your family health & happiness!

Blessed be,


Thanks ever so much @DJSF for checking in on me. :blush:

You know it, have to keep the ”troops” fed or things just fall apart. :wink: With Sienn Feinn taking as many seats as they did in this latest election in Ireland…28 I think, well let’s just say my Mother would’ve been doing a jig! :four_leaf_clover: I did one for her!

Thank you! :face_holding_back_tears: Super special because she knew it was what I’d chosen to memorialize her, and she was so pleased. :smiling_face:

I hope you and yours had a wonderful weekend, and a blessed week to come. :pray:t2:

You’ll have :seedling: seedlings popping up everywhere before you know it. I’ll be watching your thread to be sure. :wink:

Lurking, throwing out “hearts”! :two_hearts:
I love springtime! :tulip:


The new planter boxes came in and were assembled yesterday! :partying_face:

My Deck Garden is coming together! Going to the “$5 Dollarstore” today to look for extras! :grin:

Some soil and organic amendments and I can plant my veggies after hardening them off. :pray:t2:


Most excellent deck pic :wink:


I have to la me and the mrs just said the same thing
It should be call the 5 $ store lol try to fine some for a 1$

It’s like penny candy lol all gone


Granted, the gumballs have been gone for 20 years or so, but the machine is still kinda cool. :wink:


That’s great love those as collectibles


Holy Batshit!! :bat:

I wasn’t kidding…$5 Dollarstore/amma!!! :astonished:

I had a great time though, first time in one in over a year and a half! Talk about not gettin out much!

Spent way more than I should’ve, but I’ve got a bunch more planting supplies I needed, so I don’t feel too bad. :relieved:

And a new addition to one of my families…will get pics when “He’s” properly placed! :wink:

Hope everyone had a great day!

Grow on :seedling: and Blessed be :pray:t2:!