It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

It’s NOT even “May 24” weekend and it’s sooooooo :fire::fire_extinguisher::comet::hot_face:!?!?!? Air Conditioning installed in upper floor! “YAASSSS” :cold_face: says the Menopausal woman in the house!?!?! :flushed:

Spent a couple hours in “Trim Jail”, as everyone is so fond of calling it! :sweat_smile:
I dialled up the Viking/Celtic tunes and took some time to fall in love with my plants in a new and different way. :heart_eyes:

This was yesterday before, I had a CT scan done in the evening.

I hope y’all are well, blessed and tis the season to be growing hot n happy! :wave:t2:


@KanehB I hope you get to feeling better soon!


I hope things balance out soon and I get some resolution quickly as well.

No worries, I’ll be keeping everyone posted good news or bad. :relieved:

Thank you very much for the positive vibrations and kind thoughts. :relaxed:

I hope you are well too. :hugs:


@KanehB hey there! Gosh it has been hot here also. :wink: Been 80/90 and humid. Sounded like it may be a bit cooler tomorrow :crossed_fingers:
Looks like you have a nice clean setup for doing time :rofl: aka TRIM JAIL. Just some nice clean scissors! I have actually cut sections off of the spring to make it a bit easier on my hands! It actually does help! Well… the good Celtic/Viking music helps too! Thanks for sharing! Wishing you health and wellness~ Love & Light :green_heart:


Here’s some Good Vibrations with Sweet sensations!

(*No Transformers were harmed in the making of this music video)


So on the 17th I was given instructions by the Gastroenterologist I thought had handled a procedure I went in for back in April. These instructions had me almost running all over the place…

On the 20th I get some rather disheartening news regarding the results of the CT Scan I went in for and get told that’s the dude I spoke with on the 17th is only a General Surgeon and NOW I’m getting the referral to the specialist and booked in for an upper stomach Ultra Sound, on top of likely more testing. :cold_sweat:

I’m on new medication which sucks, in so many ways, for so many reason’s. Most of which are the side effects, I’m adjusting though! I think!

I’ll have a better update for everyone when I’m feeling like a human being, it’s taken me a couple of days in my notes to put this message together.

I hope any fellow Canucks affected by Sat storm are ok, you’ve been in my thoughts and prayers. Otherwise I hope this Holiday weekend was enjoyed/celebrated the way y’all intended and folks rested, most importantly.

Be blessed :pray:t2: everyone & Grow happy :seedling:


Hello friends,

Been a while, apologies…been sick and tired, sick and busy and back too sick and tired again. New medications can be difficult to manage sometimes.

Anywho on with the grow…

Shuffled and planted some of my indoor started Tomatoes, Dill, Catnip, Chives (Which we caught Piper nibbling on, dork!) and I’ve since added Basil and the Bush beans, and sowed some Brussels Sprouts seeds and Radish seeds out on the deck. The sowed seeds I’ve noticed today are starting to pop their little heads through the soil. :hugs:

I’ve been doing this slowly through last week/end and this week, I’ll add/post a pic tomorrow when the sun comes out! How bout Piper being cute to tide everyone over? :rofl:

In the indoor Botanical Beauty Zones you can zoom in to see just how well the Fog/FIERCE dogs are growing (left) and how the Arachnid Pies have also been doing.(right) :wink:

Question about Autos: Am I just supposed to let them grow and when I see signs of flowering flip them because there’s a couple I’m concerned about.

Also, perhaps this will keep princess poopy out of the hooman foooood plants :weary: and from barfing eeewwww! :nauseated_face: I always get stuck on clean up!
Shout out to @Pigeonman and his Missus for including it in a gift basket! It’s now in the big tent till it Grows & Greens up a bit for her. :smiley_cat: Go Chives Go! Okay…Cat Grass too! :grin:

Hoping everyone is doing well and y’all have a wonderful weekend!

Many blessings :pray:t2: & Grow onward :seedling:


Amazing and hoping your on the mend. The garden looks great and like Piper would help with soothing the woes. :hugs:


Piper is my best friend! Her crazy antics help to keep me grounded in both fantasy and reality…half n half. Yes, she does soothe my woes in her own fascinating way too.

She has a Vet appointment comin up :pouting_cat: and we all know she going to miserably fail any weight tests they throw at her, but I can’t wait to hear how her “overall” health is doin. Also get her vaxxed against everything :scream_cat: keep my baby safe! :heart_eyes_cat:


What light schedule do you have them on, how many hours a day?
I am not a pro at all, but I myself just keep the same light schedule with autos through out the whole grow, I never change there light schedule.
I used to run mine on 24 hours light, and had good results. Now I have been doing 20 hours light and 4 hours dark. Results seem to be a little better.
Alot of people suggest running 18 hours light and 6 darkness.
I myself wouldn’t run any less lighting hours then that for an auto.
With a photo period plant you have to of course change to 12/12 type thing.
That being said, there are alot of people who have more experience growing autos here and maybe they can give some better advice.
Thats just my opinion.

Say hi to Piper for me! :cat2: :smiley_cat: :v: :smiley:
I hope you feel better soon. :pray:

Edit: I also grow/buy cat grass for my cats. If I don’t, they will chew my plants. My veg tent is always open (zipper is broken :laughing:) .
If I have no grass, they chew the plants. Got grass, they chew the grass instead. So I keep there grass stocked/growing. :joy_cat:


Same! Or at 20/4 or 18/6 if they are sharing a vegging tent.

There are some “autos” out there that are more like “Fast Photo’s” where you need to give them 12/12 and then they bolt into flowering. I have Marks Blueberry Autoflower which is this fast-photo type but haven’t run them yet to confirm if it’s a 12/12 period to kick the flowering period to start and then go back to 18/6 20/4 or they have to stay at 12/12 and just finish super-fast…


They’re on 18/6, and I cannot go any longer with the light timing then that, for now. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I’ll try and get some close ups of the plants for you’s later today, this afternoon/evening and y’all can tell me if I’m on the right track.

In the meantime here are the two Goomah Regs I have growing under the Mars Hydro, in the smaller tent. Also under 18/6 for now. I got them from @NugLifeFarms420 , 2 of the 3 seeds have made it this far. :relieved:

I hope everyone’s had a weekend like me.
Now it’s time to rest and relax. Just like this…

Blessings to y’all & happy growing :seedling:


I wish I had a fenced in space somewhere, alas I only have my Deck…

I also have, Broccoli!

Sugar snap peas have popped.

I’ll try to keep everyone updated. :seedling:

Many Blessings to y’all :pray:t2:


Cannabis Update:

Autos Fems (All)

Fog Dog x 3


#2 & #3

Arachnid Pies

#1 & #2

Apologies for the crappy overhead shot it’s the upper of the two plants. :hugs:

Hope they’re doing as okay as I think they’re looking like they’re doing. :grimacing:

Blessings for :pray:t2: all & Happy Growing 🪴


Posting this here for anyone who is interested…it’s about and for the Companion Plants not for or about the seed company!

I didn’t know about a lot of this, found it interesting thought y’all might too!

Enjoy your evening everyone…:sparkles::new_moon_with_face:


Quick update:

Watch yer eyeballs :cry: :flushed: :scream: BURPLE ahead!?!?!

Lady Goomah’s :pray:t2: X 2 (Regs)

The taller of the two!

Auto’s update will get posted tomorrow after I’ve had a chance to edit the pics I took tonight!
I will say this though…I’m liking the New line of Nutes I’ve chosen and feeding from seedling is working much better!
Common sense sometimes goes on a jaunt or a “trudge” (mood dependent) from the forefront of my brain and I’m not afraid to admit it! :relieved: I’m human, shite happens! :woman_shrugging:t3:

Have a good night all, many Blessings. :pray:t2:

Happy growing :sunflower:


Looks great to me, thank you for sharing the pics! :+1: :smiley_cat:


Looking good mate :ok_hand: and fantastic strain selection :+1: purple urkle is one that’s been on my to do list from way back :grinning: I’m definitely pulling up a chair for this one! Cool microscope too :sunglasses: peace brother :v:


That gave me a good laugh :joy:

The plants are doing so well under your loving care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: hope you’re enjoying some nice days too.

Here’s a pretty flower pic for ya :wink:

Man that pic took forever to upload with my phone data, I need to get me some internet soon lol.

Blessings :hugs:


As I said I would here is the Auto’s Update:

I hope y’all enjoy and have had wonderful weekends! :hugs:

@Oldtimerunderground is that the flower you bought your wife for Christmas?
It is very pretty, thank you for spending the data on me. :relieved:

Here we go….

Fog Dogs up first, as it seems we have a bit of a “Jackie Sprat could eat no fat, her wife could eat no lean…” type situation happening and I’m totally loving it! :heart_eyes:

Jackie Sprat:

Jackie’s wife:

The (actual Fog) Dog? :joy:

All 3 are beautiful in their own right! I’m so happy and grateful to be able to watch them grow!

On to the Arachnid :spider: Pie’s, :kissing_heart: Mom! 🥹

Picture taking & tent Yoga in need of practice for this last plant shot!

Peace be onto you too brother @Cranio and many Blessings. Glad to have you stick around, this sister should be somewhat able to entertain.

Heaven for a cat!

I’m going to have to start germinating more Cat Grass soon!

Many Blessings for everyone :prayer_beads: Happy and Healthy growing too. :sunflower: