It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

Loving these!! stumpy and bushy!!

heres my first ever plant coming along lovely too i cant wait to get to the flip stage !!

love from the UK!


Looking fabulous! :hugs: How old, if you don’t mind my asking?

Enjoy ALL of it :pleading_face: they grow up so fast! :joy:

Flip time is equal parts amazement, education and fun, every time!
Each Strain is different so every time is new and exciting!
My Lady Goomah’s, and I’m pretty sure both plants are girl’s, are vastly different from the last two Regs I babied to flower.

Keep being brilliant, many Blessings from Canada!


Its on Day 18 in this picture which i took yesterday!

As a new grower I worry if the first 3 nodes are too tight? What do you think?

I’m probably overthinking it and will get a big stretch over the next week! haha she is very tight together as of now this is Day 19…

PS sorry for the BLUES!!


Personally I think they look fine, and yes, you’re likely overthinking it like most do. :+1:t2:

You know it’s a “she” or will you have to concern yourself with sexing the plant too? That stresses new and master growers alike! :slightly_smiling_face:

Have a great day, over the pond!

Happy growing! :seedling:


@KanehB hey there! Looking great in here! Piper is str8 chillaxing! :grin::v: A little sun looks good on you too!:blush: Hope you had a wonderful weekend and start to this week! Thanks for stopping over to my neck of the woods! Your well wishes definitely helped my recovery! Love & Light ☆ Blessed Be.


Thank you @KanehB

Well it was a fem seed… but the identification from myself would be good practice!!
Its really starting to pack in some more oomph now I can feel a growth spurt coming!

Hope your well too and also have a great day!


Thanks so much for having a “peep”….pun totally intended :baby_chick:, at my little Circus of Wonderful! :hugs:

I’m happy to hear you’re feeling better and that a common flu bug cannot keep a good Irishman down. :four_leaf_clover: (for long) :wink:

Miss Piper has a Vet appointment soon, I’m excited, she is clueless…although I’m not so sure :smirk_cat: she doesn’t understand completely based on behavioural patterns. :face_with_monocle:
It’ll be interesting to see how well her health is and what kind of a diet she NEEDS to be changed to!!! Age is a PITA, alas it comes for us all eventually, I’m doin it gracefully. :relaxed:

Wonderful weekend and the start to my week is turning out to be pretty interesting too.
Never a dull moment. :sunglasses:

Many Blessings :prayer_beads: for you my friend.

Happy growing :seedling::baby_chick:


Absolutely, it is a great idea to check out the sex organs when they start to present, (Fem seed, or not) in my humble opinion. :face_with_monocle:

There are a few threads on here about “sexing”, I recommend pumping that word into the search bar and checking out some of the pics other OG’s have posted. That’ll help with the “learning curve” there too. :relieved:

Today was rough, the weather had me riding out a nasty headache for most of the afternoon and into this evening. :crossed_fingers:t2:The rain eases up overnight along with my headache, I have plans for my morning that don’t include either interfering. :grin:

I’m off to bed now. Enjoy your day, many Blessings :prayer_beads: and Happy growing :seedling:.

PS. Based on a lot of the reading I’ve done most folks around here prefer the LITFA (Leave It The Fuck Alone) method for the first 21 days of “Veg”, just water and feeding.
Any training or “trimming” can begin usually after that point safely. :slightly_smiling_face:


Not Plant Related

My daughter got a 12.0 in her Sociology Course!!!

:star_struck: :partying_face: :sunglasses:

I’m so proud of her!

PS That is 100% for those of us that didn’t know!


@KanehB Wow! Great job! Proud mama moment! :blush:

Blessed be!

☆DJSF :four_leaf_clover::green_heart:


Congrats proud mama :open_mouth:


She actually Graduates :mortar_board: on June 28, and will be walking the stage for me because I made BOTH of my children promise at a young age, to (at minimum) Graduate High School!

It’s taken her a long time, and she’s taken “Mental” Health breaks, but it’s finally happening in her time and under conditions that have worked for her and I couldn’t be more thrilled for her! 🥹

@DJSF Also, VERY proud. :blush:

I wish my mom was here to see it, she played such a positive, vital and contributing role in her life. I know her energy has had something to do with my daughters growth this past year so, she’s been a part of it in her own way. That brings me comfort. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Many Blessings KB

If the sun comes out tomorrow I’ll get some updated pics of my outdoor garden uploaded for y’all. My Tomatoes are rocking life!!!


No :sweat_smile: it’s one that grows out front of my house. The one I grew for my wife is a hyacinth, it looked just like this (not my pic)

and smelled wonderful too, like jasmine.

Congratulations to your daughter!! :smiley:


Outdoor deck update ahead….

Such a brilliantly sunny morning! :sunny: I couldn’t resist!

Side note: @Oldtimerunderground
They’re both lovely, Jasmine is a wonderful scent to have floating around. :cherry_blossom:

First up:

Piper watching over her Territory!

Tomatoes and a Basil plant

Tucked in behind them until they’re big enough to be placed in the yard are my Ornamental Castor Plants

In one of the large white planters I have Brussels Sprouts, Kale, Broccoli and Sugar Snap Peas

In the second large planter, I’ve been accused of attempting to grow Lemon Tarts (A favourite of mine :relieved:)! Actually :crossed_fingers:t2: it will end up being some Sunflower’s, Lettuce, Honeydew Melon and more Catnip!
There are also more Sugar Snap Peas and Radishes.

Spices and Herbs up next I have Chives, Dill, Rosemary and Thyme.

Rosemary on the Left (Another Broccoli on the right.)

Lavender x 2 (these are brand new babies)

This lovely thing, I thought had died at the end of last season. :worried: It has come back :relieved: and it was placed there, on a whim, in the crevice that a Cedar bush had left behind when it was pulled. :disappointed:
It’s scent it fabulous, I’m a lavender fan. :grin: Keeps Mosquitos away.

Random lazy Piper pic! :heart_eyes_cat: Look at that fuzzy belly!

She is passed out because there is “twitching” happening! :joy::rofl:🥲

That’s all for now folks, I wish everyone a Blessed day… TGIF! :partying_face:!?!?!?
AND A wonderful relaxing weekend

Forgot the Catnip Plant 1 of 3, I plan on transplanting around the yard, actually I have a specific spot picked out!

Also the Cat Grass, which looks like it’s had a bad haircut, I have more (hopefully) on the grow!


SUCH. A. PLOOF!!! :heart_eyes:

I LOVE Castor plants and grew em all the time with a sign under then that said: “Caution: TRIFFIDS”. I use the oil all the time as well as it’s super-good-stuff!

I’m JELLY of the size of your Catnip plant. I delayed my up-potting but still have hope to have “drugs for the :cat2: 's” lol.


Why did you stop growing them? If’n you don’t mind my asking. :slightly_smiling_face:

“Caution: TRIFFIDS” :relieved: These beans were “stolen/Beannapped”, from a City Garden :grimacing: in St.Thomas, years ago on a trip I took there with my mom. By me and my mom, kinda….she sat in the car, while her husband described what I was doing and what the plant looked like, and why she couldn’t touch it. Having had very little vision for many years she was used to seeing by touch, and this instance was a no bueno John even used the Triffid reference! :smiling_face::face_holding_back_tears: Super fond memories.

I can’t wait to get these planted. :grin:

Enjoy your Friday, :sunglasses: I’m keeping an eye on the PLOOF, making sure she stays hydrated.


I always docked the bean pods so they would develop, but to be honest it was due to the toxicity and where i usually grew them. I’m in a position now where I could next year and think I will. :grin:


What a lovely garden! Catnip for the cat, castor for the cannabis, would be nice to go out for dinner on the porch and top it with chives…

Got any more pictures of Piper at the 'nip patch? Haha :slight_smile:


Yay! I’m going to harvest the seeds from these ones, if they breed. I could send you some if the genus/species is to your liking. :grin:

Keep an eye on their growth as I’ll be updating regularly. If you’d like to. :relieved:


Ohhhhh nooope, lil Miss Piper :pig::pig_nose::pig2:?!

Did you see what she did to the Cat Grass?

I wrap the leaves around/& between my fingers and she licks till she gets to skin, then I have to re-adjust. :rofl:

It’s a process, but it’s a treat (cough, to replace Cannabis leaves) she usually gets twice if not three times a day! :blush:

Thank you so much! It’s been a lot of work but totally worth it! :sunglasses:

I know right, high heat and full sun in the a.m and lovely shade in the evening, it’s perfect with the right dinnermate! :+1:t2:

Many Blessings and thanks for having a look at my little deck container grow!

Cannabis pics will be updated in a couple of days. :grin: