It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

The whole house had a distinct odour once the Fog Dog really started blooming. I think my wife was beginning to suspect I’m doing a lot more than just laundry in the basement…

I really enjoyed the Fog Dog and I hope your plants turn out extra chronic!


Thank you very much! :hugs: I’m hoping :crossed_fingers:t2: for some awesome chronic too!

Of the 3 Fog Dog Plant’s, there is 1, that my Roommate has taken to calling “Squirt”!

She is small and mighty! :muscle:t3:
I moved her up closer to the light last night so we shall see if that makes for any kind fast and hard difference, for wee Squirts appearance.

Tonight though it’s going to be all about the nose! :lying_face:
I will be reporting back what it picks up too!

Enjoy the remainder of your weekend.

KB :pray:t2:


Bahahahaha, I just caught this! :joy:

Famous last words!

She knows, trust me :flushed:…she should know!

Scent report will be prepared while I smoke morning doob and sip morning coffee! :grin:

Goodnight all! :relieved:

KB/BW :pray:t2:


One in a Million & Tiny but Mighty…she is…

Squirticus Maximus!

@Oldtimerunderground (Apologies for delay!)

Sniff & Whiff Report!

The Fog Dog’s & The Arachnid Pie’s in my flower tent smell like pretty dank stuff, upon opening the tent flap!

As I lean in and let my nose get closer to each flower top…

They smell, fruity pebbly-ish and funky with a titch of diesel (NOT GASOLINE) paired with the slightest “whiff”of what, I think; Red Wine tastes like!
I haven’t drank, sniffed or been close enough to Red Wine to really know, this is since an all too and terribly embarrassing, moment so many moons ago, I should really try some again it’s been that long! :rofl:
Altogether weird and lovely at the same time!



I’m working from a Smart phone and haven’t had anyone to show me the technological ropes, I only bought my VERY FIRST EVER cellular device last year!?!?!?

Just did the Tomato Salsa dance up and down my deck!
Got this look?

Then this look!”

IAM :canada:! IAM MOTHER NATURE!?!?!?

Then I wanted to show y’all this BOY Goomah leaf! 2 down, 1 plant left. :slightly_smiling_face:
Goomah’s seeds credit to @NugLifeFarms420
Huge! Against my Lady sized hands, anyhwho. :hugs:

This one is now for uuhhh….:smile_cat:

Haven’t been feeling the greatest, as usual….have a wonderful week everyone, I just truly wanted to share my indoor started, totally Organic, Tomato! :tomato: :woman_facepalming:t3:

July 15th, Piper goes for her Summer shave and I CANNOT wait for that!?!?
I’ll be wearing most of her hair home, but she’ll feel sooo much better!?!?!?


“Janky lookin” or not….still one of my babies!

One of the MAJOR reasons I believe everyone should know how to grow their own food, as well as medicine! :smiling_face: :relieved:
This was also caught this morning, (photographically) and is THE entire reason I’m growing my garden veggies out of containers, off the deck, instead of in-ground. :pleading_face:

THIS was also caught, while I was topping up soil and puttering about…I have faith in us and them, making sure we continue to co-exist. :crossed_fingers:t2: :honeybee: :pray:t2: :sunflower:

It was a busy long weekend around here, yard sale season is in full swing and it’s not country living if you don’t see, hear and smell the effects of it! :grin:
Enjoy….will have updated pics of indoor ladies tomorrow it’s a feeding day. YUMMY :yum:


Wowww! Now that is an update worth waiting for! Beautiful gardens all around! I love it!
I couldn’t agree more, learn to be self sufficient/ grow your own food crops/medicine. I still have my garden going… they just need to be put in the ground/ bigger pots, like a month ago! Piper is living the life of luxury! You are doing a great job @KanehB :wink:

Well, hope you and yours are doing great! Thanks for all of your support! :green_heart::four_leaf_clover:

Blessed be! ☆DJSF


Green bell peppers are alot more then 75 cents here!
Does Piper want to go for a horse carriage ride? :smiley_cat:


Piper…in a carriage??? :joy:

I can barely get her in her “disguised carrier” to go in the vehicle for a vets or groomers appointment(S)!?!?! :rofl:

Thank you, it’s been a while since I laughed till I almost peed, just at the mere thought of something! :rofl: 🥲 🥹

1 Bell pepper costs more than $1.00???
Crazy! :crazy_face: I do farmers markets out here in the Farmland, it’s been a long while since I was in a grocery store. :upside_down_face:


Sugar Snap Pea’s look strangely like Roses when they flower!

On occasion I catch a glimpse of a “sport model” :horse_racing:, today I happened to be fast enough. :rofl: :wink:

I even found a VERY OLD & CLEAN “Handkerchief”, in a Clutch purse that belonged to my Grandmother, with her fine embroidery around the edges…it even smelled like her inside the small beaded purse! 🥹 (Q-Tip is for scale! :rofl:!)

Was out this morning working under the deck to “assist housemate” and got more sun than my fair skin anticipated…I’m doing “Crispy” (image)
for the next few days and have a Migraine to match the temperature of my skin. :fire::fire_extinguisher::comet::fire_engine:
Hoping it keeps to my head and doesn’t start making me feel ill!

Have a great night everyone….many Blessings! :prayer_beads:

Going into big tent early, have alarms set! Switching up to before bed feedings…dunno :woman_shrugging:t3: just feels right to feed and water before bed. :sunglasses:


Happy Summertime :sun_behind_small_cloud: Saturday OG!

Recent Sun-Burn and associated Migraine have calmed down significantly. :hot_face: :exploding_head: :sob:

Wanted to show off an example of where I get my Green & White Witchery skills from, before I head in into the indoors update I promised y’all a few days ago.

This is the “Pony Tail Palm Tree/Plant” that my mother (RIP 🥹, I’m dealing) was gifted (well) over ten years ago!
I have a matching, albeit much smaller… pair, how I ended up with them is another story entirely, involving my mother…of course. :relieved:

On with the update…

I think my Ladies are looking great at just over 80days! Buds are starting to get frostier, by the day. :smiley:

Yesterday marked the beginning of the Celtic Tree month of Holly so I’ve started journaling another wee project. :selfie:t3:
The results of which I will post, as promised. :relieved:

As a menopausal woman…with a very frugal housemate, I’m trying this product out! :hot_face: However; I’m sure the technology could be transferable in a pinch if and when the electric bill gets too high & tents needed cooling etc!
I’ll keep everyone posted! :blush: :face_with_monocle:

:nazar_amulet: Many Blessings everyone! :prayer_beads: Have a wonderful weekend.


Edit: Forgot to show off these two!

Pretty sure this beautiful Goomah is a Girl! :crossed_fingers:t2:

This is a Boy Goomah, and I’m not sure what I’m going to do with it yet.


Happy Saturday & Summertime @KanehB ! Hope you are having a lovely weekend! That is a beautiful palm! So nice that you have a living plant from your mother! :heart:
Take care mama! :green_heart::four_leaf_clover:


Nice @KanehB !

Head’s up those swamp coolers work well enough but do increase your humidity.


About a 500ml of water bottle at a time, but yes :v:t2:, I had realized, thanks for looking out for me though. :slightly_smiling_face: There are also lights that would NEED to be blacked out in a tent. :grimacing:

You and the Missus have a good weekend. :sunglasses:


Just cause, I’m trying to figure out how everything works too! :star_struck:

Have a great night everyone!


Update coming Saturday! (Friday took toooooo long and wasn’t easy.)

:scream_cat: :seedling: :green_heart:


Press Play!

Yesterday was :sparkles:Spa Day! :sparkles: :scream_cat:


:mirror_ball: After :mirror_ball:

New :seedling: Update by end of the weekend!

Many blessings everyone. :pray:t2: :green_heart:


Your OverGrow t-shirt is on the way, ETA: July/20-22.


YOU HAVE A SHORN THE SHEEP! :smiley: :heart:


Aye, the “SHEEP” was shorn, indeed! :flushed: :scream_cat:

‘‘Twas not me, to be sure! :grimacing:

It was another Wonder Woman/Animal Groomer who took us in, last minute, (because I messed up the date!) after a 40 minute drive with an unhappy cat. :pouting_cat:

I’m just glad we are finished yesterday, and now Piper can regulate her “Summer Temperature”, because I have an :eggplant: for a Landlord! :grin:

Edit: Having her groomed once a year also, helps with allergies I have to animal dander. :exploding_head:


Having real bad Pancreatic attack! :grimacing: :confounded:

Will post when I’m better. :slightly_smiling_face: