It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

Heyyuuu… @KanehB hit me up!

Blessed BE! :four_leaf_clover::green_heart:



HEY NOW! Whats the stereotype with a White F150?!?

This is mine…


I’m thinking it might have been laying on the pallet of closet doors :wink: LOL Hope things get better…


In Toronto checking off these marks for a vehicle usually means the following:

  1. Entitled driving. (rolling stops, speeding, tailgating, or often driving ON the line as if were were in Tron.)
  2. Entitled parking (location abuse & horrible parking).


  1. Needlessly aggressive.

I can see you have a set-up that would pass for the above in… BUT lets notice the fuctional tires appropriate for the climate and location, the bumper at the front and the 4x4 to the side that makes me think you are actually USING the truck like… a FUCKING TRUCK. :rofl:

Folks i’m burning are needing cars but buy a truck and don’t do fuck all with the back cab… well anything cool/awesome/fun at least. :man_shrugging:


Yup… Originally bought to tow my ATV race trailer (Honda Accord just wouldnt do it). When I totalled the Honda, the F150 became my daily driver.

So near me:

  1. Everybody does entitled driving with the rolling stops (more like mis-spelled yield signs really). If you can see in the distance, no cars coming, nobody to say you didnt completely stop. Speeding and tailgating? too old for that shit, and its all backroads here. I hardly travel on highways these days. Driving on the line only when bikers can’t stay in their bike lane :rofl:

  2. Entitled parking - :rofl This thing is the TITANIC. Longest of the F150’s with a supercrew / 6.5’ bed. Try just FINDING a spot I can get in / out of. I’m usually parked in bumfuck egypt as a result. Unless there’s mounds of snow over parking spaces. THOSE I will climb and park as oddly as I can :smiley:

  3. Needlessly aggressive - only looks like that :wink: Mix 1 part “too old for that” with 1 part “healthy stoner” and aggression melts away. LOL

Yeah the tires were needed to haul a trailer in / out of muddy fields used as the pits. Highway tires werent cutting it. Bumper at the front hasnt been needed… Yet… One deer almost christened it, but narrowly escaped. And 4x4 is DA BOMB. When you know how and when to use it and what 4X4LO is needed. After owning a Rock Crawling Wrangler, TRUST me when I say I use 4x4 for all the right reasons.

And yes, the 6.5’ bed was because I wanted to be able to close the tailgate behind the ATV. HATE the 5.5’ bed with the ATV hanging out with an open tailgate!

Hmm, don’t fit the stereotype I guess ROFLMAO!!!

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I’m talking about the driver… the vehicle is too often a representation of the driver’s :eggplant: aspirations versus the actual cut of their jib.

That’s fo-sho! :rofl:

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Spent way more than I wanted too, as usual! :money_mouth_face: I found a dress that is in the same colour as my birthstone, Peridot! :green_heart:

Did get what I was looking for and wanted, this trip; thankfully there is a website where all the vendors are listed and there is a site map! :flushed:
Check that before you go, or it’s a money trap!

Working on grow room :sweat_drops: humidity challenges, paired with ventilation problems. :dash: Combined with Dumb assed landlord issues. Oh let’s not forget :stethoscope: :lab_coat: Health/Medical problems.
Might be shutting the :seedling: show down. :pensive:

Have had a lot on my mind and a lot on the go. Will try to keep everyone updated. :+1:t2:

Blessings for everyone, have a safe week all. :blush:


Reminds me I need to get my wife a gift for her bday next month lol. I’d have to keep her away from one of those markets though, or my bank account would disappear quicker than water in the desert :joy:

Really sorry to hear that. Believe me, I feel your pain. I’ve been to hell and back the past few months…nothing could’ve prepared me for what I went through. I’m finally free of the madness and slowly getting back to growing.

Things will get better. You really are a wonderful person. We’re always here to give you a lift when you need it. :heart:


that’s a badass ford :metal:


Time, patience and “adulting”, as my youngest calls it…changes everything. :relieved:

:pensive: I’m sorry you had to go through what you’ve been through. I’m sorry I’ve been through, and am in the middle of the shit…but I’ve grabbed a shovel!?!?! :grin:
No one will ever be able to say that I’m the type to get stuck in a pile of it and start making shitcastles! :joy: This I know!


I would grow a plant just for you If I were in the States.I love this community and people over here always help.It Is a kind and warm Place❤️


I’m working towards being able to continue doing so on my terms, not someone else’s. :face_with_monocle:

Is all good, as tired as I am…there is some in muscle :muscle:t3: in me yet. :triumph:

Thank you though. I appreciate the kind words of support. :relieved:



You’re made of tough tabouli my friend and I as well am very happy to hear your back to growing. Garden therapy time!

:fist: :fist: :fist:

:heart: You deserve this!

Hoping today is a little brighter @KanehB !


Ok, it’s true…I’m a total :star_struck: Very true to my :fire: sign. :hot_face:


My grand entrance was made on the 3rd of August, :partying_face: many moons ago! I’m going to celebrate alone this weekend, however; I’ll not be lonely of that I can be sure!

Shout out to any fellow Leo’s! :sparkles: Cat people are the best!

Have a good night all, I’ll have much more maybe to say tomorrow. :hugs:

Many, many blessings. :seedling::green_heart:



This is the rest of my day today!

A/C would be nice too! :palms_up_together:t2:

Sooo happy with some alone time though tbh!



The time we spend alone lets ourself think of what we do,what we could do and what we did,It Is a precious Moment in human beings to exercise the cogito,self awareness…I love to play games I used to when I was a child and/or listen/practice Guitar/music or Watch breaking bad for the 5th time ahahhahh.
How Is It going Little Leo?
I was Born in June and I find Summer the best season to Born


So… you’re dancing around in an unbuttoned shirt and tighty whiteies??

Oh thats a vision… ROFL


If that’s the image that’s going to “float your boat”, sure. 🫡

I was honestly going for the I’m home alone and can do whatevah the fuck I want! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :wink:


It is going pretty good! I’ve been worse and I’ve been better! :relieved:

Doing my bestest to make the :slightly_smiling_face: most comfortable out of an :confused: uncomfortable situation. Aren’t we all these days though. :woman_shrugging:t3:

I hope you are well too? :nerd_face:

Summer Birthday’s were always great as a kiddo, now…I can’t handle the heat!!!
“Getting older is for the birds”, as my grandma used to say! :duck::eagle::hatched_chick::rooster:


Yes,we do all struggle,Life itself Is struggle and relief until the last moment.What we can do Is be kind and to help eachother in this immense universe we are scattered.
And never give up on life :heart:
We are here to help,I am sure of it


Heyyyuuu @KanehB !!! Hope you have a wonderful and happy day today, sis!! And many many more!!

Lá breithe shona duit!


Love & Light ☆ DJSF