It’s MY most wonderful time of the year! 🙂

I’ve grown soil, hydroponic, hempys, hand watered in coco and now Im trying Octopots. Soil being the slowest for growth rate for me. Anyway still never noticed a difference with low temps. But I may not be the most observant gardener around.


Nice looking plants.


Are those your Nympho’s? They look great! :+1:t2:

Thanks again for your assistance and information.

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Thank you for the compliment. It’s is a personal cross.
A lot of people don’t pay attention to how quickly the plants will stack bud. Growth rate can be controlled to a certain extent. This one is in coco and my first time growing it from seed. I just wanted to see what she could do before I actually grow her for real. I like this one.

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I grew a LVTK cross a while back. It was a freebie from GLG. Very good smoke. Unfortunately I didn’t take cuts.
I don’t have any real experience with autos.
Sorry for the thread Highjack @KanehB



Is all good! :+1:t2:

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Really a shame you don’t cross border ship. :pensive: Looks like a truly lovely strain.
Alas, I understand your hesitancy.
I’ll have to check out your grow diaries!
Have a wonderful day!

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I wouldn’t worry about those temperatures at all.


Thank you for your feedback @chronix :relaxed:

I value and appreciate your opinion. :+1:t2:


My temp held steady at 25C over my nighttime, their daytime! Yay! :star_struck:

Pizza box insulators are doing their JOB, making me feel better. :slightly_smiling_face:

First nutrient feeding was yesterday…

Side view (sort of):

From above:

This is only 2 plants, I’ve slowly LST’d them into/onto each other’s pots. My attempt to keep the ladies grown low and bushy AND space save without benefit of having a Screen of Green set up…yet.

Have a fantastic and :pray:t2: blessed week everyone. Happy and healthy growing. 🪴


DNF Green seems to be doing its JOB too!

Feeding the ladies! :spaghetti::green_salad::beverage_box: Keeping them healthy. :slightly_smiling_face:

From the side and above:
:star: I trimmed these two yesterday! :star:

Hiccup (from the side and above):

You can see my homemade fungus gnat trap there too, I also have two more upstairs nestled in among my regular houseplant’s. I’m going to find out where the little beasties are coming from before I go all **ARMAGEDDON ** on them! :grin:

Have a fantastic day, if no one has wished you one yet :hugs: and happy growing! 🪴


One way to get rid of Nats. Put sand on top of your soil in houseplants.
I use rice hulls in my pots. They won’t lay eggs in your soil that way. They get cut up by the rice hulls. Also, it is good for aerating the soil. In place of vermiculite

Have a fabulous day! :v::green_heart:


I didn’t even realize I had gnats till one landed on me yesterday morning and I squished the little bugger in such a fashion as I was able to photograph her. :joy:

I started a whole post about its ID! LOL

Thanks for the tip. :slightly_smiling_face:



Oooh!! Do tell us how you make em please :smiley: You’re plants look like they are enjoying your love and care :hugs:

@Bobgrows , where do you get rice husks?


I’m currently experimenting with 3 different shades of yellow and 3 different types of paper. I cut the paper into flower like shapes and coated them with melted honey, sticky! :honey_pot:

Placed each into the bottom half of 3 plastic water bottles, headed for the recycle bin. Then I covered with “Saran Wrap” and a hair elastic to keep the surface area somewhat taught.
I punctured 6-7 small holes, with a toothpick in the Saran at the top of each…big enough for a gnat to get in.

If they don’t get stuck to the honey trap of yellow flowery death at the bottom, I’m banking that they’ll be too “duh” to figure out how to get back out the little holes at the top, they’ll have to land sometime. :wink:

My mom used to do this with a glass and a little bit of Wine :wine_glass: or Apple Cider Vinegar in the bottom and the elastic, Saran…the whole “shebang”, now I know why. :slightly_smiling_face:


:crossed_fingers: it kills those fuckers good! :crossed_fingers:


Agreed!!! :grin:


I get mine at Grow Green here in Michigan. But you can order them on Amazon. @Pigeonman


Thank you! :fist:


Etsy is a different and fascinating place to look for some of the materials needed to grow our lovely plant, rice husk/hull included. :grin:

Brewers carry it too. :wink::beers:

Little late on that response….5 days later! :joy: