It's Reversal (STS) Time!

Hey, this is definitely a ‘learning-while-doing’ experience for me. I’ve done nothing but rodelization method. But this ol fart has been taking baby steps into the 21st century, so just another small step here lol. I’m not giving up, just gonna keep on at it until I get the result wanted. Then I’ll be able to shoot good old school strain’s beans out to everyone, or at least to as many as I can provide the seeds for.


Your just spraying once a week before lights off right?

I sprayed twice so far just before lights out. 3days apart, but that’s going to change to once a week with the ratio i saw on Sebring’s U-tube. Tossing this batch of mix and redo it.


Where can I read this?

@JohnnyPotseed Best of like with the project. Definitely following along!

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go to U-tube and type in Sebring’s STS making and using


Here you go, I got his kit through his shop.


The part that really bites lol is when i first started doing a lot of research as to best methods and mix ratio…Sebring’s was not one I found! I’m thinking his is probably the best I’ve seen though, to date.


Yep lol those are the ones I finally saw!

edit… live and learn is what it’s all about though lol


What’s that old say…'if at first you don’t succeed…Fuck it! (Just kidding)…try, try, try again! :rofl: :sunglasses:

edit… I just hate I toasted those 4 gals! damn it


I know what you mean, I hate even tossing out nice looking cuttings :sweat_smile:. I need to stop being a habitual cloner too… I already filled up most of my buddies available space, indoors and out.


Yup thats the one…super easy tooo


1:2 is pretty damn hot. Standard dilution is around 1:7-1:9. You’re plant is at the onset of flowering so don’t expect it to rebound with a ton of new vegetative growth, especially since you just nuked the nutrient reserves it had in those fan leaves.


Like I’ve said, there were quite a few sites with ‘expert’ advice…I’m not familiar with STS treating. I don’t expect these 4 girls to do anything at this point, and am just starting over entirely. I have plenty of clones to work with and it’s going to be a learning experience for me, as I step further (tip toe) into the 21st. century.

edit… stay tuned for the next episode lol


Wahoo from the back of the room. I’m paying attention here

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I’m trying to flip 3 autos White Widow, Northern Lights and Train Wreck using colloidal silver.

White Widow looks more female than male, though a few balls lower down.

Northern Lights, only has buds at the crown, lots of burn.


Train Wreck, the one I’m REALLY after got some 'nads!

Looks like WW could possibly seed herself.
Would this create hermies?


self pollinated are Hermies, yep
Use that pollen on another plant and you’re good to go
I’ve heard that sometimes not all seeds from self-pollination are hermies, lol…but I don’t ever take that chance. any self pollinated I just toss em

edit… That’s the main reason i don’t do ‘open pollination’ I isolate them gals so I know what I got lol and when done I chop the boy sperm donor! Or reversed girl, whatever


Personally, I would use the terms “selfed” or “selfing”.

If a female plant (XX) pollinates itself then it creates feminized seeds of itself. (Selfed)

XX crossed with XX will always be XX. XX crossed with XX will never be XY. There are people that swear to Jah that XX times XX can produce XY and I’m not sure how that’s ever going to happen without alien intervention. That’s kind of like telling your 16 year old daughter she’s going to get pregnant from kissing.

If your question is “will a selfed plants create a genetic hermaphrodite?” Then the answer is absolutely, positively, a maybe. LOL. Just like any other plant cross.

Some will argue that intersex traits are more common in selfing or selfed crosses than they are in a male to female cross.

I would say the only folks that have valid arguments are the ones that have made many selfings, crosses with feminized pollen, and then grown out a large enough sample size that it is statistically significant. That’s not a tent grower.


I’m not up on all the tech/scientific explanations of wherefor and how-comes. But it basically looks like you said the same thing I did…YES… bottom line lol And like i said, I just don’t bother to take the chance on finding a seed that might not be a Hermie

edit… I’m not a ‘tent grower’ lol and have grown out a large amount of seeds, I do speak from my own experience. I’m not trying to answer for any other grower. Also, I never said you’d get a male from self-pollination…


Thanks, and that is the plan. Started the fems 2 weeks after these.
No pics atm.

Making S1 seeds is interesting and you can learn alot about and explore what that plant is made of in a sense. Will they be hermaphrodites, possibly… depends, if the reversed plant has hermaphrodites in its lineage they will probably be more common as you inbreed you can surface some recessive traits. Only way to find out is grow them, you may find the occasional individual better than the parent plant.