It's Reversal (STS) Time!

I have used the 240 ppm CS before and it worked. I got it off Amazon

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STS, piece of cake, Bro. Zero need to worry, your overall experience will see you through. Since you’re in the Barn, I’ll go ahead and “do the dibs” on a spare Hay/Straw Bale. Per usual, clear the far right corner, if you will. Wishing you continued success, enjoy a pleasant and safe weekend/Holiday, take special care, and yes…be well…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes: NOTE: There’s a trick you can use to store pollen POSSIBLY TEN YEARS!!! PM me after you have collected your pollen. :100:


Will do that for sure, @misterbee thnx Ok folks, move over a bit there and make room for another hay bale lol

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er…lol there’s only one small problem with the ‘barn’ lol I rebuilt the interior for the grow-op! so, no loft, no bales of hay, and no animals…also, notta lotta room what with all the plants i got going now lol

with the crowd I seem to’ve gathered here I’m thinking it’s ‘standing room only’ lol


You had me at White Rhino… Good luck & I’ll follow along for the ride :wink: @JohnnyPotseed


Deffinetly along for the ride man. Can’t wait to see the genetics at work.


I’m more than happy to see so much interest and support for this little project I’m starting here.

I want to truly thank each and every one of you good people for taking a bit of time to comment or just ‘like’!

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it works very well, meaning there’d be a lot of seeds to pass around.

I honestly didn’t realize there was so much interest in those old strains, and I sure as hell didn’t think it was a big deal that I kept em


Yes, old strains is the new cool :sunglasses::ok_hand:
I’m outta likes, but :+1:


I’m getting ready to head out to the ‘farm-inna-barn’ to trim a lot of the fan leaves outta the way and spray for the first time.
Then into the budroom for ‘lights out’ and let that STS sink in! I’ll take a few pics and post in about an hour or two


In anticipation of ‘sacrificing’ these 4, I took a good bit of clones off them over the past couple days of cutting fresh clones.
I went out this evening and removed a lot of the fan leaves to make it easier to spray all nodes.
I then proceeded to spray the shit outta them gals!! Being sure to hit all nodes nicely.
They just went into the budroom, where it’s now ‘lights out’ nap time…let that STS soak in good.
Y’all pardon the photos, the wife isn’t much of a shutterbug…but I had my hands full :crazy_face: :sunglasses:


No turnin back now!! Lol, not that you would, you crazy old mofo! :grin:

Thanks for the update and the pics. Feels like I’m watching history in the making!! :smiley:

Hope all is well and you and the family are safe with this crazy weather. Where I am we’re getting 30km(18mile)/hr winds. Bushes getting slapped around like a bull whip


lol… We got hard rain for awhile but other than that the tornadoes and floods skipped this place. Just light rain all day and even now.
I did a LOT of research before pulling the trigger on this. I went to a ton of sites, including the one you linked. There’s a lot of ‘how to’ posts all over the net, it seemed a majority of them say to start the first day and spray every 3 days for 3 weeks. At that time the girls to be pollinated go into the budroom 12/12. No more needed after that.
We’ll just have to wait and see as we go now.

OK, I’m getting off cyas tomorrow


Glad to hear it blew past your place. Mother nature can be quite beautiful, yet at the same time unrelentingly brutal.

I figured you would hit the books with this one, I’m more than confident in your abilities. All we can do now is wait and see like you said.

All I can say is I have good vibes and high hopes for this!!


Can’t WAIT to see results! 3 of my favorite strains right there. Gonna pop some corn over ye’old wood stove and pull up a hay bale!

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Best of luck on your reversals! Sounds like a fun time to me :slight_smile:

Also very commendable to make S1s of those classics to share with others. Much love to you OG

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Conductor, conductor, lemme on the reversal train!


240 ppm!
How do you get that?
I have to run the CS generator 8 hrs to get 20!

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Amazon or eBay


So it looks like my current attempt is gonna fail big time.
Shoot, my autos are just about showing sex too.

Buy bottle of this spray the shit out of them

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