It's Reversal (STS) Time!

Not necessarily, I’ve reversed with cs around 20-30 ppm. Get ready to spray 3-4 times a day though. Adding in a surfactant like yucca should help increase absorption/effect of the colloidal silver.


Once a day with this little bottle,like I said before I find lower doses hit or miss


Yes I agree with you on the lower doses, just saying it can be done, just takes a bit more persistence. Once a day would be optimal.

If @spaceman can run the generator for 24 hours and hopefully get 40+ppm he would be in the sweet spot to spray once a day before lights out.


Thanks everybody.
I put the CS I have back in the genny, gonna run again all night.


I ran out of the 240ppm last grow used 50ppm didn’t do shit lol,bought 2 bottles of the 240ppm

I mite try the sts,have to read up on it


I’ll follow along I just got some STS in the last box so like to
see what I’m in for :popcorn:

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Mix it up spray you plant
Pretty easy

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Did that with CS and nothing so I’ll have a look see first :+1:

Like I sad already I’ve never had any luck spraying a plant with less than 240ppm when the CS is strong you only have to spray once a day,I do it before I turn the lights on first thing,but I do throw the plant away after collecting the pollen,there’s no way I’m smoking a plant I’ve sprayed with CS or sts spray,that’s why it’s better to make clones


Grabbing the popcorn. I used 50ppm CS and just sprayed the plant once a day for 14-21 days until nuts showed. It worked great. 240ppm it a bit hot.

I currently have a liter of undiluted STS in my lab fridge using Hammerhead’s recipe. I dilute it 1:7and it’ll pretty much reverse anything with 3 or 4 sprays


I’ve never used sts spray you have to mix 2 parts or something like that,can you buy it ready made

Yes, you make two solutions (silver nitrate and sodium thiosulfate), mix them together, and then dilute it when you are ready to spray. You can buy it the way I have it stored which is the undiluted mixture in a 1L Kimble wrapped in foil in the fridge.

it is pretty nasty stuff so if youre not into PPE or lab safety and you’re just looking for something to buy the CS is a good option.


Around the time you were procuring those I was coming out of a deep hunt through many white widow seeds. I ended up with 4 phenos I grew for a few years while coming out of college. I recently got a call from a grow buddy I went to school with and he asked me if I still had some of what I grew while at UC Davis. I said I did not and he said he would put some to the side for me. Apparently he’s been hanging onto white widow seeds I made and gave him back in 1997-1998.


Omg you have to make an increase of those!!


Anyone interested in reversals should look into Hybritech eliteXelite. Big dogs like Nspecta & mean gene swear by it. All you have to do is spray once and plants are supposed to reverse. And you don’t have to leave it absolutely drenched like CS or STS.

Now the price is a bit steep, but if it’s as efficient as people say it’s well worth it.


Jesus lol sounds dangerous think I’ll give it a miss

Yeah. I bought some of that the other day. I was gonna start a thread on it. It’s pretty expensive but it’s one and done. I haven’t tried it yet. I’m waiting for it to come in the mail. :wink:


Keep us updated on this… I’d personally like to know if this works as it says it does before I drop money on it.
HYBRI-TECH ELITEXELITE in Canada is $99.99 bucks + shipping.


Ok I will. I’ll start a thread when it arrives so I don’t hijack this one. :slightly_smiling_face:


This morning when I opened the budroom, there appears to be only minor curling or tip browning on a few of the leaves. So far, so good… no real bad damage and they’re looking nice overall. Pardon the few drops of water on the camera, I didn’t notice it until back in the house :sunglasses:

I really expected to see more ‘burn’ than what is there, since seeing it can be expected on some.