It's Reversal (STS) Time!

He was ahead of time. I wish I knew where to get Sinsemilla consistently in the eighties. It was a treat to find it if you didn’t have the connections here. I’m a little younger (51). I used to get it from my older brothers.

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Everything good was called Indica.

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Well, the way I hear it, he went down to Mexico after the WWll and got some seeds of the best they had growing around there… the rest, as they say ‘is history’! lol
edit… I’m pretty sure he wasn’t the 1st gen gorilla grower in the family, but rather the 2nd gen. That’s because i grew up listening to storied about how he started smokin at the ripe ol age of 6 lol so he had to get it from somewhere…and I figure it was his pops

so I’m either the 3rd gen or 4th lol


Yeah there were some great Mexican strains I grew up smoking. That’s all we could get here. I wish I had saved the seeds. There was some Lime Green stuff that was great. I used to get pounds for 250.

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I’m in South Texas.

I’d go across the border and bring em back it was $100/lb I’d bring back a couple hundred elbows lol

edit… but that was in the '60s and '70s easier then lol


Nice! You could do that back then :grinning:

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Lived in Texas several times over the past 40-50 yrs…SA, Corpus, Houston, Round Rock, Austin

back in the 70s would go over the border to ‘boy’s town’ lol


Oh Yeah? I like all those places. Corpus is real laid back. Austin is crowded and SA is growing. I grew up in Houston and live in Galveston now.

It was a lot better back in the day, at least that’s what I hear
All I know is Texas was pretty laid back in the 70s and 80s for sure lol

thats not to say they wouldn’t hang yer ass if they caught ya with weed lmao

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Home of Shoreline

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Yeah definitely. Lots of people moving there from other places. Everything was better back then. You are right about the weed lmao. My head is still on a swivel from growing up here. lol

Honestly I’m tired of the secrecy. I live like its legal here to an extent. Family is the only thing that holds me and my wife here.

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That’s why we moved back here to Oklahoma in 2018 lol it’s legit and I’m frgiging lovin it!

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Yeah it sounds great. The only thing I would miss is the beach. We almost moved to Colorado a couple of times before OK wen’t legal.

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Ok, I’m getting off of here lol i gotta ton of work to do in that -farm-inna-barn’ ! lol


nice talking to you @JohnnyPotseed

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You too, Grow On! and be safe


morning update… The 4 girls are coming on strong with the pollen pods. So everything is good in my world! lol Won’t be much longer before they open and I can start collecting the ‘magic dust’… once again, i apologize for the shitty photography. They are still showing the signs of ‘abuse’ I handed out to them, but recovering nicely!


Congrats!! I hope you get a good amount of viable pollen amigo