It's time to grow some bud, come on along for the ride

What ppms are you at generally ?

10/30/20 350 ppms 1/2 teaspoon per gal

15.5/0/0 100 ppms 1/4 teaspoons
Epson salts 100 ppms 1/4 teaspoon
Total 550 ish.


Well the Tap is around 500. I never check my GH for anything but PH and I didn’t bother checking the bloom. Just used 1 teaspoon per gallon.

instead of 3.6 2.4 1.2 i just give them 4 2 1 ratios. and then cut out the magnesium around week 5 seems to help the heavy feeders seems to help when ever i run into issues with yellowing

i know pap feeds really light and often. unlike you every couple days right ? (similar to me) so i feed heavy usually around 1400 ppm sometimes 1600 with more run off when i wanna really soak them (like i did today)

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Good point
I feed lite and often

Hopefully I’m helping

Definitely increase ppms

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I feed daily. I am not going to make any more alterations for the time being. I mixed 3 separate batches of feed yesterday and am going to give these poor things a week to see what they do. Then if needed, will make more changes. As long as I don’t kill them first, I am sure I will turn these around. Gotta have faith while looking at the ugliest plants I have ever had. :rofl:


I have no doubt.


not every run will be perfect haha you just do your thing and im sure they fall in line sooner than later lol

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Thanks bud. I know it will, it’s been interesting so far. Where there is life, there is hope. So I know it will all work out in the end.


Those starter bags are so cool! I had a plant in a solo going before I got these. It wasn’t doing well. I carefully got it in a bag. Doing better. I think it’s just air getting to roots. Thanks again @DougDawson. I’ll have to repay somehow. Genius!


Very cool. I did a side by side once with cups and starter bags and you could really see the difference. Plants in the bags grew faster, bigger and healthier. I love them and use them for all my seedlings now.


Where do you get them?


Amazon. Like $10 for 200. Pretty cheap


I got mine off Amazon. Just search seedling starter bag and you will find many places to get them.


Do you take them out of the bags before you up pot them to their next home or will they grow just fine if you just plant them?


That’s one of the joys of them, you just plant the whole bag and roots grow right through them.


Take a look at this



That is good to know. :+1: some of the pucks I have used in the past I have had to remove them as the roots seem to have an issue penetrating the material. By the way this thread 🪡 has been loaded with great information on the fertilizer you are using as well as many other aspects in regards to enhancing everyone’s experience to grow bigger and better! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face::star_struck::tophat::facepunch::clap::sunglasses::turkey::v:


That’s a thing of beauty. Just what I hoped would occur.


Think about these for Gorilla outdoor grows. Use 3 or 5 gallon ones. Makes for a clean grow, no non biodegradable stuff. I need to order some supplies on Amazon. I’m checking out bigger ones, see if there’s any that would help my program.
Maybe I’ll clarify. My “program”, isn’t much of one. But it needs to be. Then I can say I’m doing this, or that, to improve and develop a program. Does this make sense @shag ?


Here is another pic for you. All my plants start in those seedling bags. Here is a BOG Blue Moon Rocks male in a 0.8 gallon pot that started in one of those bags. Clearly had no problem growing through it.