It's time to grow some bud, come on along for the ride

Those little seedling bags ( the wee bags as we call them ) do take some time to degrade

I like them and i don’t

I find myself using the solo cups and I even forgot I even had them
I think I got like 400 for 8 dollars


What don’t you like about them?


I never tried the seed bags, but I have used those little jiffy pucks before that expand in water. I haven’t used them for years and I still find the mesh crap in my back yard. That’s the only issue I don’t like. :laughing:

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I guess there is that. I know the bags biodegrade, just don’t know the timeline.

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I guess it’s just me
I like to use a solo cup
I fill it 1/2 way with my mix and when the stem gets tall and lanky I just add an inch or so soil
Easy as pie lol


Go with what works for you I always say. I used to use cups but when I did the side by side the bags just won both in time and growth. But many use the tried and true solo cups.


Ok, we are back so here are the plants tonight.


Well another day and am seeing some signs of recovery from a few. Some of the new growth is coming in greener. Will be interesting to see if that continues. Still not looking great but a bit of hope looming on the horizon.


I would suspect with your green thumb :+1: they will be fine! :wink::upside_down_face::sunglasses::turkey::v:


@DougDawson what’s the plan to recover the droopy plants? I’m struggling with getting a few plants to perk up, they just stay droopy no matter how moist/dry i seem to let the pot get. I’m trying to get my watering frequency down for each plant and its a bit overwhelming when one thing dont work for all. I had to start taking notes on when and how much I water along with a quick description to help me out


Hey @seeds2weeds , really just staying the course. I have 3 separate feeds going into them. A couple may be too far gone but I am seeing some recovery now so it seems things are turning around. You got any pics on the ones you are having trouble with?

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Hey there OG. So I thought I would provide an update. Just fed all the plants and cleaned them up some. It is clear I am heading in the right direction at least. You can see a real difference in the plants today vs the pic I posted 3 days ago. The Tap formula on the right and the GH formula’s seem to be doing the best. The 20-20-20 plants are still pretty ugly but a few of them are looking better at least. Here they are half an hour ago.

So I will keep up this regime and see where it takes me from here. Have a great day OG.


I just ordered some more bottles of bio bizz so i can follow their feed.
If my light was too intense would the plants look droopy like this or is that a tell tale sign of overwatering only?

Heres a few pics more on my post over here


I am hesitant to give advice here as I am a coco grower, so I’m not familiar with your soil. @ReikoX may be a better source of info for your setup.


Thanks doug. Gonna tag @ReikoX in my post and hopefully he can help out.


No worries, he is very knowledgeable with soil so I am sure he can help. I wouldn’t want to stear you on the wrong direction.


Thanks bro. I have been steered in the wrong direction by my coco buddy already lol so thanks for that.


Good evening OG. So just a quick update. Things are still moving kind of the same way. The 3 GH plants seem to be recovering as do the plants on the Tap formula. The 20-20-20 plants are still quite yellow and I figure at least 1 is totally doomed. But hey, still moving forward. Here they are a few minutes ago before watering.

As you can see, it looks like some of them ate turning around nicely. Have a great night OG. Time to finish watering these babies and change clothes so I can go feed my other plants and grab some pollen. :v:


Do you have Superthrive?

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What does Superthive do?