I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

And last but not least is kampuchia red. Constantly bending and tying this monster and she’s just know halfway done at 12 weeks only vegged for 2 weeks. The light is 6’8" high and she keeps stretching. Friday not touching light. Monday have 5 branches above canopy. I really like this one. Only had 1 out of 20 seeds make it and it germed for 2 wks before ever popping thru surface. Cut clones.


[quote=“YoBigdaddy, post:355, topic:38093”]
Accidentally” broke this little guy off the other day and she’s going in pipe today
I’m going have to start using this line! Lol
Them thias got some pretty big dense looking buds to them. That red thou oh my those are going stack up really nice only 12 more weeks to see the finally looks. I need to borrow your patience. Lol


Sorry for poor quality photos cheap ass phone. I need recommendations on new scope to hook to phone. I have bought 3 different ones dont care for any of them. Anyone have one they really like?


I debated asking this same question on the tricome shot thread. I’m thinking going try and start using the wife’s nikon to upload pics and post when take. Just seems like a lot of extra time I don’t have.


@Upstate I would love to give them a try, as you already know i only had 1 out of all 20 reds open. And steve said he would send me more but i have to wait for him to get back home. And them sunrise have my whole house smelling like chocolate/ coffee. Ended up with only females. I grew these for personal would love to make seeds with them. Hit a few branches with some da lat pollen make some da sunrise and da red. So yes if your willing I’ll find room. I had male and female. Aka marty johnstone buddha thai so i will be sending those out with da lat seeds in a month or so. I am going to try seasoning them before i send out, by putting in refrigerator/freezer for a month to simulate winter. Not sure but i think it might help with germination??? Anyone have any thoughts on this idea? Curious.


yep short freezing worked for me aswell. i had a low germination Line with 50 percent germination, after freezing close to 100 Percent. Actually funny cause people tell freezing can destroy some Seeds Cellwalls.
So, it anyway needs only a short freeze, like 3 hours, but SINCE one can loose some Seeds to Cellwandburst at around minus 3 Celcius / 27 Farenheit, i would personally go by feel, and take them out Refrigerator when you are exactly at Freezingpoint (above Cellwandburst). That should be enough i guess (thermomters can be very inaccurate, so i go by feel)


“Wholly shit” theres your smoke report this shit is going to be :fire: givin time to finish properly with no seeds in the buds. 2 tokes nice little head buzz, little harsh still only 3 days dry time. Trics all cloudy 1 or 2 amber. I Got 85 seeds out of that little bud.


yep , seeds you can let ripen as looong as possible, till they are as done as can be. doesent matter if Plant looks overripe, the longer the better (i know this was your accidental broken bud)


Firm believer in it, screw the naysayers they don’t actually know.


The Panama seeds I got 10 out of 10 germination on had been frozen in my mailbox. Perhaps that’s why I had the high success rate.


It gives them an extra shot of nitro just like winter with ma nature


A Tip
if you have ultra low gemination non-native Landraces like your Campucha Red, well: There are some Lines that dont seem to like their new Climate. There was a Line that reacted the same like yours (called Mekong - Delta9Labs), and the Solution was simply to Crack the Beans at around day 2 after Soaking. You know cracking? Just hold the Seed between your Thumb and indexfinger , so the Ass of the seeds Points thowards you. and the Pointy side away from you. So you pressing on the Thinner side on the Seams . Press , and trust me it wont hurt the Seedling. Snowhigh says he does it actually always.
So again that “Mekong - Delta 9 Labs” nobody knew what to do, they never sprout… But one Person said cracking all Seeds did the Job , so i guess this is a good go-to Method.

It appears to me, some Lines are just too acclimatized to other Soil, and dont like our Soil. Canging Soil , way more complicated… And Cracking a solution.
Cracking has nearly no downsides, Seeds split at the Seams, and Seeding can crawl out without effort .

So i would rather recommend to use a Mix of Papertowel between-Plates-Method , softly wetten Paper trough pooring Water drop by drop inside towels, plus a couple drops on topside of thowels, wettened, but not soaked,just so there is still the needed amount of Airflow. Plates on top to compleetly darken… Nicely warm temps. especially tropicals need warmth to really start.

At day two you crack the beans like descibed, pobably you train abit with hempseeds, but its pretty easy learnable, and i never failed a single time, it just worked with first Attemty.
So, i said mixed Method, cause if you fear they are loong stored Seeds, they might need the nutrients in your nutrient rich Seedlings-soil to make it trough the fist Days of Taproot-developpment. So you coud combine Papertowel plus after the Bean-Cracking put them into soil, the Cracked Opening facing downwords. (the Taproot will grow downwords and push the Shell upwords till it comes out the Soil.

If they are not old Beans, you can let them inside Paperthowel, just needs a Week, where you rewetten Towels with a couple drops, the Taproots will come out of Seedshells, watch out so they dont tie themselves if they are too close. At around 5 Cm / 2 inch Taproot, you VERY CAREFULLY take each Taproot with the Shell at the Head and then plant it into soil, (dont break them, otherwise they die) the Head just above Soil, Taproot into soil.

Those would be my proceedings. Of yourse if beans are knowingly ultra old like 40 years, then you need more advanced methods (but i guess mine arent :grin: so i never needed more)


I’ve heard that once they’re frozen, and you let them thaw you can’t re-freeze them. I don’t know if there’s any truth to that, but that’d be my only concern. Besides, the growers can freeze 'em a bit before they pop them if they choose. I’m gonna start chilling mine the night before I plant them.

I’ve never had enough seeds to worry about long-term storage. Until now that is. :slight_smile: I think I’m gonna get a little refrigerator instead of a freezer though.


I had heard that also I’m thinking refrigerate not freeze but curious to what everyone thinks thanks for your input. I store mine in ammo box in basement like a refrigerator down there all summer.


I know that lavender seeds they recommend you refrigerate for 30-40 days before you try to germinate. And some veggie seeds do better with a cold cycle (winter) ???


i probably was unclear:
Cellburst is at 27 Farenheit, wich is slightly lower to Freezinpoint 32 F. Therefore Best would be just reaching Freezingpoint …

Each Time going below 27 F some percentage might die. Around 1/4th of Seeds can die each Time doing that. better not too often.


I do it all the time and the theory is bs.
This dog gets beaten all the time, if that was the case there wouldn’t be a big ass vault sitting up at the north pole. Instead of risking well say Fla for shits and giggles.


its a compromise they make. Refrigerator Temps are storing Seeds only half long as freezer…
So, they compromise that fourth of Seeds for double amount of Storagetime.
Aswell there is Shockfrosting, wich would prevent the Cellburst.

Again, it doesent always happen, but it can, so dont be careless refreezing Seeds hundret Times. Only for good Reasons, and it can DEFINITLY heighten Germinationrate of the Survivors on the other Hand


@OleReynard you have froze and refroze with no problems? And have you had same results with both old and fresh stock? Thanks for your input


Froze and refroze no problem.
The ones that I either made or bought from a dealer direct, there is a difference.
Most of the population does not know how to take care of their gear properly.
Picking up trades I normally burn thru pdq because of this.
But I don’t do a whole lot of trades, more giving.
Because I have so much don’t need a bunch more but yet here I am in the joti buy and Beanbrain, go figure.
But then grower direct.