I've been hunting unicorns "Da Lat"

yep, i tried the freezing once with my selfproduced Seed after curing, and after that got nearly 100 Percent germination. Nearly no Loss.
So , 1/4th seems to be rather the maximum Loss per Freezing Time.


Firm believer in storing seeds in the freezer.


I’ve stored my collection in the freezer for awhile now and my last few grows all if not all the stuff came from the freezer and had no loss of germination rates. Still get 100% on almost everything. I’ve even stored weed in mason jars for over a year with no loss of quality.

Things that are very dry don’t get damaged the same way as things that are wet do IME (like fruits and veg). Freezing just slows metabolic rates significantly but doesn’t stop them completely so the lower the temp the better.

I think a lot of the problems that might come with freezing seeds (and weed) is condensation that can form and that might invite pathogens and lower your germ rate that is why it is important to never open your container until it has returned to room temp or you risk damping off etc… or in the case of frozen bud losing all your terpenes and a ton of moisture. I have mine vac sealed with a dessicant and those bags are stored in a stainless bin on the bottom of my freezer. Have had pretty good luck so far.

I’m surprised seedbanks don’t have big ULT -80c freezers for their stock. I wouldn’t be surprised if some weren’t even stored in a fridge.


yep negotius, and dont forget that most modern Freezers have automatic Defrost every Year. That was the Point when i became a bit unshure what to do and decided to use Fridge.

Its not easy, so much that we have to do right…


It’s all about speed of transition. If the seeds freeze or thaw too quickly, they could be damaged.

There’s probably a lot of duds due to moisture that get blamed on temp transitions too. If you package up fresh seeds at 80-90F with 75% humidity, that moisture falls out the air as the seeds freeze. Then they might start to germinate as they thaw, and then you freeze em a second time and they die.


I was thinking about the seeds that pop up wild every year in my locations in the bush. Freezing and thawing multiple times before they actually germinate. What baffles me, is that freezing tropical varieties helps them with germination. I don’t understand it. Whatever region cannabis originally came from, the seeds must have been used to getting Frozen and that trait has followed cannabis around ever since.
Here’s an oddball question. What if I take my box out of the freezer, and open it outside where it’s below freezing with very low humidity? There is no coming up to room temperature, what do you all think would happen? I believe that you need to let your box come to room temperature indoors for sure. But I still don’t like the idea of thawing and freezing and thawing and freezing seeds repeatedly , like what would happen with my collection because I’m constantly passing seeds from it out to other people. @OleReynard, don’t think I don’t believe you, it just still makes me nervous for some reason. How long do you generally wait until you put a container back in the freezer? I’ve got a plastic tackle box about the size of a high school math book. This fear of freezing thawing has kept me from placing my collection in the freezer. I know I need to do it. Just bite the bullet and do it


Thanks for all the weed porn! Makes me want to grow a garden full of Southeast Asian plants. I have to say, those seeds look really nice. No signs of hybridization that I can see. That’s awesome Dalats’ got some potency to it. Nice resin on that nug 2. Keep up the great work. Coming along nicely. Let’s hope we can add a couple Reds to the tent


I’ll stayed tuned for those reds, seeing how it is possibly that great white buffalo aka as you say unicorn!


dalat reproduction in progress as well :slightly_smiling_face: snowhigh stock from pheno_fiend

will regularly post updates on my reproduction works on instagram: blackcatgenetics333 as well as here


stretch seems about done for this young lady


this one is my purple vietnamese reproduction in progress (vietnam black x dalat purple pheno, from snowhigh)


this purple viet has variegated leaves, it split into 2 main stems by itself, without any topping on my part

I will be selecting this one to cross to my hoa bac :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome to OG @blackcatgenetics and welcome to my grow log. Them some nice looking da lat how far along are they and what kinda light you using. I think its great to see so many people growing out these Vietnamese jewels. “Overgrow the world”


Hey @blackcatgenetics!! Welcome to Overgrow! It’s good to see you. :slight_smile:

I think it’s awesome! We started with one Dalat grow, now there are 3. Shit, I wish we could pull that off with the Vietnamese Black run. :grinning: Those are nice looking plants. I’ve never seen a grow of that Purple Vietnamese. :drooling_face: What was the source of your Hoa?

I’m looking forward to your updates. Thanks for sharing man, and again, welcome to OG. :+1: :+1: :+1:


hey friend, these guys are around 25 days of flower and theyre under the HLG 650r :slightly_smiling_face: thanks for the welcome!


hey guitarzan, i got my hoa bac from reeferman from the old school ba website

Im also working on a vietnam black open pollination from snowhigh, I would be happy to share with you guys as well when they are done!

thank you for the warm welcome


@blackcatgenetics, welcome to OG ! You’re going to fit right in! Lots of great people here. Some beautiful projects you have going. Looking forward to more pictures. This thread is quickly becoming very special. So many awesome SE asians growing. Hopefully soon adding some more @YoBigdaddy. Makes me wish I had some going too. The best thing about Southeast Asian genetics is, by the time I get around to Growing them, this thread should still be going LOL


Hey @blackcatgenetics if its not to late and your interested i have da lat pollen i have collected from 10 different males. You are welcome to some let me know?


OK then. That’s two.

You know, I only have one Strat…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Seriously man, that is totally awesome. Thanks for your generosity.

OK Freaks, it would appear that we really ARE on a mission from God. :grinning:


sent ya a DM! :+1: :+1: