Ix3u does Jack the Ripper (for everyone!)

Awesome :sunglasses:

Thank you, looking forward to trying this one!


Sounds super yummy.


Thanks So much for doing this @ix3u its been a fun show to watch! Excited for these!


Congratulations @ix3u you did an excellent job :clap:.
Christmas is a little early @Natea @jamMAKEcan and @Coffin_Dodger :seedling::santa:
Happy Holidays to everyone :snowman::deer::snowflake::santa:


Been a great run to watch, @ix3u . Been sitting in the back just enjoying the ride. Can’t wait to get into some of this side of things. All in good time. Get another few runs under our belts here first.
Awesome toss’m. Let’s OVERGROW it, now, folks!
Stay up
:ghost: :raccoon:


Congrats on the successful seed run @ix3u, glad to get a chance to get on that list! :wink::blush::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::santa::christmas_tree::snowman_with_snow::peace_symbol:


Thank you @ix3u you da man. Happy holidays brother!!!


Thank you, Sir :slight_smile:

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Sign me on! The intensity wore you out? That’s awesome!
@ix3u nice seedrun. Is there a signup I missed?


Wiki is in second post @Upstate


Thanks for that oportunity to grab those genetics :heartpulse:

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Thank you, it is very cool of you to do this, only had JTR a couple times, but it was damn good smoke.


Thanks @LzBoy .for the tag buddy
And thanks @ix3u .for the generosity


Stoked to see this coming to fruition! Thank you for your efforts with this seed increase, SubCool’s Jack The Ripper is a legendary variety! I hope it’s cool that when signing up I added back the following phrase “Add numbers as needed (up to 100)”

When I noticed your updates and comments regarding the wiki being open I went to sign up but wasn’t sure if it was ok to add numbers because that phrase has gotten deleted during the edit going from 32 to 33. Long story short, I excitedly added another number to sign myself up for a slot and also added back the “Add numbers as needed (up to 100)” for others who may be viewing with similar reservations. I hope it’s cool for me to have done that. It seemed like it was unintentionally deleted sometime yesterday so figured to add it back. Many blessings and much love


I appreciate it buddy! I hadn’t checked on the list in a bit since I’m not going to be doing anything till after the new year anyways… Suppose I should have kept an eye on it for errors and the such :sweat_smile:


@ix3u it’s funny I’ve been hearing a lot about Jack the Ripper lately. I’ve got an opportunity to aquire some Pandora’s Box seeds real soon and I hope to plan on doing that. I ran both JTR and Pandora’s Box in the past… They’re both old classics. JTR was made with Jack’s Cleaner and has a really interesting story.

Jack’s Cleaner’s origin story is wild. Subcool was really into IRC, which is really old school internet chat. He was using it back in the 90s and in a Cannabis related IRC server… he met some fellow enthusiast named Skoosh that sent him some seeds, not knowing exactly what they were… he said they were a mix of possibly Pluton, Lambs bread, Purple Haze, and Northern Lights… Sub’s exact words regarding the lineage of Jack’s Cleaner were. “What mix or pattern these crosses occurred I am not sure.” So basically “Mystery Seeds.” Most seedbanks over the years would document it as being “NL5 x Pluton x Purple Haze x Jack Herer” as if they knew what the lineage was… but that’s not correct… it could be any one of these things or something else entirely. Sub himself said he didn’t know what exactly those seeds were. He grew those random internet seeds that he aquired and found an extremely resinous lemon cleaner pheno that he called “The Cleaner” that he then crossed to a Jack Herer male from Sensi Seeds… and Jack’s Cleaner was born. Sub’s story is actually funny. He said…

“…It was just luck I had a Jack Herer male from Sensi Seeds that I was to lazy to kill and just placed in a dark garage. It refused to die so I placed a small 12” Cleaner clone with him and she produced about 35 seeds. From these I selected the best female and tossed all the males. From these was the Phenotype many now consider to be the holy grail of Cannabis."-Subcool

Regardless of the lineage Jack’s Cleaner would undoubtedly be one of the backbones of TGAs line and would find its way into making some amazing hybrids/crosses such as Jack The Ripper, Agent Orange, Chernobyl, Pandora’s Box, etc… he used it to make so many different crosses… all having copius resin production and really loud smell/flavor profiles. He made a backcross of Jack’s Cleaner using the original Jack’s Cleaner F1 x Jack The Ripper and called it “Jack’s Cleaner II.” I grew that one too. Here was one of my personal JCII plants that was the most Lemonade type pheno I’ve ever had… This plant was a little runty but it had incredible bag appeal but it was grown from a “Twin” one of 2 embryos that came from 1 single seed…

Subcool himself took this JTR shot and posted it in December 2009 and he called it a “JTR Christmas Photo Shoot”

About the same time he also made a YouTube video… one of his firsts that showed off JTR…

I really miss Sub. He made some amazing strains and I tried to grow as many as I could. I grew so many TGA plants… including ones no ones heard of. I even tried an Orange Velvet BX but Agent Orange was better. I probably grew Agent Orange half a dozen times. It wasn’t the most potent but that flavor was phenomenal. My favorite TGA strain has to be the Apollo BX… I was an original tester for that one. Space Dawg and Space Jill (Space Queen F2) were also some top tier, really amazing strains.

I remember waking up early and making my morning cup of coffee and joining the Breedbay chat and Sub would be in there most mornings. He was always very accessible to his fans and was a kind dude that often times would give away seeds to disabled folks and war vets… or to anyone who needed them. He gave away many packs back then. I’ve seen him get involved with charities for Autistic kids and help raise money for different causes and benefits. He was a good guy. He would talk about his COPD for years and kept mentioning that he shouldn’t smoke… but kept smoking… and then eventually he changed to vaping… but that disease eventually took him from us. I am forever greatful of everything I learned along the way from Sub. He really inspired me with all of those super dank strains with the wild flavor descriptions. I honestly was very skeptical the first time I read that Cannabis could resemble anything like fresh peeled Oranges, or Cherries, or Pink Lemonade… but I’ll be damned if his descriptions weren’t spot on and completely accurate. It was mind blowing to me.

To me there was no greater time than when TGA cranked out those seeds made by Sub itself in the late 2000’s. That was a very exciting time period for me. I discovered Subcool, Bodhi, Professor P… all those guys around this time. Some of “The Greats” of the Cannabis World… and they were all on Breedbay… it was really convenient.

One of my favorite things to do had always been to grow seeds from my friends and a lot of their home pollen chucks and a lot of stuff I’ve tried from buddies and amateur breeders were made with at least one parent strain being from a TGA strain. I tried a Blue Widow x Vortex cross a buddy made that was incredible… and a TGA Black Cherry x Blueberry that was probably one of the best strains I’d ever get to try in my life. Subs stuff really works well in pollen chucks and creates some interesting phenos. A guy named Badger who still works with a lot of TGA gear has made a whole bunch of Space Dude and Bloodwreck crosses… I plan on picking some up really soon. I think we’ll be in the 2030s and some of these Genetics will still be relevant because Sub made such a big impact on the world at large.


Awesome read. Thanks for sharing this story. I enjoyed learning more about sub.



Awesome read bro, thanks for the personal story and info on one of the greats.



Thanks for your effort @ix3u. I’m sure many of us would like to get some of those seeds.
I wish you all best with the grow and hope to be one of the lucky winners :grin::crossed_fingers:
Merry Christmas from down under :australia:


Nice history there! I first heard of subcool recently through some people talking on a podcast about how much they loved JTR and especially when taken a bit longer, whatever they said about it got me super interested and I went hunting for any old TGA subcool strains I could find. Found Jeff Irie and got some JTR f2 and some tangie ripper (platinum tangie x jtr)
Had someone give me some meh reviews on the tangie ripper saying it threw some nanners and wasn’t overall super impressive. Looking forward to eventually growing out my f2s and definitely saving some pollen from a male to use for some of my own future experiments!
Hopefully there’s still some seeds from this run I could get my hands on too, thanks either way to @ix3u for doing this run for the community!
Can’t wait to have a bigger grow setup and be able to spread the love same as you and so many others!