Jacks Nutrients

Nice! I wish I could get rice hulls.

@Tolerance_Break If you’re inclined, here’s some info pertaining to calcium from Daniel Fernandez: Several "CalMag" products compared - #88 by Nitt

I currently use canna coco bricks. I boil around, I duno, 4 gallons to hydrate them in a 10gal tote (to help kill any gnats, etc.). I’ve been mixing that with perlite at…3:2 ratio I think, coco to perlite. But after a recent video testing peat to perlite ratios, I’m going to move to 1:1 ratio, maybe even 3:2 perlite to coco.

Hempy’s a bit different though. Good luck with it all, man.

Edit: I’ve tried severl coco brands now and I like canna the best by far. Clean, consistent (the texture, the cleanliness, etc.), everything. I’ve been getting four of the “40L” double bricks at a time for about $100 CAD +tax, ish. That plus a massive bag of perlite, goes quite a long way.