Jacks Nutrients

I guess I’ve ran similar, roughly 6g:4g (a:b) at the highest. Just kinda surprised they posted it w/o any ‘ripening’ phase , seems like a good time to promote that 0-12-26 at least! lol.

Damn , its pretty incredible what they can take when the environment is good. I started w/ jacks at 3:2:1 on seedlings last run and they were my best starters yet. 5:5 is pretty wild though! how did you land on that mix?

Curious what you’re doing for the last couple of weeks w/ jacks. Just swapping purecal in and adding mkp? mind sharing the deets? :face_with_monocle:

Just noticed I hit ya w/ the trifecta; Reply, Quote and @. lol :partying_face:


I got it off gashaus gardens on another forum. Guy really knows his shit when it comes to nutes. There’s a good thread over on bean basement with tons of info in it. I’m thankful to have learned a bunch of stuff from people who are smarter / grow nicer weed than I do :crazy_face:

I was using Jack’s but now I’m using something similar cuz it’s cheaper. I don’t really do anything at the end of flower ATM but might try reducing the N a bit more and adding gypsum or something. Other than replacing the yara with purecal after stretch and reducing the cal nit from 5g to 3g I don’t really do anything special. I just run all the way till the end.

I did increase my runoff by quite a bit and am not seeing any more major buildup in the media anymore and plants have been pretty healthy this run. Hopefully can keep it up lol


Cool cool , thanks for the reply :+1: I need to check out bean basement sometime.

Nice meter btw, do you use it w/ the solus app? Maybe I’ll get one for my birthday (in a couple years :D)


Just restocked and found the ten pound bags at a good price from Esbenshade’s in PA, check these girls out lots of potential here!


Great company, have used them for years! Keep an eye out for their open bag jacks. I got 50lbs for about 80 shipped. The bags just had a hole in them they taped over.


That’s awesome! I will keep my eyes peeled

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5.68g wow guess they’re modeling after like Athena and the other companies that push the crazy high ECs. I always felt like I was seeing a bit of a boron deficiency running 321 but I’m not sure what it was it always seem to be a single burnt sugar leaf towards the end of flower.

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Excellent news for canadians who want a zero nitrogen blend/formula. https://geckogrow.ca/ is going to be carrying the Masterblend 0-20-42 in canada. You can probably find the label on customhydronutrients.com.

Since Masterblend has settled on a final, revised formula now (instead of 0-12-26), and geckgrow is able to carry it, now they’re going to. This is great, and if you’re looking for something like this, please consider these guys.

I was told this is the pricing so far:

1 kg: $28.95

3 kg: $63.95

5 kg: $95.89

25 kg: $278.18

It’d be nice if there was a size somewhere around 10-15kg, in my personal opinion, which I told them - for what it’s worth. I duno if all of these are manufacturer sized bags or which, if any, are broken down into smaller bags. Contact them if you’re interested. They seem like nice people. Anyways, they’re working to get it up and listed on the website, but could probably do a manual order if you’re wanting some.

Playing with the numbers, using 0-20-42, Calcium Nitrate ~15-0-0, and MgSO4/Epsom, at Masterblend’s “suggested” rates per gallon for “flowering plants” on the label looks very good.
MB 0-20-42 @ 3g/gal, CaNO3 @ 4g/gal, MgSO4 @ 2.3g/gal:

N (NO3-) 152.163
N (NH4+) 11.624
P 69.171
K 276.304
Mg 59.909
Ca 200.771
S 150.374
Fe 2.774
Mn 0.713
Zn 0.159
B 0.238
Cu 0.159
Si 0
Mo 0.079
Na 0
Cl 0

(@neogitus, @NoCal. This is another reason there should be a canadian stores/sources thread here. None of this stuff is really hard to get in the USA. Please “@” and share with your fellow/known canadian gardeners.)


Good thread idea. Who should make it? :stuck_out_tongue:

Little too expensive for my cheapass but I also get that it’s usually expensive for us poor Canadians to have things shipped in from the states lol. Crazy it’s pretty much 3x as expensive here as it is in the states for the 25kg bag.

If I were to pay the big bucks to have some stuff shipped in here I have really wanted to try ambrosia cropz.

It would be cool to be able to hammer calcium nitrate harder during flower though.

I know I’m already off topic but it would be really cool to find some kind of lab that can test the composition of some nutrients. I’ve been curious what cropsalt “cake” is for awhile now. I’ve seen some people swear by it. On the label is says derived from potassium sulfate and that’s it. I wonder if there’s anything else not listed. I have a chance to buy some off some local guy 25 bucks for 5lb. Might test it out on some of my plants but I’d love to get it tested at some point if it’s not insanely expensive


Anybody have experience running 321 in coco?


I’ve run 321 in coco for a few years, it works really well


Thank you! I’m switching from flood and drain to hempy with coco as the substrate and perilite at the bottom. I have a few years and 7 harvests under my belt, all using jacks, but I’m totally new to coco.

If you have any tips for using jacks and coco, or coco in general, that might not be obvious to someone just picking it up, I would really appreciate it!


You sure?

This is 25lbs not 25kgs: MasterBlend 0-20-42 Cannabis Bloom Formula 25 lb., and would cost approx. $180+ CAD to get shipped to canada (that doesn’t include any duties you might be hit with).
Gecko Grow has a 25kg bag, for $278 CAD (+tax). I won’t do the rest of the math right now. Let me know if you do. Maybe there’s a typo there… Oh, Gecko Grow says “free shipping in canada over $65”. Would that apply to a massive sac of this, I don’t know - very hard to think it would.

Quite possible, likely even.

So many people. There’s nothing special about it, it’s just fertilizer salts. The ingredients are on the bag and are essentially the same as are used in most every other similar product, just different ratios maybe. And, yes, I have.

You’ll likely hear about smashing calcium and magnesium (probably “calmag”) into the coco (because of coco and the cation exchange capacity / CEC. Which you can do and will likely “work”. I think proper environment is a key factor too though; ie: vpd. Calcium is immobile, a higher vpd will likely help. Also, get good amounts of calcium into the plant tissue in veg.


It should be an easy switch for you then. I run a similar hempy setup except with Hydroton at the bottom just cause I already have it around. I don’t do anything special, just feed everyday until the res overflows a bit. I don’t do plain water flushes or anything and it works great. I use 3 gal buckets and add rice hulls on top to keep pests out since the media is constantly moist and makes it easy to get gnats.

Chem candy auto in a coco hempy


Nice! I wish I could get rice hulls.

@Tolerance_Break If you’re inclined, here’s some info pertaining to calcium from Daniel Fernandez: Several "CalMag" products compared - #88 by Nitt

I currently use canna coco bricks. I boil around, I duno, 4 gallons to hydrate them in a 10gal tote (to help kill any gnats, etc.). I’ve been mixing that with perlite at…3:2 ratio I think, coco to perlite. But after a recent video testing peat to perlite ratios, I’m going to move to 1:1 ratio, maybe even 3:2 perlite to coco.

Hempy’s a bit different though. Good luck with it all, man.

Edit: I’ve tried severl coco brands now and I like canna the best by far. Clean, consistent (the texture, the cleanliness, etc.), everything. I’ve been getting four of the “40L” double bricks at a time for about $100 CAD +tax, ish. That plus a massive bag of perlite, goes quite a long way.


Yeah my bad I assumed the “full bag” was 25kg. That ends up being not so bad then considering it’s like 203cad for 25kg from the states not including shipping (which would be a fuck load). Maybe when I run out of my blue koolaid nutes I’ll have to give some a try.

Looking at the gecko website I’m pretty sure their online prices for the huge bags of stuff take into account that heavy stuff is very expensive to ship (sometimes more than double the product itself).


I think the CHN website listing’s biggest bag is 25 pounds, the gecko grow site is 25 kilograms. Massive difference.
I have everything to make this shit though, it’d be kinda silly for me to buy it. Sometimes I do silly shit though. But I “need” other stuff so I’ll likely pass at least for now. I still have several Kgs of 6-11-31 too, that I don’t even really love…

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Jacks on CaCl



What is the image showing? Just the few necrotic areas on the leaves? Root shots would’ve been nice too, if that’s an affected area. Some people’s plants have that kind of leaf damage and they don’t use anything with chloride in it at all, haha.

Jack’s having a chuckle at CalMag:


They have free shipping on all orders over $65, so the 5 kg and 25 kg prices do include shipping. The 3 kg and 1 kg options, we just have a flat $10 shipping fee anywhere in Canada.
That’s great for the 25kg bag. It’s cheaper than Jack’s at that amount. It’s also more concentrated (so even cheaper / better value). But at 5kg, the next size down, it’s almost double the price of the 25kg.
By the way, the 25kg bag is the factory size bag. The smaller sizes are being broken down from the 25kg bag.

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