Jacks Nutrients

They just came out with a 0-12-26 which I’ve been digging for those plants a little sensitive to N. You can mix some of the 0N and 5N or switch to the 0N last couple weeks. I rocked the standard 123 for quite a while before adding the new Part A in the mix and like the flexibility.


I’m really liking my switch to Mega Crops 2 part- sweet candy and bud explosion. Buy it in the winter time its even cheaper. :100:


I have enough Jack’s for at least a year or two, but I’ll certainly be checking this out if it’s cheaper when I run out.


The sweet candy is a must have to supplement any nutes. Plants love this shit. Fuckin party in the rootzone. :100:

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Sorry for the delay, thank you much for those! :heart:

Looks like all the pics are only for the 15-6-17 tho. I got it added to the sheet. If there’s any others missing from the sheet I just need that type of info to add it :grin:


Whoops! Here’s the other one you wanted:


You should have skipped the clone and just used the 15-5-20/CalNit, it’s works basically the same. I’ve used full strength 5-12-26/CalNit for cloning and had zero problems.


I have been using one part MegaCrop for several years with good results, but my last bag arrived clumped up like used kitty litter and it kind of turned me off. So I’m Jacks 3-2-1 this run for the first time, it seems to be going well. It sure does mix up a lot “cleaner” than the MC.


Thanks again, that’s not actually the part i need tho, i need the elemental percentage :wink:
Anyways tho, I got it added thanks to seeing they did have the pics on their site thanks to you :slight_smile:

I got the other jacksnutrients lines added except the outdoor 18-8-23 as I cant read the label from their pic online, and I don’t have the label for the new 0-12-26. If anyone has those and wants to throw them up here, i’ll get them added to the spreadsheet calculator ^^


ive got 18-8-23 for you


Awesome!! Thank you! I just got it added to the sheet :slight_smile:

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you gotta have a lot of calcium in the tap for that mix i think (not an informed thought just anecdotal)… id get cal def then add calmag and a few looked like they had too much mag, the mix says it has a mag boost but almost no mag in it… for the experts to determine why but it was a bit funky for me in that sense.
shoving way more cal and mag in them with the calnit + 5-12-26 and they are fine :man_shrugging:


yeah… lookin at that numbers i wouldn’t wanna run that 18-8-23 like at all… I’d wanna use something like 4g 18-8-23 and then supplement with like 2g gypsum and 1g epsom but likely still be a bit messed up :thinking: sulfur would be the highest nute in that mix. P is still really low… Everything else looks fine tho.


i think its just for hemp or something lol

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:joy: right… Something to supplement soil that already has decent p and mg maybe :thinking:
Calcium still an issue too tho.


one strain (black dog) absolutely loved it… id do full dose i think 5.2g 18-8-23 and 1/4 tsp CaMg+ per gal and it was happy… the purple queens would get some real dark leaves, but the seedlings from ethos were just messed up til i took them off it… whole top of the plant got dark bottom light (immobile?) then i put them on the 321 and they just exploded (til they showed PM week 4 bloom and i chopped em). they were putting out golf balls with the straightest most uniform pistils ive ever seen at week 4 though, i should probably be more sad about losing them than i am :joy:

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Here is a pic for the 0-12-26 no nitrogen Part A from Jacks. I bought a bag of it and shared this pic in another Jacks thread on the site. Be aware that Jacks pictures on their website do not always match up to the real analysis thats on the bag. The pic they have for the 0-12-26 is from a different one of their products that they photoshopped the new label onto. May have been a one off because they were in a rush to get the new no nitrogen part A to market, but I thought it was a sloppy thing for them to do considering they should have expected there would be alot of people interested in the makeup and would be looking at the pic.


You going to use that as a finisher?


Sorry for the delay, 0-12-26 has been added! Thank you very much!


Definitly as a finisher for the last couple of weeks. Playing with the idea of just using this part A all through flower instead of the normal 5-12-26. Managing the nitrogen levels solely through the part B CalNit has an added benefit of boosting Calcium levels as well.