Jacks Nutrients

Oh, can you send me pics or text of the elemental part of the labels once you get these?
I’ve been working on a spreadsheet calculator that I believe is pretty accurate.

For sure on the dry powders, the liquid stuff gets interesting :sweat_smile: but I’m missing those two labels for sure and jack’s doesn’t exactly put that information out there in an easy to find manor. I’m having to try and read things off pictures online or purchase the products myself.


No problem. I will send when I get home. The only one I don’t have is the clone, which I ordered today, but will send that one when it arrives. Take a look at this calculator.


Here ya go @HolyAngel

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i could not bring myself to buy jacks clone mix when i saw how close the ratio was to the combined 2part. from what i can tell bud plants can take an enormous amount of calcium but during the cloning phase they need a mag boost, which i get plenty of in that 2part (i use envys version which is 3% mag).


Hey y’all!

I gotta take the time and carefully read through this whole thread.

I’m gonna try some jacks once I run out of my flora flex samples, probably before next run.

I was thinking this line since I use tap currently…


Or maybe this one so I can compare the 3-2-1, the city limits, and the pure & simple…


Maybe I’ll send them a water sample too



I would send a sample. Our tap is 0.3ec/170ppm. They said stick with 5-12-26 and not to go with their tap formula. And don’t get the nutes from them. Usually much cheaper options. Get the 25lb 5-12-26 and a cal nit. Get a very small thing of the booster and the finish. I find I don’t need more than A single done if any of those. Your results may vary. I will never use the gh 3 part ever again. So much cheaper, but I did get a nice magnetic stirrer so I don’t have to do any hand mixing.


Thanks for the advice brother!

I appreciate any and all input but my water typically tests at around 0.2 EC/~100 PPM .

This is what I keep hearing that liquid nutes are a thing of the past… and great idea on the stirrer!

I’ll most likely buy one soon, but I’ll have a look around the house too, my wife might have one she used for Electroforming jewelry.


There are some shops in Miami where you can pick up bags of 5-12-26 for cheap. Or at least up until 2-3 years ago there were. All you need is 5-12-26, cal-nit, and Epsom. Solution grade gypsum is helpful too. Your tap water will be fine.

Edit: 0.2 ec/100 pppm is super good water to use.


I went with the tap because I use tap water. I messaged them 3 times inquiring about the correct formula for me and the shits didn’t respond to any of my emails. So while I am going to try their stuff, their customer service sucks rocks in my experience.


It sure if hit and miss. I have had great communication but I have heard other with your experience. If you need a direct email address let me know.


I got my last 2 bags(open just had a hole with tape on it) shipped for like 100$ it may have been less. So 49lbs for 100$. It was 96.20$ shipped


i tried the outdoor tap mix this year and oh boy was that not fun, tap is 30ppm though. even with higher ppm tap are the plants really going to get too much cal in the 321 mix?
i forget where i saw the chart but they seem nearly impossible to give too much Ca to.

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Holy shit the prices on Jack’s have skyrocketed!!! I used to get 25 lb bags for $30-$35 if I bought more than one bag. What a joke this industry is. You really can’t tell people about a cheap product, because it gets popular and they just jack the prices up ridiculously. Everyone sells out to the few big companies and it becomes the same as everything else. People buying in huge bulk amounts will get it for normal prices, so they can grow stuff and make profit or just resell the bags for a gross markup, and normal people will be edged into just buying their flower/hash/concentrates. Seems like building soil beds is the way to tell them to go screw themselves.


I heard something happened with mgf/mining one of the compounds/elements in jacks(all nutes) and that’s why the price went up. May have been during the damndemic Same for all nutrient brand I would suppose,i mean gh already rapes for water so they don’t need to up prices. Lol.
I’m just repeating what I’ve read somewhere thats why I actually stocked up. And then prices did go up.


hydro stores arent carrying anything these days they cant jack the prices up on (for the most part). when i ask them about jacks they pretty much always say “i have a few bags in the back but that stuff is just for the cheap people”


People who know better


I’m sure there was, maybe still is, some nutrient shortages from the war in Ukraine, but these scumbag investors and owners just used that to crank prices up on everything and never bring them back down. Hydro stores definitely suck. They’re only carrying Athena dry nutes and stuff they can charge crazy prices for, because newer growers think there’s some difference between the elements in different brands that makes them superior or something. It’s weird. Newer growers also seem to like the companies that sell thirty different bags/bottles/formulas. Heck of a hustle.


Make the bottle pretty and it will sell to noobs.
Edit. I can’t say I didnt buy a few in the beginning. Not to the extent of AN brand but a few.


I am guilty of falling for the same for sure.

I have used Foxfarm, GH, and Botanicare many times. In other words, bottled water :sweat_smile:

These days, I’m liking the flora flex stuff but I always hear so many people loving the simplicity, and lower price of Jack’s so I have to give it a shot at least once.

After seeing what y’all said, I guess my tap water isn’t that bad after all and I should send a sample before getting a bit ahead of myself and buying a product that may not be the best for my situation.

Sounds like I’ll send in the sample ASAP, and based on what they say, I may grab the 5-12-26, Cal-nit, and a little booster and finish to cover all of my bases.


This is all I have used for years. Works great in hydro or dirt.

Edited to add this is with tap water. Around 90 ppm