Jacks Nutrients

Did you skip the part where I uploaded a picture of a stirr bar with metalic material magnetized to it? By the way, it was recently cleaned off. It had more metal attached to it before. It’s not dirt or any other material, so one can throw the dirty hypothesis out the window.

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I was mixing for that, #G to L. Even at that rate, solubility should’ve been within the parameters of Jack’s solubility. I ordered a new bag of 5-12-26. I’m curious to see if my last bag was a :lemon:… or?

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It’s useful for big batches as well. I’ve done 20 gallon batches with mine. I’ll put a quart or two of RO in the flask and that’s more than enough to make a solution to add to your res, which I just add more water to reach the proper levels. No need to lift a single bucket if you fill your res straight from a hose or filter, etc. I fight serious neck issues and this was a game changer for me when I could barely lift a milk jug.

I hope my explanation made sense. I don’t always words good. :laughing:


I use an immersion blender in a bucket to mix mine. Works pretty well and even helps break up the chunkier stuff like purecal.


Feel free to prove yourself correct by getting lab analysis of your mixed nutrient solution both with the magnetic stirrer and without. Custom Hydro Nutrients offers testing for $49 per sample. Until then, it’s pretty unlikely it’s iron.


I mix fertilizer for a 22, and up to a 30 gal reservoir using a mag stirrer. So I’m not sure what you mean.
Unless the container volume (beaker, etc.) is so small that it can’t hold enough water to dissolve the salts, I don’t see the issue. In that case I guess paddle mixer and a bigger container would be ideal.
So, are you saying you can’t mix 20-30 gallons (of final solution, not stock) of fertilizer (in the feed res., I assume) with a paddle mixer?

No, I saw the picture of your discolored stir bar. It’s an interesting idea, but you haven’t proven anything.
So you think it’s pulled the iron out of the solution magnetically? Have you tried to get anything from your dry powder to magnetically adhere to the stir bar?

Yea, you got it.

That’s another idea. Nice.

@Rocket Holy fuck, man. You might be correct about this!..

New bar

After a quick dip

Then a rinse


Rare earth magnet:

Fertilizer (PP 6-11-31):

Magnet dipped in and stirred around a bit:

Magnet removed after stirring:

After tapping tweezers holding the magnet on the edge of the jar:

It’s cool that you brought this up. I’ve heard that uv (like used in sterilization) affects Fe.
Now, I do still wonder it the magnets can pull the iron out of solution, and if so how much, like if it’s significant. Know what I mean?


Does it make a huge difference in the solution? Most likely not.

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That’s crazy all my seedlings now get 2.3-2.4 ec feed as soon as they pop. I actually soak my plugs in 1.5-1.7EC strength nutrient solution then place the seed in the plug.

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Can the plant uptake that iron? I thought it would need to be chelated. Shrug🤷‍♂️

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Day 14F for my current run and hitting the ladies with 4.0 EC Jacks feed at a 3:2:1 ratio. Plants are all praying and have never looked healthier. There are a few gals in there that are showing slight purple streaking in their stems so I believe I can go even higher! 3.0 EC at all stages of veg up to this point.


Got any pics @The_Lazy_Hippie ? Curious what you consider slight purple.

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That’s interesting. I’ve fed 5g of their 20-20-20 mixed into a one gal starting at week 1-2 no problem. Your mix must be quite strong the. I’d have to check my bag of that as I don’t remember the mix amount.

Strange !! mean that magnet drew that much - never seen that before - ???

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Nice. What’s that equal for g/Gal, just out of curiosity?

I was surprised.


2.6g - Epsom
5.2g - Part B CalNit
7.8g - Part A
1.0g - Calcium Sulfate
0.15g - Calcium Carbonate (used as a PH up)


What’s the base look like for 1 gallon w/ the calcium sulfate?

Thanks man.
So, it looks like this, if I’m not mistaken.

N (NO3-) 300.839
N (NH4+) 15.111
P 107.906
K 444.719
Mg 197.537
Ca 338.382
S 313.694
Fe 6.182
Mn 1.03
Zn 0.309
B 1.03
Cu 0.309
Si 0
Mo 0.392
Na 0
Cl 0

I’d like to see some shots of the plants.