Jacks Nutrients

Here a couple of photos.

Thats TK beasting out in the back, She is a stretcher.

Here is an example of some all green stems that I feel like are on target for nuterient strength Chem D

and here is one that has some slight purpling that seems to be asking for a slightly stronger mix. GMO

P.S. Please excuse the thrip damaging, I seem to be in a never ending battle with them.


Looks good!

What’s your runoff EC look like? average vpd during lights on?

lil punks are a menace indoors


That seems to match what I get in hydrobuddy as well. I should mention that the 4 ec strength is my attempt at a PK boost to spike K during weeks 2-4. My plan is to step down the EC strength as they progress through flower and finish up with Jacks 0-12-26

My 3.0 EC mix is what was feed all throughtout veg and weeks 1-2 in flower. Those measurement per gallon are:

2.0g - Epsom
4.0g - Part B CalNit
6.0g - Part A
1.0g - Calcium Sulfate
0.15g - Calcium Carbonate (used as a PH up)

Exactly double 321 amounts but keeping the same 3:2:1 ratios.


Thank you. This is about my 4th round with Jacks and is by far my best run yet. I was feeding at 1.6 - 2.2 EC and the plants just never seemed happy. Kicking up the EC has really seemed to help but there was a bit of a learning curve with Jacks that I was not expecting. Hopefully the results are as good as I am hoping, I’m tired of smoking my own mids!!!

I usually dont get a ton of runoff, at least not enough to test. I am saving up for one of those sensors that monitors media EC, PH and moisture %. I am in 3 gallon smart pots and usually water/feed every other day since I am hand watering and lazy lol. I saturate the pots until I get some run off but I usually run out of nutrient solution as I get slight run off that end up staying in the tray. I hardly ever get any that drains into my waste collection res. I have considered if the fact I am hand watering and not high frequency fertigating is what is allowing me to go such a higher EC. I plan on installing am irrigation systems next round and I am going to keep an eye on them to see if more frequent dosages means I will need to lower my EC. So we will see.

Average temps have been between 72F at lights out to 80F during lights on depending on the weather conditions that day. AC broke so I am riding with the windows open to regulate environment lol. Average humidity has been higher then I thought about 65-70%. I’ll need to start brining that down a bit as the buds start forming.


Thanks for the pics. Looks ok. HLG spotted as well, haha.

Ok, thanks.

Speaking of sensors…

I wish a couple of us newbs could work together to figure out some plan of action for a semi do-it-yourself environmental controller. Or even using something like Mycodo.
I want something as good as this in my garden (the three on the right side, “board” does the same functions as the probes): https://atlas-scientific.com/humidity/.

Essentially, I want a trolmaster that doesn’t suck, and use pretty…poor quality sensors.

We need to crowd fund someone here with the computer/coding skills to do that part. I got five on it, haha.


I’d think maybe something like pigrow already has that working :thinking:


Nice to see someone else running Jacks at high EC. I run 321 recommended ratios (roughly) at 150%, which gives me an EC of about 2.6. Been chatting with @Nitt about this for awhile. Top feed drain to waste rockwool. Things have certainly improved sinc3 I increased feed strength. I use high frequency fertigation and get a small bit of runoff every few days.

Feed EC of 2.6, here’s what my substrate EC was last night. I’m at D28 of 12/12. Also, FWIW, I feed that same 2.6ec to my sprouts too, as soon as they have one true leaf, so maybe 10 days old or so. They always do fine ….


This stood out to me from @The_Lazy_Hippie 's response also…

Are you getting low runoff in ‘veg steer’ also?? I’ve been pushing more runoff (>20%) in mid flower and its kinda screwin’ stuff up I think… I would have always called it nutrient burn, but I wonder if it’s actually a deficiency as the pwEC drops out rapidly.

@Tripl3fastaction do you ever measure runoff EC? How does it compare to your pwEC reading at field capacity?

Nice! Saved for later reading and forking :smiley:

Dropping this in here since we’re on the topic. Been playing with it for a couple months, moisture seems to work properly. I’m not convinced the pwEC readings are correct, but more controlled experimenting is needed…



@Tripl3fastaction I got an email about something growlink related recently, you get that? " Announcing Growlink X Agrowtek Integration".

@HolyAngel Don’t think I’ve heard of that one.

I think with any of these diy methods, I need to see the full thing (software and hardware) as being doable from beginning to end. Partly, I think, because of how many things I’ve started and not finished (which includes buying things/parts, that may never get used, etc.).

I’ll check out some of the vids later if I have time.



I’m hand watering in 4” blocks for veg right now (pita). When they are real small (still in starter blocks) I’ll dunk the whole starter block in nutrient solution, which flushes the whole block. Once they get in a 4” block, I runoff maybe once a week.

I only check runoff ppm if I’m chasing big problems (I tend to ignore/be lazy about a lot of stuff). I do check runoff ph periodically (since I’m not running off much). Fwiw, my pwec was around 12ec this morning, it’ll come down as I fertigate today.

I just have anecdotal knowledge and experience to go off of, but I tend to believe that leaf/plant problems in hydro tend to be ph related, or too little feed. I still struggle every time I see someone say “I burned my plants at 900 ppm”. I have to believe it’s their environment, not their feed level.

But my cannabis growing experience is limited to rockwool, so my experiences differ from most.


I think that had to do with batch tank nutrient management. My batch tank is a plastic Rubbermaid tub so I didn’t pay much attention :grinning:

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Hey just want to be clear, do you have that low runoff throughout mid-bloom/‘bulking’? And on the same note, is that runoff % mostly controlled by a target pwEC??

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Yes to both. As long as the ph in my substrate is okay, I don’t really start taking pwEC down till about day 50.

I can set a target EC in Growlink, and yes, it will restrict watering/runoff until it reaches that target. I think this run I’ve got the target set to 7.0, but that measurement is at full saturation water content. So I shoot to hit that EC number in the substrate at the end of my P1 irrigations. Overnight, as we’ve talked, the EC will rise into the teens. I think I’ve seen as high as 15-18EC, but as long as it gets down to my goal after P1 I’ve not had issues. Fingers crossed.

And edit to say - the easiest way to maintain a solid PH in your substrate is to water to runoff every day. So yeah, this approach is a bit tricky and not without risk. I think I’ve kind of lucked out where I’ve managed to adopt a feed schedule that meshes with my environmental factors (which are the real critical factors to getting good nutrient uptake and transpiration ).


Hand watering is never fun, especially in RW.

Yea, I always wonder, too.

You know, in more than one other crop (eg: luttuce) “tip burn” (and other similarly described issues) are related to calcium (“deficiency”, or mobility). And with lettuce, the problems usually come from water transport, transpiration (rh, air temp, vpd), sometimes wind burn, and sometimes (high) growth rate. Apparently.
More going on than just irrigation solution strength, I think so too.

@NoCal How is that diy thing going?


Interesting, I backed of my feed ~10 days ago b/c of ‘slight tip burn’ and it almost immediately got worse and turned to brown spots down the center of leaves/margins up near the light. I’ve started to think its a combination of deficiencies after some more reading. So I swung the pendulum back the other way (higher feed,increase pwEC) guess I’ll see how it works after a couple more days.

I think the meter works. It does reads moisture content not VWC%, so it goes from 0-100% if that matters. I wont comment on the pwEC readings yet b/c sometimes it gives funky readings that I’m having a hard time finding explanations on like reading ~1.0ds/m at full saturation while running off at 7.0+. I have a feeling I did a poor job charging and stacking salt in the medium early on and am just experiencing the fallout. :man_shrugging: .

I’m working on getting it to log data to an SD card so I can read it over time and get a better understanding of how it’s working, but that won’t be until next run.
I’ve graphed it by hand a few days and it does seem to be working… eg; WC goes down, pwEC goes up. Irrigations go on, WC goes up, pwEC goes down. etc.

It’s been a fun little project :+1:

And since we’re in the jacks thread… how’s this looking for mid>late flower?

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Anyone ever use a different calnit than jacks, With jacks part a(5-12-26)? Just grabbed this from the local supply house for less than half the cost of jacks for 50lb.


It’s basically the same thing.


Awesome thank you. 24$ for a 50lb bag. Lifetime supply +++.


Morning buddy. I’ve got big bags of a few things. I don’t always want a big bag. Check out MBferts. I get free shipping on what I get from them.


Cool site! Good to know that’s an option if you only want a couple lb’s of something.