Jacks Nutrients

Yes I like this a lot better


I want to try Pure-Cal but I bought 25# of jacks calnit that’s going to outlast me :sob:


It looks somewhat similar to a Jacks 7-15-30 + Soluble gypsum


I’ve been using Yara CalNit for several months now with Jacks part A and haven’t had any issues.


Just when you thought MB was out.


Does anybody have experience with jacks finish?

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I have used it with little noticeable difference. I have switched to the 0-12-26 from 5-12-26 and am dropping the calnit and using a calcium supplement the last 2 weeks. That seems to be the formula of the week!


Yes. Jack’s doesn’t make calcium nitrate. They repackage someone else’s. I use Yaraliva Calcinit. I think the Yaraliva Tropicote has a type of coating on it or something.

“Calcinit” or “Tropicote” or some other variant?

Yea, I posted this new “re-formulation” - I guess in another Jack’s related thread, a while back. Interesting.
I’m gonna be doing a more custom blend thing when my 6-11-31 runs out. That’ll be a learning curve.


@NoCal Here’s what I mixed up for a 55-60 day variety, that was just entering week four I think.

N (NO3-) 148.993
N (NH4+) 5.812
P 58.334
K 312.706
Mg 85.771
Ca 131.135
S 137.496
Fe 3.646
Mn 0.729
Zn 0.243
B 0.328
Cu 0.049
Si 0
Mo 0.109
Na 0
Cl 0

From this:

*Plant-Prod 6-11-31 Input Formula Here 4.6
Calcium Nitrate (ag grade) 5Ca(NO3)2.NH4NO3.10H2O 2
Magnesium Sulfate (Heptahydrate) MgSO4.7H2O 1.8
Calcium Sulfate (Dihydrate) CaSO4.2H2O .5

The calcium sulfate is not great, some of it won’t dissolve. And the hydro formula dies it blue, and it kinda settles on stuff inside the reservoir. Some of it is large enough granules/bits that it doesn’t easily flow and pour out of the “beaker” I pre-mix it in, so I leave it behind in said beaker. So, I’m saying, that calcium number is likely lower than it says because some of that is from the shitty calcium sulfate.

The fucking leaf tip issue, mid flower, almost every time. I wonder it it’s something to do with selective leaf removal. Can’t transpire as much as they had been, can’t uptake calcium as easily or as much due to that.
I sure don’t think I’m low on “K”.


Calcinit from Custom Hydro Nutrients. I think it was Greengene gardens who said Jacks was just relabeled Yara. Don’t know if that’s true or not as the consistency is ever so slightly different, but it dissolves just as well as Jacks did and the plants are happy with it.


Fulvic acid can help with the uptake of Cal.

Are you using solution grade Calcium Sulfate/Gypsum?


Yea, I’d heard that long ago, and I have some and use it occasionally. But the stuff I have is powder and I don’t think it’s perfectly soluble, and even if it were, I don’t think I want it in my res. or my lines. So I don’t use it in the main res.

Yea. The Alpha Chemicals stuff. “Solution grade” is really the best I’ve heard you can get anyways. Other than “micronized” which is supposedly better/more soluble. It’s pricey though. I duno if brand makes a difference, or how much, in the “solution grade” stuff, for example is “diamond K” is better than whatever other brand and it’s source.

EDIT: “Pet and Animal Feed Grade”, perhaps?:


Spec Sheet (where it says “pet and animal” a couple times:

Product (amazon):

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I’ve been using down-to-earth soluble gypsum at 1.0+g/gal and have not noticed any precipitate. But I’ve been wondering how well it stays in solution while it sits in drip lines at 85F ambient.

@Nitt I think you got the K covered :smiley: can’t remember if I’ve asked you already… but you ever play with calcium chloride for a Ca supplement??


Nice. Yea my reservoirs get whatever temperature the room is, basically. Or close. I actually just increased the temp a degree or so Celcius. I measure the plants at about 24-25C. I want them closer to 27C, at least now. Probably a bit cooler very soon though.

No, I haven’t. I would if I had some. I have Calcium EDTA (rexolin or dissolovine or whatever it’s called), and I duno if I’ll ever use that after learning a bit more about it (D. Fernandez talks about it in his blog post on calcium sources). Too much Sodium.


Looks pretty good to me. Maybe try to bring N down to about 100?


I’m having flashbacks to when I put fulvic in my blumats reservoir… my lines were producing snotty biofilms until I soaked the entire system in citric acid. FertiFulvic + solution gypsum is a nice combo though, if you have a way to apply it directly without mucking up your system.

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Everyone: Try dropping N as you progress through bloom

Jacks: Try 175ppm N! (new feed chart, hot of the 'gram)


Hand watering is the only thing I can think of/do.

@NoCal They’re recommending 5.68g/gal of 5-12-26 now (in flower)?

Jacks @ 5.68, Calnit @2.5:

N (NO3-) 170.127
N (NH4+) 7.265
P 78.578
K 323.846
Mg 94.531
Ca 125.482
S 127.542
Fe 4.501
Mn 0.75
Zn 0.225
B 0.75
Cu 0.225
Si 0
Mo 0.285
Na 0
Cl 0

That’s what it looks like from their chart, not sure who the target audience is for that…


I’m not quite running that but I’m using something similar to Jack’s (it’s a 5-12-27 mix) at 5g a gal and 3g of purecal for flower (plus some calcium chloride and mkp)

I’ll run 5g mix , 5g yara cal nitrate right off the bat from seedling till stretch is over and then switch to the purecal and reduce the weight of the cal nitrate.