James' lil Octo-Burner. One 2x2 Tent. One Octopot. One BIG-ASS light to rule it all!

dude, what an insanely amazing grow this is, I mean :drooling_face: :clap:
quite the tutorial mate, reward worthy :bowing_man:


Thanks so much @mo_bud!
Awesomely awesome… Til the mold discovery. Still informative, educational and possibly entertaining :100:


well, yes, yes and yes!
and we all hate mold. every kind…
but the way you built her :drooling_face:


Tuesdays in-tent cam shots

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that’s an amazing guitar right there! (and the PRS!)
…and oh yeah, nice plant…



Under the Dome stats…

Couple of out the Effendor pics…

Gotta get some moisture in this place…

HSC Clone is looking decent. Im sure she’ll pick up in the coming days…

Not sure what Im going to do with the other two in the tent. Was waiting to see when the fuck the Powie twins will tell me their sex. If both are male, these will slide in the 2x4 nicely :100:

They’re all Tiki Madman, so good stuff. I’ll keep those two around for next run, if need be.


Wednesday’s out the effendor Pics…

She’s been in the Octopot a full 3 days now. Wondering where those roots are. Too soon to check. Im sure.

May turn up lamp today. Its at level 1 and 120 ppfd.


Decided to try a small LSD nug throught my Freight Train Pro last night before going to bed…

Taste is def not ready for prime time, but thats to be expected after only 4 full days in. Got me good and lifted, for sure! Its gonna be some potent stuff. Hit very well, but undefined at this time.

Wont try another until the full 8 days is done.


Thursdays in-tent cam shots…


Love those shots. Your setup looks awesome.

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After losing part of LSD crop to mold and realizing I don’t have enough upper airflow…

Got this 20" Box Fan off Evil Amazon… And yes. It HAD to be black. :rofl:

Had to lower light around 4-5" to get clearance.

Not quite a perfect fit due to lamp mounts. If ACI had given inner and outer mount options, would have been a world class fit just resting on the lamp bars…

But it JUST fits… But not really. Making my Spidey-senses go crazy…

Kinda hidden away

Until I find a better option, this will have to do. maybe two 6" fans resting on top of lamp? Bases removed…

I absolutely will not place a fan between the lamp and the plants, so has to be above lamp. Not much room in this shorty tent, and now even less clearance, Clarence.

Was thinking, even if I incorporated AC in this tent, I still had an airflow weakness that needed to be addressed. I thought I was getting enough airflow up there, but those high-reaching colas were hot & wet :100:. no bueno in this tent.


You can never have enough air flow especially in the heat

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Its a bit loud, but will only be for late flower anyway. Run on level 1 is doable


Sweet dispensary


Thanks bud! Much appreciated!

LSD will be “official” Sunday evening, I believe today is day 6 of 8 day Dry/Cure cycle in Cannatrol.
Gonna try and hold off til then, but Im fairly weak-willed :100:

Did another “mold check” yesterday, and all still looks great. Other than finding last minute mold, I couldnt ask for a better grow. I am getting tired already of 10 and 11 week strains. Really gotta concentrate on 8 week standards. Every additional day/week pulls additional risks.

Smell is now very grassy. Started off the first couple of days with amazing smells when door opened. Now, LSD’s been Cannatrolled and tamed. See how LSD is Sunday evening :100:


Fridays in-tent cam shots

looking… Not so Awesome, but not terrible

@Papalag How long for turbo roots to hit res on average?

After adjusting light yesterday afternoon, I took some ppfd measurements. Ppfd at light level 1 is 151, light level 2 is 205. Leaving on 2 for now.

Current stats in the Snow Cone Shack…

Hope this girls roots find res quickly. Gonna be day 7 this Saturday

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wish you un amazing experience dude, well deserved :clap:


About 8 to 10 days

Is it’s alike 7 days a few more they are fine


Cool. Should see around mid next week. Thanks!